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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Meh. I celebrate it on September 3rd. As that's when the British finally stopped occupying ny. You know, how some celebrate juneteenth
  2. Anyone protesting indipendence is an anti American useful idiot.
  3. lol. so this is where the profiles/sock puppets that DR took lunch from on a daily basis, showed up to cry and act like they won something. by mass flagging and wining to the mods?
  4. I'm in a relationship with with MoMA persons, but so are a bunch of us. Often a few of us at a time.
  5. Meh. Just a wordy troll. This Greg profile and the haram of sock puppets it uses. Nothing special. Pretty basic/generic. Nothing new about trolls calling everyone racist. (Projecting) It's all about replies.
  6. lol. so lefties have progressed from calling him and his supporters racist/Nazis to Fascist SMH I guess that mean something
  7. That mayor made it even worse <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">What OMG this guy is a mayor!!?? <br> <a href="https://t.co/XWwrgAO1P4">pic.twitter.com/XWwrgAO1P4</a></p>&mdash; Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) <a href="https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1269411983666757632?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  8. I only bend the knee for the Lord. And when I asked my amazing wife to marry me. I'll leave that cuckish behavior for the Karen's and Brad's
  9. Reads like A bad joke. SMH at the mob People need to stop caving to it
  10. meh definition of bigotry is to be intolerant of others opinions The mob sure wont accept any opposing views or opinions ugh
  11. This CDC page shows the Corona deaths, Deaths that also had corona, and the other causes. its interesting to notice the difference between Covid deaths (50K) and Deaths where the person also had Covid. (over 100K) This is looking like a record low year for flu deaths with 6K so far. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
  12. Why thank you sir. My butcher does his own pastrami with a similar recipe.. I think I'm gonna try making my own bacon next. Any suggestions on that front?
  13. I picked up this 15 pound brisket at Sam's for 3.98$ a pound. It's in the fridge now getting a cold brine till tonight. it's gonna go on the pellet grill (competition blend) till an internal temp of 170 or so. Then its gonna get wrapped in peach paper with a splash of bourbon till an internal of 195. Gonna finish it by wrapping in a towel and putting in a cooler for an hour. After all that, gonna deliver a hot plate of brisket, beans, greens, and Mac and cheese to mom for a mother's day dinner.
  14. Someone is so bored. the only question I have is: Do you have a profile open on its own device so you can post and reply back and forth. or do you have to log into and out of each one with every comment? seems like a lot of work to still read like the same person talking to itself while attempting to harass other posters.
  15. reading this, its hard to believe its not just one or two with a few profiles. they all read exactly the same. bored kids or something
  16. Damn. this thread got overran with TDS infected profiles doing nothing but pushing MSM fear.
  17. meh. According to the Hopkins tool, The New recovered are more than the new confirmed for a week now. New infections have also been leveling off. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  18. lol. How many did progressive ny release in the prison reform? 140K NY bail reform is supported by NY dems. But when its trump
  19. Wonder if this has anything to do with the DOJ blocking the FOIA request for the 302 that was used to get the warrant to record rods calls? https://www.justice.gov/oip/judicial-watch-inc-v-doj-no-16-1888-2019-wl-2603899-ddc-june-25-2019-collyer-j
  20. Letter is from "protect Democracy" think tank. And is being parroted en mass by the usual MSM/troll farms to attack Barr and the DOJ and hence is why it was used to start a thread in here.
  21. That's the modern lefty logic. It must always be due to some conspiracy. Some bad entity. they must be a victim.
  22. LOL its meltdown city on twitter. lefties waking up to realize the remove part of this, isn't happening.
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