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Posts posted by Billsflyer12

  1. 1 minute ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    If they are at odds than McD needs to let Daboll go. Simple as that and I am pretty sure McD knows this. You don’t get to be as successful as McD is by not learning how to manage people and situations.

    This team is built as a pass/stop the pass first team.  Do you think this matches McD vision and wants for a team?  He was asked about this yesterday and all he said was the players know in meeting how I want things run.  Ok, so what is McD identity he wants for this team?

  2. I agree that there seems to be some disconnect between OC and HC. GMBB built this team as a QB centric, pass/stop the pass team, but that is not who McD is.  He is to his core a conservative, defensive mindset coach.  

    Is it possible that it is McD who disconnected from how this team was built and how they want to operate it?


    Wondered if had to choose and only 1 can stay, would they pick McD or OC?

  3. I have personally never said McD should or more importantly will be fired.  I have said that I don’t think he will ever win a Super Bowl as head coach of the Bills.  Knowing that he won’t be fired, and we have another years more of being good not great is the toughest part.

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  4. 1 minute ago, mattynh said:

    This is one of those things you should have slept on before posting.   We are all frustrated but it would be incredibly dumb to throw I. The towel.   The season is not even over.  

    Season ended when they did the 1 thing they seemed to feel the most important to do, beat the Chiefs.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    Its not eye opening in the least.  While I like Granato's post game comments and his media transparency it doesn't say anything about his overall ability to coach the team.  Kruger was lauded for his interviews and he was a disaster.  People loved Rex Ryan's podium presence. Unmitigated disaster.  


    Sean McDermott has a track record of success in this league.  To start pointing at his post game pressers as an indictment on his ability to coach this team after two bad losses is the epitome of asinine.  


    Go watch a Popovich or Belichick presser and tell me how they're unfit to lead.  

    I was responding to coach speak discussion, not coach abilities. 

    For coaching abilities I only need to present McD bad clock/timeout management, one of worst disciplined teams in league, no visible accountability for that lack of discipline, back to conservative fourth down decisions, and his continued insistence on signing and playing his type of “process” players even though proven that they shouldn’t be.  He may not be the biggest issue with this team, but is certainly up there.  I have zero faith in his coaching ability to ever win a Super Bowl for the Bills.

  6. On 11/22/2021 at 9:58 AM, Jauronimo said:

    Dissecting coach speak is a waste of time.  No coach in any professional league gives specifics.  They also don't single out and rip their players or admit the obvious.  Messaging is consistent and even.


    Reading anything into it is asinine.

    If you haven’t, go listen to Granato this morning on WGR.  It was one of the best coaches interviews I’ve heard.  Then compare with the nothing crap you get from McD.  Really is eye opening.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Toyo321 said:

    MCD is 100% on the hot seat for this Thursdays game vs the Saints.






    If you don't think the players are starting to doubt them selves now,  I don't know what to say or tell you.


    The coaching this year has been horrendous, ALSO AN EMBARRASMENT!!  Accept for just one game.  KC.


    Blow out wins do not count,  in those games you should try different plays and personnel when a game is clearly going to be won.


    This team never tries to do anything different week in and week out.  Why because watching this team the last 4 weeks has shown no differences with our play calling, defensive schemes and the over all coaching on this team.  The coaching is 100% stagnant.


    This coaching staff is afraid of change and scared to make the tough decisions to fix the issues on offense, and at our RB position.


    There are players on this team that need to be benched.  Both Singletary and Moss need to be backups.  Breida, if not given the #1 RB spot seals our playoff fate this year.  No playoff chances at all. 


    If you think we are going to beat NE without changing things up on the the roster and with our coaching philosophy, be prepared for a serious reality check.


    Its not going to happen!!!  We will get trashed by NE and Bill B.


    Jerry Hughes needs to be replaced at DE.  He has lost any and all advantage he had over the opponents offense's tackles.  Its been that way for more than 2 seasons now.


    You have to really shake things up the next 7 games.


    Ed Oliver needs to go to DE.  He is more physical and honestly his speed is deceptive and he can only do better at DE, he can't be any worse than what we have now at DE.


    Buffalo needs to start addressing the line backers play.  They have not been able to stop the run at all. Case in point yesterday!!  Hello MCD and Frazier!!  How many times are  our safeties and DB's called on to stop the running backs that we constantly have had issues stopping.  No changes in our D scheme and it shows.  Loss after loss after loss because of this unwillingness to change because of our coaching.


    This is the linebackers' job.  We should have never resigned Milano and we should not resign Edmunds either.  Our line backing core scares no one.  They can't stop the run and they are getting mauled by teams that can run the ball physically.  That is Beane's fault for not identifying this and addressing the soft nature of this defense.


    The only reason this team has the defensive stats it has this year is due to the caliber of the teams we beat, they were all bad teams accept for KC, Tenn and Indy. 


    This D is not top 10 D.    Not against Titans, Not against the Colts.   The level of the competition has padded our stats.  Like I said we have not beaten a team with a winning record. 


    That means we are not a playoff team period!!!!






    Think you forgot McD continued horrible time/timeout management, his regression back to his natural conservative state with 4th down decisions, and his addiction to useless hard counts and defensive timeouts.

  8. 11 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    Not sure if he's right but I would guess it's Vernon Butler and a couple other fringe signings. Some of the beat reporters were saying Butler was literally doing nothing against the Colts.

    If true, and am inclined to believe it, why don’t they cut him today?


    In my opinion, one of the biggest negatives I see with the front office and coaching staff is they are way to loyal with their guys and type of guys.  I’m thinking there is a large group of players on this team who knows their actions don’t have real consequences.

    • Agree 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Do The Reich Thing said:

    I just don’t get where the passion is. These players and coaches seem content with where they are and the mediocrity they’re producing. No urgency,  no passion, no drive. Why is this a consistent thing In Buffalo no matter the regime? 

    I’m not totally on board with they are content.  But would it be fair to say that for most players and coaches they don’t care about it as much as we do?

    • Agree 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    Did you watch the Baltimore games?  They had some low percentage miraculous wins. 

    They won because they DID NOT shoot themselves in the foot like we keep doing every game.  It’s NOT their depth and several of those games were against bad teams they barely beat.


    Again, your statement is cliche, is proven wrong by every other team in the league and every season.  

    You act like all teams missing important players just always keep winning.  What happened to the Titans today?  Oh yeah, they lost to Tyrod Taylor and the Texans.  I mean there are a plethora more examples of good teams dropping games while missing important players.  

    So stop with this cliche, it’s more often false than correct.  



    So why do we constantly keep shooting ourselves in the foot, and Ravens don’t?

  11. 43 minutes ago, nucci said:

    Just stop. The Bills are always talked about...Allen is as well

    I never said they weren’t.  The list if for the lead stories and amount of coverage in national media.  They want ratings and clicks, Bills aren’t that team to drive either.  I’m ok with it to be honest.

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  12. Maybe not the most heartbreaking, I lived through those, this was possible the worst loss in franchise history.  The most maddening or inexcusable at very least.


    Some including me have talked about taking a break from NFL games as they have become horrible to watch.  The officiating, injuries, and reviews make it unwatchable anymore.  Last nights game perfect example.  The NFL product is deteriorating, they need to fix it and soon.


    I do agree a lot of Bills fans live on the extremes of timid abused fan from past experiences, all the way to caring way to much.  Polarized group we are for sure.

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