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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Any family pics with everyone with a pus colored marble on their head?
  2. I always thought that it was an OJ thing. The parents were guilty as hell but could afford better lawyers than the state could. That must really suck to have everyone think that you killed your own kid for 10 years, when you were not involved at all.
  3. I haven't seen it yet. But, did it explain how the Iraqis were involved and why we went to war with Iraq because of 9/11? I also haven't seen Pearl Harbor. I hope that it showed us kicking the Germans asses after they bombed Pearl Harbor.
  4. There is a lawsuit going on seeking to clarify whether it is even legal for the Seneca's to open a casino that is not located on reservation land. The 2 former Congressional sponsors of the Seneca Nation Settlement Act, John Lafalce and Amo Houghton, have both stated that the act was never intended to permit off-reservation venues for casion gambling! You can read more on the Citizens for a Better Buffalo web site: Link If the judge rules against the Seneca's, Niagara Falls will be looking for a much larger piece of the action on the Seneca Niagara Casino. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.
  5. Sorry, but I never bought into the Kiss crap. Musically and lyrically, they sucked. In fact, I now have a much lower opinion of some of you now that you have revealed your Kiss love.
  6. Now if I can only get him to change his last name to Henry, I can wear my TH jersey again.
  7. I got one too: The Perfect Diet I have a Labrador retriever. I was buying a large bag of Purina at Wal-Mart and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog? On impulse, I told her that no, and that I was starting The Purina Diet again. Although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story. Horrified, she asked if ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no; I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me.
  8. There's a rule of thumb that I go by when it comes to a vet appointment for a cat: If the service costs more than euthenasia, opt for the euthenasia and get a new cat.
  9. The people who will be hurt most by the real estate bubble bursting are: 1. Speculators - Definition of speculate: To engage in the buying or selling of a commodity with an element of risk on the chance of profit. They took a risk in order to make a profit. Although many thought real estate was a sure thing, it can bite you in the ass. 2. Buyers using ARM's, interest-only mortgages - Again, people took a big risk regarding the direction of interest rates and the direction of housing prices. 3. Banks who made mortgage loans to risky borrowers who had little or no down payment. Each of these groups took on above-average risk in order to make an above average return. Some times it works out, some times it doesn't. Most of the carnage will be in the places where prices skyrocketed the most: Florida, California, Las Vegas, etc. I don't think that we'll see any fallout in places like WNY where prices have not moved much at all and housing is still very affordable.
  10. I didn't understand a word, but when that guy started talking I started laughing too.
  11. The first house that I bought was in Oklahoma City in the late 80's. I paid $76k and they assessed it at $105k. I went to the hearing and asked how they could assess it for more than it was worth as it wasn't a foreclosure or any kind of distressed sale. They gave me some line of crap and said that they would adjust it to $90k. The next year they bumped it back to $105k.
  12. A couple of days of sitting in a recliner with a bag of frozen peas pressed to your boys and you'll be good as new. I don't know if this has ever happened to anyone else here, but my vasectomy didn't work. I went through the pain and anguish only to find out that my boys were still working. The doc offered to do another vasectomy on me for free, but I wasn't going to let that guy near my sac again.
  13. Man that was funny. I just hope I'm not singing that song all day tomorrow.
  14. You left out that Fat Bennie was holding on 2nd and 3rd down, but both were declined.
  15. I don't know why I even read the drivel from this NC idiot in the Buffalo News. As the series gets better and better, this guy finds something stupid to write about. Last week, it was that hockey is only about scoring goals, all other observations are meaningless. Today, it's time for lame excuses. The Buffalo ice was bad, which somehow only affected the Canes. He somewhat backtracked by saying later that "the ice doesn't favor one team over the other, but it may favor the team that scores first." What an idiot. He also had to blame the game on Pominville getting checked from behind. According to Doug Weight, "I should be smarter and see that it's him." I guess if he checked someone else from behind, the refs probably would not have called it. I'm surprised that he didn't whine about the phantom trip that was called on McKee after Staal fell down trying to make a turn.
  16. Jules: This was Divine Intervention! You know what "divine intervention" is? Vincent: Yeah, I think so. That means God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets. Jules: Yeah, man, that's what is means. That's exactly what it means! God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets. Vincent: I think we should be going now. Jules: Don't do that! Don't you !@#$ing do that! Don't blow this sh-- off! What just happened was a !@#$ing miracle! Vincent: Chill the !@#$ out, Jules, this sh-- happens. Jules: Wrong! Wrong, this sh-- doesn't just happen. Vincent: Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car, or at the jailhouse with the cops? Jules: We should be !@#$in' dead now, my friend! We just witnessed a miracle, and I want you to !@#$ing acknowledge it! Vincent: Okay man, it was a miracle, can we leave now?
  17. Chris is the only contestant in the 5 years of Idol that I would actually see myself listening to his album. I wouldn't buy it, but I would listen to it. As for Spazz, Elliot, and McFunbags: if someone gave me thier cd, I would take it and use it as a beer coaster. I know that many posters are on the Spazz bandwagon, but I just don't get it. Would you actually pay to see him perform or buy an album of his?
  18. I thought the movie was totally pointless...but it was funny! I also worked in restaurants when I was in college, so I can relate.
  19. I read some good reviews and thought I would give it a listen. I thought it sucked. To me, it doesn't matter who's singing it, if it's country music, it sucks. And Bon Jovi sucks, no matter what they are playing.
  20. I'm sure that the feds would have an easier time going after Chris if Adrianna wasn't eaten by raccoons and other wild life. Kind of hard to investigate a murder when there is no body.
  21. I agree. Although this week I tried an experiment. I closed my eyes when Elliot was singing and he actually sounds better if you don't look at him. The reverse is probably true with McFunbags, but I never tried it. As far as Chris, I think that there are probably a ton of Rock bands who would kill to have him as their singer. I just can't see him warbling the pop songs that the producers of the show will want him to sing.
  22. I heard that he crashed his truck in Jacksonville. It may have been on the way to Tampa.
  23. I watched the whole thing and was laughing my ass off. The funniest part was watching each of the people laughing with him for the first few barbs and then seeing the uncomfortable looks on their faces.
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