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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I like the way you put that. I think most people would agree with you. I know I do!
  2. Mathieu was fun to watch, but I was also impressed by Morris Claiborne.
  3. Thank you for posting this!! All the people screaming that Fitz is not the answer need to step back from the edge. Rank the 31 other starting QBs, the recently drafted QBs, and the soon to be drafted QBs, and then figure out where Fitz falls in your ranking. He ain't that bad! And there are no sure things. Who would have predicted that Dalton would be a winner? I think the prototype for QBs in the future must also include size and strength, along with intelligence and passing ability. A QB should look a lot like a tight end. The pure pocket passer is not going to get it done. Andrew Luck is a big guy, but several other QBs recently drafted or soon to be drafted are not as big as I think they should be.
  4. And I'll bet he has never screamed like a girl because a receiver caught a game winning throw. What I am really trying to say is that he shows no emotion. Strictly business. Great quarterback, definitely. Likeable and able to rally the troops, maybe not so much. Maybe when he was younger, but not in the past few years from anything I have seen.
  5. I think the key is stopping Chris Johnson. The Titans are probably saying that the Bills have a crummy defense against the run, so they are expecting Johnson to have a monster day. That strategy scares me, because it may be just that simple.
  6. You must be new around here. His name is PromoTheRobot, so his initials are PTR. He signs every post with his initials.
  7. I'm impressed with your discussion of such a seemingly trivial comment. I have always thought that statistics are misleading because you can pick and choose the statistics that will best fit your argument, and fail to mention those that don't. I think that is what you said, but you did it much more eloquently.
  8. I would not say that Fitz is as good as Brady or Manning. I am saying neither would be quite so highly regarded if they had to play under the same conditions as Fitz. Their talents would not translate well.
  9. Brady is obviously an outstanding QB, no doubt a first round hall of famer. However, how would Brady (or Manning) do under the following conditions: - O-Line made up mostly of cast-offs and low round draft picks, constantly injured, constantly changing. - Receivers that are mostly UDFA's and late round picks, no true #1 receiver - Very little use of the tight end (Brady without Gronk or Hernandez, Manning without Dallas Clark) - No Wes Welker (he would have caught the game winner against the Jets) - A defense that is incapable of stopping the other team to keep the game close. All you Fitz haters think about this. Those pure pocket passers need a supporting cast. Notice that the Colts were having problems the past few seasons. They spent so much on Manning, they can no longer afford to get the support he needs to make the system work. Their awful season is not just because Manning is out, they were probably not going to do that well regardless. Fitz is starting to play more like Roethlisberger: keep the play alive with your feet and improvise. Not something that Brady or Manning are known for. Flame away!
  10. Go look at points for and points against. Fitz is playing with some terrible defenses. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.
  11. Good question! I think he got 1 carry. What's up with that? See what the kid can do! For that matter, I think they should let Corey carry the rock once or twice. The Bills are using their tight end, which is a good thing to see. How about using their fullback? Many teams use both.
  12. gotta believe Stevie wants to be in California. Rub elbows with actors and musicians, wake up with warm and sunny skies, that kind of stuff. Buffalo will have to pay a HUGE amount more than he is worth in order to keep him here. Is it worth it?
  13. I have to put the mandatory whining post whenever this topic comes up... I live in the Utica area. We get our CBS station on the cable from Syracuse. Supposedly the Syracuse station can reach the black-out zone (I doubt it). I am 200 Miles from the Ralph, and I am blacked out. Going to a game occasionally makes sense for me, but not too often.
  14. Lebron comparison is a little extreme but not too bad. Stevie strikes me as a West Coast kind of guy. Into his music, rubbing elbows with stars, sun and surf, etc. I think that Buffalo would have to offer a HUGE contract over anybody else to get Stevie to stay. I doubt that will happen.
  15. A quote from Monday Morning Quarterback (Peter King) I think that was the softest, weirdest, most unimpressive four-touchdown game that Mark Sanchez played Sunday that I'd seen in a while. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/peter_king/11/27/week.12/index.html#ixzz1f3WB1Whf
  16. He slammed Spiller to the ground right in front of the ref. Spiller looked at the ref and it was obvious that he was looking for a flag. The ref just shook his head. I thought slamming a guy into the ground after after the whistle blew was a personal foul. Somebody from the Bills got flagged for slamming Danny Woodhead that way.
  17. I truly enjoy reading your comments and I have been thinking of something to disagree with just for the sake of an argument. Here it is: I am not so quick to completely credit the play calling. Spiller into the line too often, Spiller on sweeps and screens not enough.
  18. I was disappointed in the play calling. Spiller should not run into the line very often. That's not his strength. He should run sweeps and screens. And yes, he did whiff on one of the Maybin sacks. Right after he and Maybin got into a face shoving match. Too bad, it looks like Maybin got the last laugh on that deal.
  19. A disappointment based on his high draft, but I agree completely. This is part of the "depth" idea that people keep going on and on about. Keep him for special teams and depth. Don't dump him and have to go get somebody else to do what he can already do. If he demands ridiculous money when his contract runs out then you have to make a tough decision, but in the meantime, keep him.
  20. Obviously disappointed. But the last three weeks were awful. I was worried that the team would never even be competitive again this year. I am relieved that they were competitive. Nobody wants the whole "coach has lost the locker room" drama. This coach isn't going to get fired, and the team is stuck with each other. The fact that they came together and played like a team is a little bit of a relief. The game was exciting and had me on the edge of my seat. That is worth something. Any realistic belief that this team would make the playoffs died about two weeks ago. Football is entertainment. This game was entertaining.
  21. He'll be on sportscenter. For all the wrong reasons.
  22. If the Jets can manage to get sacks from Maybin, then the Bills must have somebody on the team that can get to the quarterback. Why does it always seem like when the Bills blitz, there are still enough blockers to handle them, but when the Jets (or any other team) blitz, the Bills run out of blockers almost immediately? Sanchez never had anybody within 5 yards of him. He never felt any pressure. That is inexcusable.
  23. I use the games these days for research. I'm already thinking about the draft and next year. For example, I was curious to see how the rookies at DB did. I would say not bad, but on the other hand the Jets were making long pass plays pretty often, so I'm not sure what to think. I tried to watch the line play to see how that went, but I'm not always sure what to look for. I wanted to see how Spiller did. He did ok, but there were too many running plays straight into the line, and that is not his strength. Linebackers are not good, but I guess we all knew that. I wanted to see how Fitz did after the last three games, and I felt he did ok. eh.
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