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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Dang. took that comment to Tibs kinda personal. or did you forget what account you were on.
  2. The irony is deep. If the Same DOJ that ordered a raid on Trumps place, doesn't rafully investigate Biden. it proves its not justice, but political. or is this the part where its used to get an R in the house so they can nominate someone that then would order a raid on him. is this the better they are building back?
  3. outside of western media, not so much. many outside of the US see the 2013 Euromaidan as western backed/sanctioned coup. Its just smart to have a goal when going to war. Kinda again goes back to post 9/11 changes that gave the white house more war powers. As long as there is WAR in that country, the people of that country are suffering. from the mass exodus and refugee issue to the ones staying and trying to live with nonstop falling bombs and drone attacks.
  4. the funny part is how some profiles showed up, posted and proved the title of this thread correct.
  5. Just like citizens united and corporations running elections. I do miss when the left was soundly anti war. Now they stump for never ending proxi wars. no issues at all maybe due to corporate for-profit media, and pacs say so.
  6. And we just went through the MSM and DEMS telling us that a house impeachment means guilty. Shoot, in here entire threads of folks explaining that\
  7. lol, full circle. back at "obstruction" I get why some on the left are so angry anymore. its like everything they have been told is fact (usually a grand conspiracy) are found to be just basic lies and deflections. Creating severe cognitive dissidence. According to Frantz Fanon, cognitive dissonance occurs when “people hold a core belief that is very strong [and] when they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted [so] they will rationalize, ignore or even deny anything that doesn’t fit with that core belief” And scream orange man bad. OK, that very last part was me LMAO. for what again. and you ever hear that old story about the boy that cried wolf?
  8. I presented facts and my opinion. you went all orange man whataboutism and a pathetic attempt at ad hominem or attacking the messenger.
  9. So only Dominion elections that you agree with are fair. But really. would your end game involve removing the millions of russians from said areas? or just military? Then how would one maintain that border, region? and would we still be involved in that. “There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.” “In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.” if their is not attainable end goal. it just becomes another Afghanistan/Vietnam.
  10. starting a thread about a posive move that got all the left to vote that they support this IRS army. Right now we got 2K special agents. Why the heck would we need that number to climb to 50K plus ITs like some cant grasp this country was formed on tenants. one was NOT being taxed on one's labor. Then the income tax amendment came into play, in order to get the FEDERAL reserve to grow. And was sold as only 1% on the very rich. And would never result on income taxes being levied on the other 99%. And a good example of why many dont trust empty words from corporate owned tools with Long records of lying and lacking integrity.
  11. So the goal is to drive out the Russian forces and the Russians that voted in that region? or just the soldiers?
  12. Did he even have more than one? And its all good. all that money is squarely going to the DEMS and GOP establishment.
  13. Stil no one can identify the end goal in Ukraine. but one this is for sure. if we send them more money, more weapons and more "volunteer fighters" the Ukrainian people will benefit. that's a give in.
  14. Who is we. the corporate owned politicians? And at this point its easy to see the mobs on all sides follow said PACS. yeah. Somehow the orange dude and non stop Orange man bad parroting got the left to devolve into lacking civility, decency, dignity and what not?
  15. people are still talking about Trumps docs like that was not a huge nothing burger, while those same people seem to be concerned that old biden would get the same scrutiny and investigation as the orange dude. On a side note. I like many have had to take classes and get federal or state certified. and its crazy how in every one of those cases, its repeated over and over again what the penalties are for not securing said data. Like secure servers, no cloud, no non encrypted emails, NEVER a Gmail or yahoo account. But that just something us little folks have to worry about..
  16. But yet Most constantly revert to the possitions of said Corporpate funded PACS. Shoot. half of these threads are people posting memes and clips from PACS like its news.
  17. When that orange dude was pres, reporters would stump out and try to guess who is visiting him at his vacation spots. even forced him to release the logs from mar largo. But bidens weekly disappearing act gets no scrutiny.
  18. Aw The very PACS and Corporations that fund them. More Citizens united consequences. Remember when the left used to warn about it. Now its kosher as long ias its long winded and includes the correct trigger words. IF the headline has made up slurs like "Trumpian", it's not even close to journalism. Reads like a Lot of opinions coupled with long winded attempts at insults. kind of typical, bit generic.
  19. So asylum as many are claiming right now? or migrant workers that we could address with temp visa program fixes? And yeah, as long as our asylum package is more than the median income in those countries, the pull is real. And why the asylum approval rate is going down yearly. like 25% get approved. https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/630/#:~:text=Asylum Decisions by Nationality
  20. Why are they coming? current narrative that they are Asylum seekers from south America? or are we talking temp migrant workers?
  21. Thats nuts. that would be like our military protecting the J6 morons from the capital police. Highest comment on that thread is this. "The Brazilian Military are the final arbiters of election results. They know there was widespread fraud by Luna and are not pliantly accepting the result. The parliament controls the police. Potential civil war."
  22. Title 42. Don't accept asylum from people that came through a country to get here. Move money from IRS to ICE, border enforcement, asylum courts (so they are faster) Stop allowing groups like catholic charities and the family international to mass sponsor asylum seekers
  23. Brazil had some strange results. Like the PL winning seats across all government. from congress to governors. but not the presidency or vice. all these votes for just Lula (PT), with no down votes Like how the Brazilian diaspora can only vote for president and vice president in Brazil.
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