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Everything posted by BritBill

  1. The song one of my favourite bands always end their gigs with..
  2. Sally Cinnamon - The Stone Roses Amy - Green Day I don't how to imbed YouTube videos (help anyone please?).
  3. Brings back some great memories of hitting the clubs then attempting to play soccer the following morning. It'll be 30 years old next year.
  4. The best thing about any draft is some of the players' names. I'm yet to trawl through this year's top 100 prospects but be sure I'll dazzle you with my own personal favourites very soon.
  5. Tonight we're going to party like it's 1999.
  6. Only Fools & Horses The Office (UK) Early Doors I'm Alan Partridge
  7. Oasis The Stone Roses The Charlatans James
  8. My eye isn't as trained as most folk but looking at the 2021 highlights posted earlier he looks more like a Rappin' Cole Beasley. Apart from he seems to be able to stretch the field a bit more and evade the first tackle. There a multitude of chain moving 3rd down and 2nd & 7ish catches in there and separation doesn't seem to be a problem.
  9. I don't think that's weird. Just a bit outdated. We now live in a world where it's so easy to reach more people and tell them anything you like. People's word has become diluted and means less.
  10. https://overthecap.com/draft
  11. No, I saw the comedy in nearly all of it.
  12. It's a great time to be alive.
  13. I'm watching. Through my fingers hoping Bills stay well clear.
  14. I was an Oasis fan but I've not really got into either brothers' solo stuff too much. Liam's "Everything's Electric" is probably my favourite and his name is as strong as it gets. A very trustworthy and noble name. Noel is a bit of knob.
  15. "If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain". Dolly Parton.
  16. Yeah, good for Geno. Not so much for Seattle.
  17. I went to an ice hockey game once in Prague. Never again. In 2004 I went to Baku, Azerbaijan to watch the England soccer team. The under 21s had played the night before in glorious, warm sunshine. As I was going just for the day I decided to dress/travel light. Jeans and a light sweater would suffice. Passport, phone, cash and match ticket in pockets. Landed in Baku around 9am and it was hammering down with rain and the temperature had dropped remarkably. I also started to feel like absolute sh!t. My mates went off to find whatever there was to do in Baku at that time while I booked myself into the first hotel I cam across and slept all day. When I woke in time for the game the weather hadn't improved and there was also a risk the game could be postponed. All the way to Azerbaijan for nothing was a possibility. However, the game went ahead but conditions were absolutely rank. I was freezing cold and soaked. By half time the Azerbaijani police had realised they weren't going to be called into action and began starting fires in big metal barrels behind the stand. I spent 45 minutes huddled up with them trying to get warm and having conversations in a language neither party had any clue about. Towards the end we started singing Queen songs as most of the policemen looked like Freddie Mercury. England won 1-0 but that's all I can remember. Back to the airport straight after the game. The flight home was very uncomfortable. It was probably the only time I've not enjoyed a trip/day out to another country.
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