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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I recently started using a neti pot and it seems to help with my sinuses. It's a lot easier to use than I thought it would be. Very inexpensive too...the pot was $17, and you just add warm tap water and some salt.
  2. A young man goes into a bar and orders 6 shots of tequila. The bartender asks him why he wants 6 shots. The young man says: "Well, I had my first BJ today." The bartender says: "Congratulations! Let me buy you the 7th." And the young man says: "No thanks. I figure that 6 would be enough to get the taste out of my mouth."
  3. It would have been ok in NC if they were brother and sister.
  4. I've been using a c-pap for about 5 years. Sleep Apnea is one of the most under diagnosed problems out there.
  5. Snyder is pricing the average fan out of being a season ticket holder. Glad to see that Washington fans have some gripes too. You can call Ralph cheap, but the average fan in Buffalo can still afford season tickets and not just nose bleed tickets.
  6. Thanks Johnny for your usual great review! The last several weeks the lighting, makeup, wardrobe, stylists, and sound engineers have been working overtime trying to put lip stick on this pig called AI. To me, it's just not working. Last night was downright scary. Pickler looked like some kind of ghoul putting a country spin on a hair rock song. Of course she ended it with her patented drop to her knees like she learned to do with the stripper pole back in NC. Taylor improved from the last few weeks but still is no more than a Holiday Inn lounge singer. The only reason I'm still watching is that I'm hoping for a wardrobe malphunction by McPhee.
  7. You would think that chili would be better suited for warmer times of year when you can leave the windows open to clear the gas.
  8. I still remember that game. Korab was a beast and it was sweet to beat the crap out of the Ruskies.
  9. I know a lot of people don't like Schumer's politics on the national level, but I think that he has been very responsive to the needs of WNY. He has been very involved in the issues regarding the Peace Bridge and is pushing to get the "passport for Canada" idea overturned. Brian Higgins, our Dem rep has also done a lot as a first term congressman. He is not only strongly supporting Ralph on his crusade, but also has been instrumental in getting the Power Authority to cough up money for their new 50 year lease as well as jumping into the battle to get the Buffalo Thruway Toll barriers removed. And as far as special interest politics: I would much rather see them fight for the special interests of Buffalo Bills fans than the special interests of Big Oil, Big Pharm, etc.
  10. I read an article on Slate.com the other day that basically said that most lacrosse players are a-holes so they must have done it. From what I understand, even if someone uses a condom, there would be some DNA evidence. So now it looks like none of the 46 players raped her. In the meantime, the coach has been fired, the team's season has been cancelled, one player was kicked out of school, and the rest are being treated like scumbags by anyone who recognizes them as a lacrosse player. Not to mention all of the protests that have occurred on and off campus. Man, it's going to really suck if it turns out that her pimp beat her up for not making enough money stripping for those college boys.
  11. Sep 10 @New England - L Sep 17 @Miami - W Sep 24 N.Y. Jets - W Oct 1 Minnesota - W Oct 8 @Chicago - L Oct 15 @Detroit - W Oct 22 New England - L Nov 5 Green Bay - W Nov 12 @Indianapolis - L Nov 19 @Houston - W Nov 26 Jacksonville - L Dec 3 San Diego - L Dec 10 @N.Y. Jets - W Dec 17 Miami - W Dec 24 Tennessee - W Dec 31 @Baltimore - L 9-7
  12. Couldn't they find a better place for a trailer park than within a gated community? How many gated communities around the country would agree to let the Gov't build a trailer park within their community? Probably none. Gated communities usually have all kinds of restrictions for their residents including the color that you paint your house, type of roof, and whether you can even park a pickup truck in your driveway. These restrictions are meant to keep the community housing values up. Forcing these people to accept a trailer park within their community just because they have some open space is wrong.
  13. True, it would be nice for Golisano to hold a stake now which would give us a better hold on keeping the Bills in Buffalo. However, it still means that in the end Golisano and other investors have to pay $700 million in cash or debt to purchase the Bills. Most of this will be debt and the cost of that debt will have a profound inpact on the profit of the Bills. I'm not saying that it can't be done. It just makes the Bills much less profitable under new ownership unless more revenue can be generated.
  14. Several things have made the Sabres profitable. First, Golisano purchased the team at a good price. The team was bankrupt and several potential owners had already gone by the wayside. A looming labor problem also helped increase risk and keep the price down. The NFL, however, is riding high and team values have continued to rise. 700 million for the Bills is a lot of money. Second, ticket sales were low and many freebies were used to pump up the attendance. The variable pricing policy has helped to fill the seats, increase ticket revenue and has been a great marketing move. In contrast, the Bills have been selling out almost all of their games for the past few seasons. More revenue can only come form higher ticket prices, higher parking rates, etc. Bills tickets are one of the lowest in the NFL and I'm sure that Bills fans would still attend if prices went up moderately.
  15. Does Queen even have enough songs for this group to butcher next week? What the hell are Kellie or Bucky going to sing? It is going to be painful to watch.
  16. One of the reasons that Ralph is sounding the alarm about the long-term viability of the Bills is probably due to the debt load of the next owner. Ralph is feeling the squeeze from the new CBA but it is nothing compared to the squeeze that a new owner will feel. Ralph turned his $25,000 investment into the current value of approx. $700 million. No new owner is going to come in and pay cash for the franchise. Any new owner will be taking on a massive debt load putting them in the same position as Snyder or Jones. Just for example, the interest on a $700 million @ 6% is $42 million per year. That's without repaying any principal. The new CBA gives the players 59.5% of total revenues of the league. For the Bills this percentage will run much higher since they do not have the extra revenues that the big market teams have. The Bills can't sell luxury boxes for $200,000 per year or some of the other profit maximizing moves that the big market teams can make. The Bills don't currently pay any rent for the Ralph and the county picks up a lot of the additional costs of maintenance and security. The Bills also keep all of the parking revenue, concession revenue, etc. What is left for the taxpayers to give? Cash to subsidize operating expenses? Good luck on that one. Ralph's biggest worry is who is going to come up with the $700 million if there is no chance that any new owner can cover the debt service and make a profit. This will greatly reduce what a new "Buffalo" owner would be able to pay for the team. In other words a new owner in Buffalo would want to pay substantially less for the team than an new owner planning to move the team to a big market. How much would Ralph like to keep the Bills in Buffalo? Enough to take $200 million less for the team to allow it to stay in Buffalo? That's a scary thought.
  17. Thanks Johnny, I've been waiting for your review. Last night was one of the crappiest episodes ever. The only real info that I came away with was that Barry Manilow has a much better plastic surgeon than Kenny Rogers.
  18. Who knows if it will work, but I give Mass. credit for trying to do something about the problem of the underinsured. It looks like they were able to get a bipartisan consensus by putting personal responsibility into the equation instead of just another entitlement. Obviously a more palatable path to Universal coverage than just expanding Medicaid to cover the uninsured. Hopefully, this will lead to lower health care costs for companies and individuals as health care providers will no longer be spending lots of money on free care to the uninsured.
  19. NBC Dateline has broadcast a sting operation in each of the last three years regarding on-line predators. The latest was broadcast in Feb and they caught 50 men over 3 days trying to hook up with a 12 or 13 year old. These 50 men all came to the kid's house! In some cases, the next one showed up while the cops were still arresting the previous one. Link to MSNBC article
  20. This just in: After the game, Buffalo coach Lindy Ruff lashed out at Tucker, saying he wanted the player suspended and fined. The league informed the Sabres on Tuesday that no disciplinary action would be taken. Briere gets 2 game sfor an errant high stick and Tucker gets a pass for knocking a guy out for 2 weeks. I can't wait for Toronto's visit to HSBC next week. Tucker will probably be out with a mystery ailment.
  21. Also, when Grier wiped out Tucker, Tucker grabs Griers stick and pulls it out of his hands. No penalty called for holding the stick. Then Tucker gets up like a madman and goes looking for someone and hits Hecht with his elbow up and his knee out. Hecht come over and gives Tucker a push and Tucker goes down like he's been punched by Tyson. Penalty - 2 minutes to Hecht for roughing. To make matters worse, Toronto ties the game on the subsequent power play. Earlier in the game, Tucker hit Connolly in the head with a high elbow. No penalty called. Lindy should have sent Peters after the little scumbag after that hit. IMO, Sabres got screwed all night by the refs.
  22. Amen! With the advantages that incumbents have, about the only way to get rid of a congressman today is through their getting caught cheating, lying or stealing. I for one hope this continues on BOTH sides of the aisle until we get rid of all of the corrupt ones. Although we might only be left with 1 or 2 Congressmen. It's just too bad that neither party is really trying to enact meaningful reform even with all of the corruption coming to light.
  23. That was fun to watch! But not as good as the time Peca stepped out of the penalty box just in time to WIPE OUT Tie Domi.
  24. What kind of idiot drives his car with a pet snake wrapped around his neck? Where's Darwin when you need him?
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