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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. McCoy tel tell us all once and for all time who has a strong arm, Mahommes or J Allen?
  2. A bit of a stretch for a story, If McCoy was 28 he would still be on this team."Long and regrettable chapter"? Yes the NFL is now largely not a one RB league anymore.
  3. Think again. Would you really want the Pats to keep 60? 53 makes for more parity.
  4. you and i will disagree, i vivdily recall his sloppy slow route running in pre-season.
  5. Anquan Boldin with the Bills was a joke, he was to old and way to slow, he wouldnt have made this team.
  6. Its the difference between a kickoff and a field goal, her 55 yard field goal would end up being a very short NFL kickoff.
  7. Let her do some field goals and kickoffs (run off the field asap) in pre-season, once the excitement and pre-season is over she can go back to soccer. I would love to see it. A 38 yr old 141 lb female would get killed in the NFL is she were treated just like any other player. Knowing the NFL anyone gets near her they will cal roughing the kicker.
  8. Sammie did have excellent rapport with Watkins, Sammie run a go route and i wil throw it as far as i can you catch it. That actually was one of Tyrod's most effective play. Sammy also didnt play when he medically was cleared too and other issues which were also raised in LA. His teammates saw all that/
  9. That was my initial inclination but the "free spot", what exactly does that do for the bills. He cant play at all this year and after that he can sign with any team, Bills have zero control.
  10. I wont be shocked if some team on a flyer and maybe to sell some tickets picks him up if we cut him and puts him on their active 53.
  11. Seriously? If Chad Kelly actually ever plays for the Colts they are going to lose anyway.
  12. Thanks, that read was as good as his original story, maybe better.
  13. Shockingly from Yahoo that was a good article. I especially was impressed with Allen renting out a house and inviting skill plays for some one on one and Allen also playing WR and CB, lets him see the QB play from a different perspective. I think that is a great idea during the off-season and certainly builds team chemistry . Not sure about this line though, "The Bills love his field vision and smarts" not so sure about that, especially after that last performance which I pray was a fluke. You cant doubt Allen's physical attributes and his willingness to be a leader and put the work in, the two usually lead to success as a QB.
  14. The only thing more tedious than fantasy football talk is bitching about fantasy football talk. But actually i agree.
  15. If J Allen plays like his last pre-season game 5. If he plays more like his first 2, 9.
  16. Well that was certainly true in years past, this year I think our depth , for once in a very long time, is quite extraordinary, I think this is one year when other team pick up as many cut Blls as the Bills pick up from other teams.
  17. The Texans with their dysfunctional front office have pretty much polluted the waters, without a bonafide GM and firing the infamous Brian Gaines it is a rudderless ship this year.
  18. Oh the beautiful irony if we pick up the Pats punter this year. Two years in a row the Bills pick up the Pats cast off at the lowest position on the team.
  19. There are 2 teams with 2 very good punters, the Browns and the Rams, both would be a lot cheaper than Allen. As for Bates, see what happens with Morse. If Morse actually starts the season i think Bates goes to the PS.
  20. They should bring back the red endzones as well...but they claim they fade to pinkish, cheapskates should keep it up.
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