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Posts posted by Billsflyer12

  1. 5 minutes ago, mjt328 said:


    Imagine if you (or a close family member) was falsely accused of something like rape or domestic abuse.

    Your reputation is gone.  Your closest friends now hate you.  And instead of waiting for all the information came out, your job immediately fires you because they don't want to "deal with the distraction" from the media.


    The Bills front office claims to care about the personal lives of their players.  I'm glad that Brandon Beane and Sean McDermott are willing to be patient, and won't throw Araiza to the wolves, because it's uncomfortable answering these types of questions from reporters.


    Again.  There is nothing wrong with waiting for the facts.


    Ok fine, I don’t think a rookie punter is worth the Risk to the rest of the team.  But at minimum he should be sent home today, and kept away from team and team activities till the matter is settled.  Even if that means you have to eat an extra roster spot for awhile.

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  2. Just now, UKBillFan said:

    The key thing is the Bills we’re aware of this at the end of July, carried out an internal investigation and still decided to cut Haack over Araiza. They think they know something we don’t know and, like I said last night, they’re staking the culture and process on it. For their sakes, they better be right.

    And the risk to that for Bills is not worth the value of a punter.

    • Agree 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, mjt328 said:

    Rape is obviously a very serious charge.

    If guilty, Matt Araiza should spend the rest of his life behind bars. 


    With that said, I find it very disturbing how quickly some of you would cut a 22-year-old kid and end his career.


    It's not disrespectful to women to wait for the facts.  We should also reject the idea that it's somehow more righteous to automatically believe every claimed victim, and impulsively throw the accused to the wolves.  That's not justice either.


    Personally, I'm glad the Bills officials are willing to let the situation play-out before making a decision on Araiza.  Any player in that locker room could be falsely accused of something criminal.  If it happened to Josh Allen, I have a feeling the opinions amongst Bills Mafia would be a little more reserved.  There would likely be a little more patience in waiting for the truth.  Since we are just talking about the punter, fans think it's OK to just toss him under the bus.  The Bills often claim a "family-like" atmosphere amongst the team, and that kind of attitude could be just as damaging to player morale.  


    I'm confident that if Araiza's guilt becomes more clear and apparent, the Bills will make the right decision.



    Even if he is 100% innocent, the distraction and media circus that this is already is reason enough for me to cut a punter. 

    If this was Josh right now I would want him on Commissioner Except list immediately.


    How the Bills and league handle these things doesn’t seem difficult to me, yet they both still continue to screw this up.

    • Eyeroll 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, UKBillFan said:

    He has not been found guilty of giving her a drugged drink.

    He has not been found guilty of taking advantage of an incapacitated 17 year old.

    He has not been found guilty of leading her to be gang-raped.

    He has not been found guilty of knowingly giving her chlamydia. As others indicated, it could be he found out after the event he had it, as the phone call took place eleven days later.


    Just as you seem to be speaking as if the trial has taken place and verdict has been handed down.

    Thus he is not in jail.  Feel like someone needs to say this EVERY page of this thread!!  Guilt or innocence is in eyes of LAW, not public opinion or with private employers etc. etc. etc.

  5. 41 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    That’s actually not true. It has be performance/ability related to be cut (remember the whole vaccine thing last year?). At this point it would be tough to prove that he’s being cut for those reasons after cutting Haack already. Sure they could cut him if he did something off the field. But as it stands right now The nflpa and his agent would fight it since he’s only been accused in a civil lawsuit at this point. I don’t believe he can go on the exempt list per the CBA as that’s related to the personal conduct policy and this occurred in college. 

    Fair points.  We will see what happens today, but the Bills have known about this for minimum 3 weeks.  They could have cut him anytime during this time and kept other punter and called it performance.  Bills have messed this up and have today to fix it.  He shouldn’t dress or play for Bills, period.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:

    It's impossible to listen to WGR.


    The employer has to let the courts and legal play out before just believing what someone says.


    I wonder how Jeremy would feel if he got fired today because a girl said she had intercourse with him?   

    No they don’t.  They can cut someone for anything.  This easy call, if they don’t cut him or put him on commissioners except list this morning then the Bills will and should look worse then they do already.

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  7. May mean nothing but a couple small tidbits from yesterday stuck with me.


    1). GMBB said it wasn’t the Bills Drs who did the surgery.  Not saying Eichel situation but, maybe a bit of disagreement within the camps on time table?


    2). Buffalo Plus noted yesterday that they hadn’t seen Tre at practice for a few days now.  He had been there working on side, on bike or doing drills with trainers till recently.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    So everyone else gushing about Allen and the offense today and Thad still not impressed and not to his expectations still.

    Has anyone ever seen Thad Brown and Nick Wright in the same place at the same time?  🤔


    Wish people would stop posting Thad stuff.  The are definitely homer for and biases against among media.  Then there is Thad Brown.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, muppy said:

    Texas is receiving a ton of publicity lately. And it's not good pub either.  I like Austin and SXSW festival but the rest of the state is a total mess. I'd never want to live there. 

    We decided we couldn’t raise our kids in that state anymore and left.  That was a decade ago, and it’s worse now.  

    If you have ever lived there it’s not hard to figure out how this all works with regards to football and life.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. Football is king in state of Texas.  The McNair family is one the made families in Texas.  Look at the list of Texas athletes and Texas celebrities Rusty Hardin has represented.  Trace the political money and back scratching between them all.


    I lived in Texas for almost 10 years, this isn’t hard to connect the dots on why Watson wasn’t charged.

  11. 3 minutes ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    So the first part of this is saying he should do what he has done at many pressers for years.


    The second part says it's disingenuous and fake. 


    I’m talking about this specific game, these specific 13 seconds.  Arguably the worst loss in Bills history.  How he handled it afterwords was weak, and it’s clearly bothering some of his coaches and players.

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  12. Just now, BuffaloBillyG said:

    Again...nameless "sources". A nameless source is useless because it could literally be anyone with anywhere from up close knowledge to bring a friend of a friend of a guy that Farwell coached with for a season 4 years ago that is speculating because of aomething he heard while in the bathroom stall being talked about by 2 guys that habe no idea the working of the Bills.


    And the prevailing idea is that, no he was not fired. His contract was likely up and he was free to leave. 

    If you felt this way about your boss would you put your name on it publically?

  13. 4 minutes ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    So, because McD didn't come out and put everyone at fault on full blast in the media...more "nameless players" feel he's not practicing accountability? Of course had he done that the same "nameless player" might say he's throwing guys under the bus and airing dirty laundry.


    BTW, as far as holding people accountable...where is the ST Coordinator now? Oh right...gone. Allowed to look for other opportunities. Or if the guys contract was up...he wasn't retained. Seems accountability may have happened.

    As the “leader” of the team say something like “I’m the head coach of this team, I didn’t perform up to our high standards.  This loss is 100% on me.  I’m sorry to my players, I’m sorry to my coaches.  I will work tirelessly to not just learn from this but to be better for the team and the fans.”   Even if it wasn’t specifically his fault, that’s what leaders do and say.

    This is where his boring, cliche based communication style really does him a disservice.  It comes across as disingenuous and fake.

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