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Everything posted by bills11

  1. So Peterman who has 7 interceptions in 2 starts..is he future but Allen is a bust after his first training camp . Honestly leave the board
  2. It's post like this that show your agenda. I actually wanted Peterman to succeed you wanna see Allen fail . You don't care about the success of the bills . You only want Peterman
  3. Did I say it was all Peterman..but it is his fault in alot of aspects that throw just now was horrendous . The facts are youre on record agreeing the next drew brees and everything he does you absolve him of all blame ..like I said you sound like a Peterman fan more than a bills fan .
  4. The sad part is the oline has been decent . Obv can't see the all 22 but damn
  5. Only one living in a fairy tale is you. You're nothing but a troll you contribute nothing to this forum except insults and lavish praise of Peterman. Great velocity there
  6. All you ever do is try to insult members of this forum and you know nothing about football ..Peterman is the next brees right
  7. I shudder thinking about how bad Tom Brady is gonna carve us up
  8. You would say it wasn't his fault if he had 3 ints at half . You're a Peterman fan moreso than the bills
  9. People were tryna convince themselves Peterman was the next drew brees this week lol
  10. This might be the worst bills team in along while..even the jauron years we were at least somewhat competitive
  11. I don't think psychology played into it ...mcdermott's job is to put his team into the best position to win ...all summer Peterman has been the most consistent qb we have..he earned it in the eyes of his coach and team for now
  12. That's amusing coming from a guy who consistently creates his own narrative..saying peterman has a stronger arm than Drew Brees when nothing has been shown in live action that remotely backs up that opinion. Drew Brees doesn't struggle throwing the deep out.. hes shown the ability to make all the throws which peterman has not. If you watch football you've seen time and time again brees shred defences on all levels..Peterman throws near ..pick 6 ..interceptions on every pass he attempted that are the " velocity" throws the deep out. You can find 100 scouting reports for Cam Newton and all of them will mention his arm strength as a positive infact his scouting reports are very similar to josh allen hence why the comparison was made here on the board and in the media .
  13. Your opinion isn't evidence either im not gonna go back and forth with you all night. we agree to disagree its fine life goes on.. and the scouting report said..what does puts tons of revolution on the ball mean to you ...what does flashes the ability to zip the ball into tight spots those are references to throwing with great velocity. from a prior thread comparing allen to cam newton. Your the only one interpreting his scouting report incorrectly if you cant even understand the terms used by the scouting community to describe velocity what credibility do you even have? https://twitter.com/JonScottTV/status/991030647883026432 http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/cam-newton?id=2495455 ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Newton has a rare blend of height, strength and speed. Fierce competitor and emotional leader. Flashes the ability to zip the ball into tight spots. Has a quick, over-the-top delivery. Puts a ton of revolutions on the ball and can make all the throws. Frequently evades the rush for second-chance opportunities. Threat to pick up large chunks when he tucks.
  14. Did you just choose to skip over that post by hapless bills fan..because it didnt line up with your thoughts? 2nd of all you lost all credibility you had from the first page when you said cam newton didnt have a big arm and then posted an article from nfl.com that said the opposite and listed velocity as one of his strengths..then you deleted your post upon realizing your mistake. I never said measurements at the combine are bunk data completely i said that set of data by ourlads on this very forum has been debunked multiple times for being inaccurate.
  15. That article has been debunked multiple times for having inaccurate data..clearly you missed the point i was making. The point i was making was that the data doesn't line up with what i've seen it has nothing to do with having better eyes than a laser radar gun. Data has been wrong before and will be in the future..in 2010 taylor mays official 40 time was 4.43 despite nfl network simulcast showing him beating people who ran a 4.34 https://www.sbnation.com/2010/3/3/1334838/-taylor-mays-40-time-nfl-combine-2010-draft. My point is the data looked inaccurate because its widely known joe flacco has elite velocity..so how could he have less velocity then andy dalton whos not known for having a huge arm.
  16. Thats true but montana could still make all the throws..the question is can peterman keep the defence honest..he definitely has shown to be extremely accurate in the middle of the field and he gets the ball out quick and goes through his progressions i guess well find out sunday
  17. Try to actually contribute to a discussion. All you've done this entire topic is respond with juvenile level attempts of sarcasm you've contributed absolutely nothing. You can disagree with someone while maintaining a level of decorum.
  18. It's not about the numbers..I'm saying I can def see in person and on tv a difference with how hard Flacco throws vs Peterman .just like I can tell when I watch NBA that Russell Westbrook is faster than Kyle Lowry or that Connor McDavid in the NHL skates faster than max pacciorety..point is you can definitely visually perceive things it's not some super complex insight .
  19. Great job failing to understand that you can perceive things with your eyes genius . I don't need scientific data to tell me that Deshaun Watson has a stronger arm than Nate peterman. That's the point..the data is showing oddities that don't show up on Sundays. Joe Flacco has an absolute cannon arm yet the data shows he only throwers the football 1 mph more than Peterman and his arm is weaker than Andy Dalton..believe the data blindly if u want it's irrelevant to me I'll trust my eyes .
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