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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. We've officially crossed into Billsy territory. Can't win with this crap.
  2. It's been great as a whole today...just some key breakdowns to end some drives.
  3. D going to need another great stop. If this game gets close it's probably not going to end well.
  4. Damn it! Dominating the whole game but not pulling away. Very frustrating. That last set of downs sucked. 3 straight incompletions and a missed FG. Puke.
  5. We should stop running today with RBs...it wastes a down
  6. Good to have a lead but man could be up 24 or 30 to 7 if not for these turd refs
  7. Take that you ####### refs. ***** you!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Normally that's a TD...got to get by the refs first.
  9. So after all that they call grounding? Are you kidding me????
  10. How do you not call that? Good question nantz. America would love to know. These refs suck ballllsssss
  11. Back to back non-calls. That elbow to Kincaids head gets called 99% of the time in today's NFL...I guess that was the 1%.
  12. How is that head shot on Kincaid? They are throwing NO flags on the Eagles. It's insane.
  13. Going to need the cleanest football play ever to win this. If anything is even close to a penalty we are going to get dinged. These refs seem to be on high alert.
  14. 2 straight false starts and Allen went for the pass to the sticks instead of a safer 7ish yard pass to at least get a FG. Then special teams flag, and 2 or 3 D penalties. Classic stuff.
  15. Bills already showing they don't deserve to win this game or make the playoffs. Non-stop self-inflicted wounds.
  16. Couldn't decide between the agree or crying emoji...but both apply...sucks
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