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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. I think Josh is pretty fixable though with competent coaches. I don't think he's a lost cause.
  2. If McD's back we're literally Sam Martin'ing next season
  3. Cook was one of the few that had a fighter's mentality last night. It was stupid to bench him.
  4. Daboll yes. While I wouldn't want Frazier back, that whole thing was overblown. It was McD's defense, it always has been. if he didn't like something, he could've changed it or fired Frazier years ago. I will never understand how people put no accountability whatsoever on McD for "Fraizer's D" when McD could've made a change for years.
  5. Probably not. That's the concerning thing about Bills ownership and management. It's much more reactive than proactive.
  6. I don't understand this take either. Why is making the playoffs 4 out of 6 years with an elite QB while peaking with 1 AFC championship game appearance 3 years ago in which we were blown out and have declined ever since such a big accomplishment?
  7. He's fired a number of coordinators now. Picking quality coaches is a big part of being a successful Head Coach. And he brought him back for year two and waited too long to fire him and never changed anything. And if you listened to McD last night, he did scapegoat Dorsey for even something irrational like "scoring too fast". It came off badly because there's a million things you could criticize Dorsey for...and that wasn't one of them.
  8. Yup, nobody left to scapegoat. That's the most hopeful news here for the dream of him getting canned after the season.
  9. In a way, yes. But the big question last night was why we didn't attack more with the running game when we could see how successful it was. We seemed to only do it when we really needed a score. When do you see teams doing that against us? Going away from what's working in that game for long periods of time?
  10. It's never his fault. At least that's what he and his apologists will tell you. It's all on his coordinators that keep letting him down. The ones he hired, mind you. He doesn't run the offense, defense, or special teams or have any input on any of them. He's a project manager. Completely infallible and no accountability should be placed on him for anything.
  11. Haha you've come around now? I think it was just a couple of weeks ago we were debating about this.
  12. Pegs has enough money for that not to matter if he really wants to fire him
  13. Not necessarily the "wrong person"...but we all know what he means. McD and him were the problem, McD being the bigger one.
  14. Too little too late. But I don't think it would've saved the season. McD is the #1 problem. I like this though because it shows that they're feeling some heat.
  15. Haha I actually like Ian. Maybe because I liked him doing basketball first.
  16. Yup. I've been saying this for years. We will never win anything with this guy leading the charge. A better coaching staff could certainly help alleviate them.
  17. McDermott has proven he can't handle one. It would be the height of stupidity to bring him back at all. He's completely in over his head now that his QB isn't playing elite football and bailing him out. This is who he has always been, he just doesn't have his roster masking it anymore.
  18. There is a very bright side if it leads to McD getting fired
  19. It is concerning. The confidence is gone. I even mentioned in the opener vs the Jets that I was almost more concerned with his demeanor that game than the awful game he had as a QB. There's so many reasons why we need a new Head Coach, one of them is to save Josh.
  20. But what about the coaching gaffes for all the years before today? He just had elite Josh bailing him out for a lot of those games and even then he's had huge miscues in the playoffs, every single season we've made it.
  21. McD let himself down as well. Nobody was stopping him from making sure we were prepared and had the right guys on the field at that moment, and it was the last play of the game, there was nothing else to look at. The guy is a joke. I can't stand Dorsey but McD threw him under the bus last night for this as well saying we "scored too fast" when we didn't even pass the ball and Denver still had 2 timeouts I believe and the 2 minute warning when we were inside the 10. They were going to have enough time regardless. The guy just has no idea what's going on or anything about game management and he's been a Head Coach for what, 7 years now? 8? He's a clown that's being exposed right now when talent isn't masking who he is anymore.
  22. Didn't Denver have 2 timeouts still though? And the 2 minute warning? They would've had plenty of time regardless. It's not like we were under the 2 and they were down to 1 or no timeouts.
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