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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Reynolds is playing behind Kupp and probably better than KB just know one has heard of him.
  2. We need to develop the offense as much as we need to develop Allen. If Daboll is going to be the OC then the whole team needs to see what his offense is supposed to look like with a competent QB. If Barkley can run the offense the way it's supposed to be run and hit a deep ball here and there, not throw picks, and get them in the right plays for the running game then I'm all for Allen sitting behind him. Maybe give Allen a few more starts at the end of the season. It worked fine for Mahommes. If Barkely just had one good game and can't replicate any of what he did today then Allen gets back in there. Peterman needs to go. Anderson might not be bad to keep around for insurance and given the way the QB situation has gone insurance might not be a bad thing.
  3. Well we managed to find another QB who has thrown 5 picks in a game and start him so there's that.
  4. If you are a great coach and have a great system then spending time in it is a big deal. If you are a coach that has marginal to bad results and a questionable system, then time in that system might not matter so much. The O-line will look like an O-line when we get a coach who can coach offense and a QB who can help them recognize defenses and change plays. The O-line is as much a result of the coaching as the WR's and RB's. Let's face it McCoy has done as well rushing as KB has receiving and no one is saying McCoy sucks. I think when/if we ever bring in a decent coach on offense everything will "magically" get better.
  5. Larry Centers and Riemersma as well. That year the defense was giving up 24 plus points per game. The next season we lost Price, Centers, and Riemersma and dropped to 15 ppg. Two seasons later, still with Bledsoe, we had Moulds and Evans and scored almost 25 ppg and almost made the playoffs if it weren't for Willie Parker. The chart shows it pretty well. The offenses have been pretty up and down and the defenses have been mostly bad. Before 2014 we had only scored more than was scored against us once since 2000.
  6. I definately think you are right. I just think a better running game would help Allen as much as anything and that even with a line that isn't that line can do better. The scheme is definately part of it but I also feel like we did a much better job of getting carries to the RB that was hot. They were not afraid to get Karlos or Gillislee in there. Maybe this offense is every bit the 10 ppg game they are currently scoring but somehow I feel like they could be a lot better. We have 7 games left hopefully they put some things together.
  7. Well and interesting enough I've been thinking about that. What does/did Tyrod do that Allen can't do? Allen seems very capable of running RPO's and getting out of the pocket if need be. I say that not so much because of the passing game but the running game. How come our running game is SO bad. It literally has to be coaching or discipline. Taylor wasn't, as everyone says, a franchise QB. Why can't Allen do what Taylor was doing? Why can't we at the very least run the ball? Again not asking as a knock on Allen. Asking because I think we should be able to do more than 10 points per game and I think it's on coaching and use of personnel. As far as Rex I was always critical of the fact that he didn't get the defense together but I feel like he ran a super complicated defense and with only two years he was somewhat handcuffed with the players he inherited ( Mario and the two safeties). In particular I felt like he never got the back end of his defense sorted. 399 points in a season is top 5 in Bill's history. Top ten in the NFL. That is offense. Try harder.
  8. Truth be told the 2016 Bill's offense scored in the top 5 offenses in team history. Despite all the talk of fixing this position and that I still think it's a matter of getting a good coach on both sides of the ball. Interesting chart that visually shows scoring vs defense for the last 20 years. https://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/teams/324/buffalo-bills/#Points per Game$SeasonMax=9999&SeasonMin=1990
  9. There is one point I've been looking and thinking about a lot. Not that I don't think Shady should get his touches but I wouldn't mind seeing them come out with Ivory. Let Ivory fall forward a few times. Let Ivory have more of the 3/4 yards and a cloud of dust carries and let Shady work passing downs and change of pace. All the things Kamara, White, and Cohen are doing in the passing game Shady could probably do and would get him touches. No disrespect to McCoy but he's reminding me of the "bad" Spiller years.
  10. If you take one little piece. The defense. McDermott clearly knows how to coach, manage, and motivate the defense. You are left thinking if he could just do that with the rest of the team. Then you take your eyes off the defense and look at the rest of the team and it is just wilting. I only think Allen breaths a little life into it because he's such a good athlete but unfortunately that isn't going to make him a great QB. Taylor suffered from that. The 49's are a perfect example of middle of the road talent that is well coached on offense. Is it too much to ask that we have competent coaching on both sides of the ball.
  11. What's Tyrod's record in Cleveland? What's was his record here? Seriously though, they should have had a much better plan for the QB position or just kept him. I'm all for an upgrade or drafting a rookie and bringing him along. Hell ultimately I wish they had jumped in the FA sweepstakes and signed or traded for an Alex Smith or even Keenum and still drafted Allen. What they eventually did do is an example of a bungled offseason and eventually a text book showing of how to ruin a young QB. Hopefully they get Allen some help both on the field and coaching.
  12. Now you are doing it also. You win. You tell me the exact % he is better as measured by whatever made up system you have and I'll edit my original comment to suit you.
  13. I get what you are saying but the truth is anyone not trying to argue for arguments sake would get the gist of the message. If I said 2.75 times better or 4.125 would that make it better? Is there an exact number or should that be a debate that also?
  14. So do you not agree that Allen is better than Peterman? Did I say Allen was doing a great job throwing the ball? What exactly are you saying that I didn't already say?
  15. Exactly. I was thinking the same thing ........ boy that Jags game was awful. Then I went back and looked at it and despite that awful 2nd qtr he actually fought back. My biggest problem with EJ was that he couldn't hit anything down field to save his life. That is what made Tyrod such a refreshing change (no one here seems to remember how bad it was). Taylor came in and hit the deep ball almost every game when we had Watkins and Goodwin. Then Dennison comes along, Taylor is gone, now Daboll comes in and now we might not see 5 passing TD's all season. Someone said he might be better than Allen. I like Allen don't get me wrong, and I think he has it, but if he can't hit receivers deep better than EJ did then maybe he isn't any better than EJ. Hopefully time will prove that he is better.
  16. He threw 49 times for under 200 yards and 3 picks. Help or no help that is horrendous. Anderson threw for almost 300 the week before against the Pats. Anderson looked like an NFL back up. Peterson looked like a good reason to clean house. Sad part is he has looked the same every single time they've trotted him out there.
  17. I'm just saying for too long we are throwing the baby out with the bath water. McDermott seemingly can keep this team competitive on defense but can't tell his b-hole from a hole in the ground when it comes to offense. I'm saying if there is an OC who comes available that has a moderately proven track record it would not hurt my feeling to see Daboll get dumped. I stated long before and players on defense stepped foot on the field that McDermott would turn the defense around because you could see from his experience that he was capable of it. Many were saying the defense would be swiss cheese. It was evident early on the defense was a ton better. The second we hire a real offensive talent to coach you will see a difference. Whether you have a roster full of pro bowlers or not a well coached unit will show up and look at the very least capable of being competitive.
  18. It isn't that McDermott is so terrible, by himself. It's that he is constantly married to an offensive staff that is wholly and entirely incapable of evaluating or coaching. They are seeking out and retaining players on offense that are terrible and they have traded away or let players go that were far better than anything they've replaced them with. The promise was that everyone they were replacing was replaceable and inferior and that bringing in different players was the answer. The truth is that the coaching on offense is sub par and that each player they let go or replaced only increased the talent deficit until we now have the most inept offense in the NFL and it's not even close.
  19. I'm going to put on my flame suit and go out on a limb and say maybe (just maybe) if Rex had one more season and one more draft he might have been able to turn the corner with his defense. His defense was always dependent on safety play and he always had injuries and problems at safety. Mario absolutely didn't help either. Either way the teams were pretty close to being good but just needed something to get over the hump. Especially on defense.
  20. Just two seasons ago we set a record for top 5 points in this franchise's history scoring points. Just because we didn't throw for 300 yards per game everyone complained. Defense was giving up almost 24 ppg. We had that offense with any resemblance of this defense and we would easily make the playoffs. We made it last year with that turd Dennison at OC.
  21. There is no reason a rookie project QB should make any team 100 times better but Allen does here. Why? Our offense is so bad that even with his limited experience he is light years better than the absolute turds (Peterman) they are marching out there. The talent evaluation on the offensive side of the ball consists of coin flips and former Panthers and that's about it.
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