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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. There still is not going to be a special election in that district. no matter how many voices are working that angle.
  2. Pay attention to Hillary Clintons moves lately. its like she is lining up to something. Honestly their is almost no need to be printing these things out anymore. Major industries use electronic controls on their IP and seem to do a much better job controlling it, than the state
  3. That will have immediate impact. No longer with parts of that state have gun violence (per 100K) at war zone levels. Willl be mayberry by next year.
  4. I know I just added to my collection. and Due to the insane crime, the gun stores are busy and out of a lot of stuff. the best gun salesmen are lefties.
  5. Did you read the article. didnt really match the headline. tapper didnt have the break down of how many were doing what jobs, while claiming the other persons info was false.
  6. LMAO. ITs like you just forgot when that librarian said Milania's donation of DR Suess was RACIST and the collective mob declared them racist and demanded them be removed from schools. Short memory? https://reason.com/2017/09/29/librarian-rejects-melania-trumps-dr-sues/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2017/09/28/racist-propaganda-librarian-rejects-melania-trumps-gift-of-dr-seuss-books/ I still remember when the mob went at mark twain for Huck fin (and even kill a mockingbird) and demanded it be removed or changed. https://mashable.com/article/book-ban-virginia#:~:text=To Kill a Mockingbird and The Adventures of,— a decision some are condemning as censorship.
  7. or we fix the actual problem so its easier for them and even us non young folks. Cancelling 10K in debt while changing the repayment schedule from 10% of discretionary to 5% of discretionary actually makes the problem worse.
  8. Um. Euromaiden in 2014. Dunbas and Crimea counter revolt in 2014. Russia has been in Ukraine since 2014. The invasion was in 2014. Not 2022 Who said anything about to big to fail or bailing out. Their economy isn't hurting Most Ukraine citizens in the fighting areas are refugees in Poland.
  9. the Campaign Legal Center is a PAC and heavily biased. American Bridge 21st Century is another PAC, and funded By some very rich DEMS Then CNN and the NYT for the initial stories. DEMS want a special election in that district bad.
  10. Then its a good thing the current strain is about as lethal as the cold and doesnt even impact kids like every strain is weaker than the one prior.
  11. That dude has proven and is a shining example for people that want to fail up. But make sure you are very open about being in a protected class. that way if you fail, anyone calling it out is an oppressor. Most politicians would be done with his stunt where the Fleet of SUVS stopped a block from his work so he could ride his bike to work for the cameras.
  12. Cant even. IF she is crying that hard at 120G a year. imagine the folks at the median Houshold income (72G), and below are dealing.
  13. IS that what you just did? And just the ones you dont agree with, or the blue anon ones you have parroted?
  14. you had it at think. I doubt that's involved much when mashing the keyboard by that one.
  15. LMAO. we all know Biden will never even respond to investigators. maybe a lawyer. Adn the MSM will explain the reasoning as "orange man bad" and then crickets. But then again old Hillary has been working her old contacts and money big time. like she is planning something in 2024
  16. oh snap. the exact argument people used when the hospitals were saying cancer patients or car accident deaths were covid cause they tested for it. Masking without following basic Blood Borne pathogen Policies for changing and destruction, actually transmits germs. does anyone notice doctors and nurses change mask between every patient. remove them and put them directly into the RED destruction bin?
  17. So we will see search warrants to confirm their isn't any more hidden docs?
  18. Nothing in today's markets or global markets are free or non-manipulated by state regulations, trade deals, and the whims of highly funded PACS Do you blame russians when the bills or sabers loose as well? the last one is all 1980. progressives have taught us that its about participation, not competition. and never mind the hordes that believe victimhood is a commodity.
  19. they do. they just usually don't say that quiet part outload. and why they seem to revert to FED authority to take care of all them Dumb Americans that need them to "white knight" them. And anyone that disagrees with them, are even dumber Americans.
  20. Thats not even a good logical fallacy. come on, you can do better Shoot. maybe one of these days it can provide an example of this high intelligence and journalistic writing style. Cause right now, its reading like a child having a tantrum. Wait till it presents the certificate proving the high intelligence. And make sure to ignore where it's signed by mom
  21. Dang. took that comment to Tibs kinda personal. or did you forget what account you were on.
  22. The irony is deep. If the Same DOJ that ordered a raid on Trumps place, doesn't rafully investigate Biden. it proves its not justice, but political. or is this the part where its used to get an R in the house so they can nominate someone that then would order a raid on him. is this the better they are building back?
  23. outside of western media, not so much. many outside of the US see the 2013 Euromaidan as western backed/sanctioned coup. Its just smart to have a goal when going to war. Kinda again goes back to post 9/11 changes that gave the white house more war powers. As long as there is WAR in that country, the people of that country are suffering. from the mass exodus and refugee issue to the ones staying and trying to live with nonstop falling bombs and drone attacks.
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