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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. I've never been wrong and I say he gonna be good. Discussion over close this post. Mic drop
  2. Man if ol Dougy would have just took the obvious fit and drafted him the first place. I know hindsight is 20/20
  3. They like to see us get b#### slapped on national TV show wide right 16x and talk about how poorly we treated tyrod... JK go bills!
  4. No they savin two spots for Khalil cuz he the man!
  5. I actually got upset and yelled at the TV for him to throw it on that 4th and goal. My wife and kid had to remind me that he don't play for the bills anymore lol. Was having a flashback.
  6. Seems like he had a guy open on the slant on that last play but he didn't trust it and fire it in there. We have seen this before??
  7. Oh my watching him so far is bringing back the frustration of last year.
  8. I just think on a sports talk radio in Buffalo they should have guys on that actually like the bills and want them too do well. Its OK for him to criticize the team when they deserve it but I get the feeling he just genuinely dislikes the bills. I could be wrong but it does make him hard to listen too.
  9. Oh wait its fox sports my bad. Probably don't need that channel either. These football talk shows are hard to watch nowadays bring Chris Berman back please and actually show highlights instead of this opinionated crap.
  10. big wind-up? Your right what the heck is he talking bout. The ball comes out real quick to my eyes. I don't have NFL network cuz I went to a cheaper TV package for summer, definitely not missing much.
  11. I just hope one of these 3 turns out to be the long term answer at qb. I dont give a flying u know what which one turns out to be good just please can one of them have a long career and be a franchise qb. Probably like most bills fans I am desperate for this to happen been to freaking long.
  12. Yes! I was I big steelers fan as a youngster but my dad was a bills fan and would often get free tickets through his company Mosler Safe. This was all thru the mid to late 80s and early 90s so my dad took me to some real memorable and historic games!!! So no way a young kid is gonna witness that time period with goal posts getting ripped down etc. And stay a steelers fan. I remember the first game he took me too I wore my steelers hat and got heckled a little bit lol but my dad was a real big guy so nobody messed with me too much lol. Miss you dad thanks for all the memories!!
  13. Actually most all news is crap these days, including online.
  14. All these so called pundits on that list seem to be spewing forth the same regurgitated message. I guess that's what they get paid to do- have polarizing opinions without much thought or research. From what I have watched of the kid I don't see major accuracy issues there are some inconsistencies but what qb prospect doesn't have them? He has one of the most natural and effortless throwing motions and quick releases I have seen in my 40+ years of watching football. The big question is whether he can read defenses and process quickly but hell thats a big question with all of em. If he proves he can do this watch out we will have ourselves guite a qb my friends!!!
  15. Go Allen! easy to root for this kid. Glad they didn't take Rosen for reasons I won't get into.
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