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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. They actually ran Midzone well last week. Think it averaged 5 yards a pop iirc. Beat schemes for them last week were Dart and ISO though. Inside zone has been horrific though. For multiple weeks.
  2. More often than not their tied to stunts, so yeah, but its effectiveness is based on hiding the whole look not specifically the coverage. Huh, that Cover 1 article was interesting. There wasn’t any disguise, or what I would define as disguise, on that play. Plus they weren’t even in Quarters coverage there.
  3. You can disguise (or not disguise) any coverage. Haven't seen any of the breakdowns but would be interested in seeing them if you remember where you found them.
  4. So easy that you don't even know what he's running. 😉
  5. Quarters So as far as terminology goes most coaches differentiate Quarters from Cover 4. Cover 4 is your true spot drop - defensive backs playing their lanes - coverage (think an umbrella coverage - keep everything in front of you - super safe). Quarters has many names - Quarters, Palms, 2 Read (there may be more but those are the main three). This is a man match coverage concept with varying coverage calls and rules based on the offensive formation/alignments. You have your 2x2 concepts and your 3x1 concepts and those can/will vary based on the alignment of the offense. It's up to the Safeties to get the secondary into the best coverage call vs what they are seeing from an offensive alignment. So in 2x2 for example you could have one call for 2x2 normal splits, a different call for 2x2 wide splits, a different call for 2x2 stack, and a fourth call for 2x2 condensed splits. All of those will have their own sets of post-snap match/coverage rules. Then you'll have your various ways of playing 3x1, again based on personnel/alignment and what you want to do with that backside Safety. Cover 6 Cover 6 will play Quarters to the field, but now play Cover 2 to the boundary. There's various ways to play 2 into the boundary, more often than not it's going to be a 2 Carry concept where the corner will sink with 1 vertical until the ball pulls him off of it, but you could also play a hard Cover 2 or even Trap to that side of the field. Again you have your different menu of calls based on splits and it's up to the Safety to put you in the best call. 3x1 to the field is where it gets interesting because your backside Safety is now occupied in coverage to the boundary so there will be multiple calls that will vary based off of how you want to play 3 vertical. As far as athleticism goes - every year players are becoming more and more athletic as there are advancements in sports science. With the game continually trending more and more towards passing obviously players are going to need to be more athletic at positions that, even 10 years ago, were more built to stop the run first. This increase in athleticism doesn't just magically make one coverage better than another though.
  6. Of course there is. It’s an adrenaline pump. I’m not saying there isn’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s a natural human response. Think about youth football - kids first experience playing the game. When they initially learn to tackle their natural reaction is to tense up before contact. As you grow older this gets trained out of you but it still doesn’t make the action a natural one. @MJS
  7. I can explain them to you if you’d like. There’s no new wrinkles. Those schemes have been around for forever. The only thing that has been changing defensively in the NFL is teams are running more split safety coverages but MOFC coverages still dominate like they always have.
  8. Depends how much money he’s after. What are some of these new defensive concepts?
  9. It’s not a natural human response to want to throw yourself into another human being. You don’t want your first taste of it to be in live action. It just mentally and physically prepares yourself for the dog fight you’re about to be in. Plus it’s one more opportunity to work technique.
  10. The majority of times I've seen receivers close to each other has been on scramble drills where guys are just trying to run to grass to get open for Josh.
  11. Gabe's fine. He has his limitations but his role in our scheme is established and he can execute it well. I wish he caught the ball differently than he does, but that's him and how he's always done it. I think what gets lost on fans is how complex our system is. There's a ton of route conversions within the concepts we run and it takes time and reps to be able to make decisions quickly based on post-snap reads. It's also what allows us to be consistently one of the top offenses in the league year in and year out. We'll be fine.
  12. This is what gets me about this place (and totally not saying this is you). We ran the same exact play to Shakir last week and we didn't convert with it and everyone was talking about how it was such a horrible play call, bad scheme, etc. but this week we run it and it scores and it's brilliant lol. Again, not saying this is you - just a general statement about the board as a whole as I've seen multiple comments that match your sentiment.
  13. Nah, typically the backside of those coverage specific routes is either a man beater or a universal concept that can win again anything. As far as the screen game - I really only like the perimeter screen game with this group. I don't think our OL are athletic enough in open space to engage blocks so avoiding those is 100% the right call. Our perimeter screen game should be fantastic though if we use Knox and Kincaid as the MDM blockers.
  14. I said this in another post somewhere, but schematically I'd like to see more shifts and motions. I really liked what we were doing pre-snap in the miami game, but a lot of that was opponent specific because of all the man and man-match coverages they run. We do some good things with misdirection, I'd like to see more of that going forward - anything to get a defense moving or having to communicate as the ball is being snapped is good business for an offense. I think Dorsey does a phenomenal job of calling concepts that attack the coverages we're seeing in specific down/distance/field zone situations. The struggles with balance within series has largely been due to getting off schedule or not sustaining drives. I'd like to see him incorporate our tight ends on the perimeter a lot more than they currently are. We should be a hellacious screen team with Knox and Kincaid kicking out Corners on perimeter screens, but we haven't really utilized them a whole lot. There's been a few occasions where Josh has held the ball a little long for various reasons, but then just overall execution of the entire offense needs to improve early in games, specifically the offensive line and I think it will the longer they play with each other. Unfortunately there isn't one thing you can point to as the problem the last two weeks, but the good news is that the issues are all easily correctable. Why do you say that?
  15. Every instance of a spacing issue that I've seen posted on here or by people on social media is a still shot of us running mesh. That's the whole design of the concept. Traditionally it's a rub concept vs man, and if it's zone those two players will sit in the empty spaces created in the underneath zones. We run a slightly varied version that makes things even easier for our receivers running the mesh concept. Essentially they're running their mesh crossers regardless of coverage, which eliminates the post-snap read. We then sit a player in that low hole area directly behind the backers so that we have an option vs zone coverage. Essentially Josh waits for the crossers to pull the zone defenders back out with them and then hits the Spot sitting in the middle of the formation. Saw this thrown to Diggs this week, and is one of Dorsey's favorite concepts on 3rd and short to medium because it's an all coverage beater. Outside of that I haven't seen anything else that has guys running close together.
  16. This isn't anything crazy or specific to us. This is every team ever in football. There's a finite number of route concepts that can be run out of different sets due to alignment, spacing, etc. Tendencies are going to form. I can assure you this isn't the only concept we're running out of any of our 2x2 sets. This narrative he's pushing that Okereke played outside his scheme to make a play is laughable. The Giants were in Cover 6. Okereke is the 3 Quick player in that coverage scheme. When the back releases out Knox becomes the 3Q player and so that's why Okereke is pushing towards him. Josh is trying to throw the anticipation ball and hit it right off of Okereke's back, but the issue is Okereke is squared up. He's not man turning with Knox. Josh probably didn't recognize it was Cover 6 because it was a half field read, but if he lofts that ball the backside Safety has to drive the Dig in Cover 4 and Knox would have walked in for a touchdown.
  17. I'd say the misdirection stuff has been on par with what we got out of Daboll.
  18. I’m assuming your thought process there is because of size?
  19. Why does that make us better I guess is what I’m really asking?
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