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Everything posted by socalfan

  1. Hi - I'm Nate Clements...THE lock down corner from THE Ohio State University.
  2. No I don't think that loosing Pat was that big of a deal. The defensive signal calling is a little odd. They tend to zone blitz a bit too much. It opens lanes for running and I think the opponents are planning on those types of blitzes especially on first downs. We tend to play off the receivers. I'm not sure why, but today it hurt us. We have to tighten it up. I thought we should have continued on with JP. Kelly wasn't the future.
  3. I wonder if having him in the shotgun more often would help out. That's how he played college ball. Maybe, keep one back in, drop the tightends and put out 4 receivers. And if nothing is open, let him run. They might be trying to conform him to a pro style too soon.
  4. He isn't like them at all. He has a completely different personality. Did you see him trying to cheer on his teammates after he was benched. The other QBs you mentioned just aren't like that.
  5. Yeah, I think Willis is an amazing back and if the Bills could pass then he would be on course of a 2000yd season.
  6. I think it sounds like a great idea....my point is this. It won't happen until the Bills can prove they can pass. Because if they can't pass, they won't be able to run.
  7. Yeah, I see the Bills defense playing corners off the line of scrimmage. I see the defense with zone blitzes to stop a passing game, not a running game. I see the safeties sitting 10-15 yards down the field, protecting against the pass first. Do you not see the same thing? When you look at the defenses facing the Bills. They don't show that same pattern. They play the run, because the Bills cannot pass.
  8. Look at the box scores. They win because they can pass. They run because they are winning. It doesn't happen the other way around.
  9. Yeah...but in a backwards sort of way....We would run the ball more if we were winning. Since we weren't it just isn't feasible to look to the run to carry the team when it is behind. Consider last week, WM goes for 140 yds and we loose.
  10. This is kind of funny. How many yards did these teams throw for today? Hundreds...
  11. maybe 10 years ago if you were in the Big Ten, but it has been a long while since that strategy was used...even in the Big Ten. All teams now move the ball by passing. The run is only effective if the defense fears your ability to pass.
  12. Well, neither QB could move the ball. I presume he thought special teams or the defense might get a turn over....but the offense was not going to move the ball 60 yds down the field in the fourth quarter.
  13. When you are loosing the game in the fourth quarter, I doubt the defense much cares if you run the ball, it just is not going to win the game for you.
  14. What team are you talking about? Willis got 20+yds on his first carry and on the next 12 he got 25 more. You don't win games by running first. You know you won the game when in the fourth quarter your running the ball.
  15. McNally has been quoted in the Tonawanda News as saying all offensive linemen look the same to me...they all look good. He jsut coaches them. It explains the L Smith to R Tucker to B Andersen moves at left guard.
  16. Yes they do. When the temp gets below 90, they can turn off the air conditioning and open her up! For example, during night games starting at 8PM...by 10:30 it gets down right chilly out there...80-85.
  17. When I lived in Michigan (1986), Detroit had a lot of open housing. There were beautiful two story 5 bedroom brick homes for sale at $3000-$8000. I think even the poor of NO would be able to afford something like that.
  18. I would say let her go....if they can't get cops and national guard units into NO, then they won't be able to get her into NO. So, NO probably means to the gulf coast.
  19. I took a look at the Ladies Lounge on finheaven, and noticed that: 1) there were more viewers of that forum than their football forum. 2) your idea of well behaved and my idea of well behaved are no where near close. 3) in other post you said no porno, but in fact, that is all that is posted in the finheaven forum. So why would you want that trash on a Bills football website? Why don't you just start a new website if you want folks to collect a post trash for your viewing pleasures?
  20. Mother of God...Well, it's pretty clear that you didn't go to school.
  21. The Bills won't resign him next year, so why not use him.
  22. When Knox owned the Sabres 50-50 Under the cable guy 25-75 Bills Under Paychex 1-99 Bills I've gone from watching Perreult, Martin, and Robert at the aud every game they were in town; to watching only the Stanley Cup with the dominator; to checking the first round pick of the Sabres this year.
  23. Even if Nate were the best corner in the last 100 years, I wouldn't sign him to a contract that would make him the highest paid corner in the league. I'd let him go, or I would trade him this year if possible to a team that would accomodate him. I just don't see any value in having the highest paid position on your team. To build a good team you want to get as many good players as you can. And you can't do that when you assign 10-20% of your cap to one person.
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