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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Need some 1st downs or we are going to live down in our own end for the rest of the game like last week.
  2. Just kick it in the endzone. Stop over thinking it. Jesus.
  3. So if they dare to stop with the balanced play calling Dorsey needs to go now. It clearly works...
  4. Let's go boys...Punt on first down, pin them deep, and play some D.
  5. Gonna get overturned...going to say he never possessed the ball as it was bobbling before the hit.
  6. Allen really, really sucks now. All brain-related.
  7. Any chance Allen got a brain transplant at halftime? Do those exist? Someone ask science if those exist.
  8. The magic of 2020-2021 is definitely long gone. Lots of change likely coming up after the season.
  9. This is likely how it will play out. Final score will look closer than reality bit result will be the same. Big fat L.
  10. Same thing that happened all of 2nd half last year and most of this year. Straight tomfoolery!
  11. Then Allen shouldn't throw it to clearly covered guys.
  12. I have to play better. I can't hurt my team. It's just one game. It's the most important game because it's the next game.
  13. Hotter take...everybody is better than the Bills right now. This Bills team that took the field tonight would lose to every team in the NFL. Unprepared, sloppy, and no heart or fire. They suck.
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