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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Right. He’s only starting tonight because of the rotation he’s earned. Youd better believe if his play wasn’t impressing them he wouldn’t be getting this opportunity.
  2. I’m happy with Allen’s progress. If he takes a step back it’s just proving what everyone already believed. Hes is a supremely talented guy that might need a little time to develop. With that said, if he performs well, I don’t see how he won’t start.
  3. Whoa triple quote, looks like someone’s thin skin was damaged with a differing opinion. Either way, I have to start my day but I’m going to the opener. If any of you guys want to share a brew and finish this conversation I’d be happy to. Just pm me, and we’ll hammer out a location. I happen to like sharing differing opinions and have discussions.
  4. Yeah, I’m the one taking it too seriously. Sounds like you and the like want to build statues to Andy Dalton for playing a game he’s paid millions to play. The Bills put themselves in that position. I assure you Andy Dalton wasn’t thinking of the Bills or their fans when he made that pass. It had its time, and it should be over. If gives our fans a bad look imo. We sat in the cold and snow and watched 17 years of garbage football. Dalton didn’t end that, our team did. Giving Dalton this much credit is a bit amateurish. And disrespectful to the team that played their hearts out all year.
  5. Always. Being pro Bills is being negative? I dont think so. The Dalton thing had its time and it should be over. Time to focus on OUR qb. If thats being negative I question how you view fandom.
  6. You’re right, so let’s just cheer for the opposing teams qb then. ?
  7. Am I missing that part? Am I being negative? It had its time and now it has passed. If I’m being honest it makes us look a little odd in that Boyd did most of the work and no one makes any mention of him. Is he not a human?
  8. Yeah, that’s what we should be concerned with. The qb on the team we’re going against. Not that the hopeful franchise qb of OUR future is starting his first game. Some of our fanbase is acting like a bunch of n00bs imo. Act like you’ve been there before.
  9. Omg... I’m so over this Andy Dalton stuff. There was a reciever too, an oline, and a defense that messed up on the play. Thats football. Bills put themselves in a position to get there if the Ravens lost. Well, Ravens lost. That’s football. If Dalton was so great his team would have been in the playoffs. Not the Bills. Move on.
  10. The writer took a few liberties in assuming he thinks Hill believes they’re the worst team. Anyone whose ever ever played Madden or the like knows you never use the worst teams. He probably picks Bills because their rating is a lot lower (so you get more bragging rights if you win)but still has some dynamic players. So like, best of the worst. Different players value different things. Bills would be perfect for my style because they have a good running back, and a big armed qb. Bomb, run, bomb, run...
  11. No Mikey and Brand type abilities?! No sir, not my Allen! Brand toughness and look up to ability Mikey’s adventurous grit and determination
  12. Allen= Jamarcus Russell arm Mike Vick legs Einstein acumen King Kong size a nails toughness Ditka facial hair ability (is waiting for the right time to show that one)
  13. This is actually a good point. In the article they say that Mayfield put together a nice outing but only refer to Allen when they say he handed the ball to Murphy. Even at the end they say our quarterbacks had a nice game but need to get more consistency. Never mentioning the one quarterback of the night that was at the very least, consistent.
  14. I’d like to see Allen with the ones AGAINST the ones first but I’m leaning way further toward Allen starting than I ever thought I would be.
  15. Peterman’s having a tough time with these threes. Goes to show how well Allen did in the first game. Allen did even better with the twos. Starting to think we actually have a qb battle now.
  16. I haven’t seen the short pass inaccuracy recently.
  17. Really? I actually came away thinking Mayfield didn’t look very impressive. His best plays came against guys that wont be in the league soon.
  18. Looked rough early on. Made a play on three of the last five plays he was in I think. Kids going to be fine.
  19. Tasker tries so hard to seem unbiased, he’s intolerable. Praising Mayfield now. He’d be the first to remind us Allen is facing mostly third team defensive players. In in fact I think he did say that earlier about Allen’s game facing twos.
  20. Why wonder? Second game ever. He looks better than he did against Panthers third team which means he’s learning and getting better. He being smart, and far more accurate than advertised. Should only get better.
  21. I’d just like to put this out there. I was a HUGE Rosen guy. I’m teally impressed by what Allen is doing right now. I get that it’s the Browns second team, but he looks even better than he did against the Panthers third team. He seems poised, always looking for the bigger play, and dare I say it... more accurate than advertised??
  22. Okay, Edmunds is growing up before our eyes. I take back my previous Edmunds post.
  23. I’m not ready to say we’ll be bad this year. I think the Browns really came to play for Taylor. Unfortunately for Mccarron he’s going to get the brunt of it.
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