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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Objectionists can kiss my ass. The President, ANY SITTING PRESIDENT, has the right to select any Supreme Court Justice they see fit. Democrats need to STFU and move on to another Trump-hating scenario they will undoubtedly uncover. This is just one of those reasons that a lot of Americans want nothing to do with politics.
  2. Steve Young and Aaron Rodgers aren't on his list? These two are easily in the top 10 of QB's all time and they aren't even on a top 16 list of a "supposedly" respected NFL man like Brandt? All lists are subject to criticism, but these two omissions are just pathetic.
  3. When's it going to stop? The continuous grandstanding. It seems that EVERYONE'S checkered past comes up around the time of mid terms. Again, I ask, does this ever stop. I will go back just a week ago when that crazy wide-eyed woman won in the Bronx, where only 19 decent of the voting public turned out in that election. That is the bigger story than the woman who won the election Point being, people are tired of politicians PERIOD. Doesn't matter if you are Dem or Rep, people are tired of it. Why the need for a story like this to come out NOW?
  4. Why should I ever be surprised by what is going on in today's politically charged environment?
  5. Jennifer Rubin should be hung by her balls............... she probably has them. Because Sarah Sanders works for Trump she should be harassed for life. Does this idiot realize how fvcking stupid she sounds?
  6. For Leafs fans.................... Don't fall into the Damon Severson rhetoric. Severson is far from a finished product and Hynes benched him a few times last year. Toronto needs to really improve their D core, but don't trade Marner for Severson. That might not work out too well for Toronto. Look to other teams that need offensive help that have a D man to offer
  7. Now the Leafs have to turn Nylander or Marner into D help or the Tavares signing won't amount to much, unless, of course, Tavares is skilled at keeping the puck out of his own net. If Game 7 against Boston taught us anything about the Leafs is that they need to keep the puck out of their own net to go anywhere. Tavares signing doesn't help that unless they have something up their sleeves.
  8. No one in MSM gave a rats ass about immigrant children until the Stormy Daniels thing blew up, along with the Russian collusion delusion. What is going on at the border has gone on for multiple administrators and NOW they care. I don’t buy it one bit, yet there are a lot of brain dead morons throughout this country that.are protesting over this issue. What’s next when this immigration issue goes by the wayside?
  9. There aren’t enough fists in the world to punch Acosta in the face to the satisfaction of the people. What is wrong with that guy?
  10. I am one guy against an angry mob. Don't like my odds. I am not the Undertaker who can clean house on a whim. You should say that to the other people walking around too. Why didn't they do anything either?
  11. Very soon an official of Trump's cabinet will be killed. Don't know who or when, but it's coming soon. I wish I was joking. It's getting ugly out there. I was just on 5th Ave by Trump Tower and there were leftist pigs who confronted a young teenage girl who was wearing a MAGA hat and they were throwing punches at the poor girl. This is downright bad now and the leaders of the Democratic Party would rather see a Trump supporter dead than call out anyone who commits acts of violence. My neighbor had his American flag ripped from his property and torn to shreds by a little kid right if front of his young daughter's face, all the while this little kid was screaming at a 4 year old girl. Those are just a couple of examples of what I have seen the last two days. The top is about to blow in this country. There will be people killed.
  12. Pretty Simple......... open borders = situations worse than 9/11. Eliminate Republicans and Independents...... then eliminate the rest with no political party. It will be a Democratic Nation with nothing but illegal immigrants. Death to America as we know it. It was fun 200 years while it lasted.
  13. I don't know, NY is one messed up state. And both California and New York are insanely liberal. Who would have thunk that both these states are screwed up royally. What a shock.
  14. I don't know what is a more f-ed up state................ California or New York?
  15. Angela Crye is one of the most disgusting humans on this planet. She is the most unhinged person over there at the Communist News Network.
  16. How is Kim going to be allowed in this country now that NK is banned again. ?
  17. The Jets game was in 88 when they tried to burn the stadium down. I was there.
  18. Isn’t Emory the same college that fired a professor for not going along with his brain dead liberal students?
  19. Min not trying to be a moron or disrespectful by asking this, but......,.....: Why even have him come before Congressif they already have him by the cashews?
  20. Can they do anything to Strzok if he gives them nothing or if he pleads the 5th the entire time? Peter "Gimmie a" Strzok was the lead investigator in both the Hillary email scandal and the Trump Russian Collusion Delusion This is all America needs to know about this dirtbag. I wish Congress could hang this anti-American prick by his balls.
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