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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Waiting for the explosion in here after the Bills draft decision. …..guaranteed to be better than any post TV draft show.
  2. I warsh my hands before drarwing.
  3. Haven’t heard that, but, with 25% of the Bills available, speculations on the Sabres situation aren’t surprising.
  4. Was at my grandkids birthday yesterday. My son and his Bills frenzied fanatic season ticket holder friends were in Bills draft mode. But, I was taken back a bit by their not so enthusiastic picture of the Bills future and their somewhat wavering commitment to continue going to games. They’re all around 40, do well, have had seasons since 2018. Between waiting to hear where their seats could be, the PSL cost, the ability to be able to resell their tickets while figuring if they can recoup the PSL cost, and now this latest news, has them thinking somewhat differently than a year ago when I was last with that bunch. Again, it just surprised me and made me wonder how widespread has this type of perspective gained footing.
  5. Maybe a Buffalo thing, often hear crick instead of creek.
  6. The Dodgers 12-10. Is .600 ball a given still? They are much more fun this year to watch……lose.
  7. A Yankee/Oriole wire to wire? Hope so….. Go Royals……???
  8. Don’t know if this would interest anyone. Anyways, I never was a memorabilia collector, but, I saw this site a few days ago with replica Yankee autograph baseballs, along with other baseball replica items. I found it fun to look at. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fshop%2FManCaveDisplaysShop%3Fref%3Dsearch_shop_redirect&h=AT1TdTimcwGmc2uikHZDoSwZ_6ueN-kEV_Ym2tDK-mo1nCHLUx6veD0wJwIiowjygjT4fzrWwoBKkDXP3or6TdYRIs0ViGWpCqvLZPf3ONvSzbiUZoeVAzPUeJOVKNzDM2IemHJIFk72ATiXsIaO_ia1Krc …..bought four baseballs.
  9. O.J. tipped me $20 for serving him two drinks at a restaurant/nightclub I worked at in the late ‘70’s. Seemed like a lot of money then.
  10. Thought Lazardo was gonna show up the Yankees a bit. Might as well hand them the Pennant now! Yankees won it the three previous times they went 10-2.
  11. Wonder if Vegas has an over/under on Tommy John surgeries this season? Pitch clock or not, humans routinely and regularly throwing anything 90-100 m.p.h. is pushing the limits of the arm. …..then adding the wrist wrenching spin? Somethings gonna give.
  12. Never understood this kind of sentiment. …..but, that’s me.
  13. Maybe they'll go hang out with Von down in Texas.
  14. That would be ironic considering the A’s owner in the early ‘70’s, Charlie Finley, did a bit of a fire sale of players after they had won three straight World Series. He was easily the most reviled franchise owner in Oakland, until Al Davis, and maybe now this guy.
  15. Yeah, but, how many Presidents have an Easter Bunny advisor: .....only "I don't know where to go" Joe, of course.
  16. I agree with the cap issues. Blame Curt Flood and George Steinbrenner. Yankee haters railed about their big spending ways in the late ‘70’s when free agency began and said that they had an unfair advantage. It immediately got them two World Series rings. That said, the game is much better than it was from a few years ago to watch. Regarding the NFL, it has become more annoying to watch. The NFL has taken away from the spontaneity of the game with their overdosing of rules, one has to refrain before enjoying a play to make sure it’s legitimate. The game has become near insufferably long. But, they are King.
  17. Orioles drafted quite well. Going from 100 losses to 100 wins in 3 seasons is…..unprecedented?
  18. Baseball knocked it out of the park with the rule changes. Every one of them improved the game. …..and the MLB season package for $149 is a steal.
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