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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. It's friendly competition. Have you played sports, ever? Like at a decent level. I'm going to assume no.
  2. You mean like the environment of overt nationalism, isolationism, and protectionist policies the millenials are responsible for the country moving towards? Some of the posts are just ridiculous characterizations being asserted by a poster's own bias. Anyways, I watched a documentary that was filmed within the last decade where veterans of D-Day are flown over to Normandy. To watch their interactions with the people of Normandy as well as how grateful to all those who participated is quite amazing. Toddlers are instilled on what others gave for them that day. The cemetary is kept in pristine condition. A lot of the locals repeated, they fought not to conquer but for our freedom. It was a pretty touching documentary.
  3. They won the November trophy... Yay. I don't even follow hockey much but this post is ridiculous. They aren't better with out him, not in anyway.
  4. I'm sure he has plenty coming from 30 rock royalties. But let's all go on with this jealous hating. The dude was almost killed a couple years ago and you're hating on his spending. Bell gets stolen from and you cheer on the robbers. The picture has been painted. It's not a good one.
  5. It's a tough decision. If there is a doubt I hope they plan for it over the next few years. Miami has wasted like 10 years because of Tannehill. If he's on the border of a franchise QB like him I hope they draft some and just cut ties if the new contract is costly. Hopefully that debate never has to come along.
  6. I hope Allen develops to be worthy of the 150 he is going to get
  7. What an absolutely stupid post. Eh... I think that's a bad joke.
  8. Lol he would have gotten Doug Williams but that's way before the time.
  9. Yea but then he actively went out, traded for and signed Williams's. I think QB might be the only spot he never filled. Lol sorry for hijacking this thread with ridiculous crap.
  10. I like the Sills and Johnson picks. If Johnson sticks around I can see him really becoming a Buffalo guy from how I know he was at the U. Played through injuries, good leader. If he makes it here and the city embraces him as I think he would I can see him really being a Buffalo guy. I'm speaking in cliches I hate, but it's honestly what I think.
  11. Oh this was before that. It was like 04 or around that time. Probably a little later. I think Mario was a rookie. Mike Williams, the one who busted after missing a year when Maurice Clarett had that lawsuit with the NFL about the age requirement I think was in it.
  12. When we were kids my buddy did a franchise mode in madden and stocked his team with only Williams. Clearly he didn't have enough to do.
  13. I don't recall whitner. Could have missed it. It kind of sounds familiar now that you mention it. I remember Woods house in LA getting robbed while they played I believe the Vikings on a Thursday night last year.
  14. They appear to be a disaster. I'm not sure how that glorified gym teacher still has a job. I've had my criticisms but I don't know how Beane and McDermott seem so much more competent coming up under him. Maybe it's like one of those things where you have a boss or parent who has some glaring short comings and refuses to acknowledge them so you never repeat the same mistakes.
  15. Maybe you're right. I don't want him to play well against us at all. But I've always liked le'veon. I feel like he has gotten some hate on here for his decision since last year. I think it was the wrong one, but it is his decision to make. I hear ya, perhaps I'm way off the mark. My bad.
  16. I'm watch the NBA, not a Spurs fan, but this is something that has caught on in that league. I was hoping it was Pop and McDermott actually doing this and talking the profession. Thanks for the article still.
  17. I'm honestly confused by the morality clique in here cheering on a robbery of a half a mil on a guy they don't know. The worst we know he has done was blaze up before a preseason game flight. Other than that, the guy has managed his career the way he wanted to. It's his life and he wasn't a Bill when he did it. The hate is nonsensical. Yea, he looks dumb, for first, the 500k spent on jewelry and trusting two people who are evidently way worse than him. But some idiot said you go girls. I could dirty this thread up and take conservatives down the path of personal liberty and all that corny ***** they say. I could also take it down the race path, because I honestly have no clue why a guy who wasn't under contract for Pittsburgh refused to sign the franchise tag, because it is his choice to not sign the contract is hated so much. Now it makes sense, it's the pro-choice element? I hope the dude gets his jewelry back, sells it and invests. But then again, should most of you be big on gold? The commercial on fox news tells me it's always valuable. You get a way better return on investment than the 10% a decade the stock. You should all buy gold.
  18. Another Panthers signing... Damn it! I don't think it really is a great gig. I think it is good in terms of potential exposure for a writer. However, I don't think it does much for them unless they are covering New York, Chicago, LA, Dallas and that's about it. Probably philly too. Those markets will get you a lot of calls. Buffalo, not so much. Whoever is covering Cleveland better take advantage of this year lol.
  19. You keep moving the goal posts because your point is stupid. Whaley built it. Nothing good happened between Kelly and McDermott to some clowns. I think you should take a vacation.
  20. 2014 dline... Holding Aaron Rodgers and Manning in back to back weeks without any touchdowns. A 130 effin yards and 26 points? Saint dog and that douche should have done something but Fred was the only one who cared on that side of the ball. Dareus also was hurt early in his best year of his career. If you'd like to actually discuss the game I'd be more than happy. Go Google some more crap.
  21. Lol maybe in the 80's. Penn State is trash. They'll still probably win though. How many times has the Ralph been called difficult and they get rolled through? Talent wins.
  22. No I appreciate his charitable efforts and as I said I loved him as a player as kid. I've just heard too many stories and seen him firsthand and was left underwhelmed. Like I said in my previous post, I didn't want to meet him because of the status I held him in. My dad who met him and said he was an ass still loves him. I'm just not as forgiving at this point. Maybe I'll mature to that point. He's loved every QB, said he'd work with all of them. At this point, it hasn't worked. So I appreciate and recognize the great time he put in. And he's tough as hell. Physically and spiritually, with all he has gone through. I just don't know if he has much to offer as a mentor.
  23. He was an amazing player. I cried when he retired, I was 7 though so give me that credit in that my judgment wasn't the greatest. I knew a lot of people who met him and none had any good to say. Like pass the point where you can say it was just a bad day. I went to a game a few years ago and was invited to a post game party behind the Fieldhouse that players and retired players go to. This was right after Jim thankfully beat cancer the first time. He said he could introduce me to him. I told him I appreciate it, but I'd rather not ruin my image of him. I liked him as the figure with the tough resilient spirit that went back to when he was a player. Well I never met him but as I was walking through I got to see him get out of his car, scream at people rightly walking. Then back out and peel out and almost hit like 5 or 6 people. I saw him on sports center that morning talking about how much he loved the fans. Then I saw him almost run over 5. People said he changed, but I doubt it. I don't wish anything ill towards him. But he's definitely close to the same guy that he pretends he's not. I didn't have to meet him to come away with a bad opinion.
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