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Everything posted by T&C

  1. No doubt. Really like Stills stuff too, another long catalog of music.
  2. Actual name of the group is Not Necessarily Stoned, but Beautiful: Hippies of the 60s and Beyond Amazing some of the pics, concert artwork, etc they have on there. Don't know where he/they get it but I see new stuff all of the time.
  3. I take it you are in this group too... https://www.facebook.com/hippiesofthe60sandbeyond/?hc_ref=ARQ5VvdYwDtdff3hPGvav7_wCidHqqqugU1-M_bO3nxZGj9h3CvTsUFuA9aTeyCwNts&fref=nf
  4. Never got into LS, guess I was too spoiled listening to the Allmans back then. Do like the first Outlaws album quite a bit though as far as southern rock goes. So, easily Neil Young for me... plus there is all of the Buffalo Springfield material too.
  5. Yeah, it seems from the beginning of this band to present day there has always been "something going on"... Jeremy Spencer basically walked out on them in the early 70's and joined the children of god.
  6. See if there is a Harbor Freight in your area...
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8v_OC3zWCM
  8. Way too young to head out... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-10/fleetwood-mac-guitarist-danny-kirwan-dies-aged-68/9855002
  9. This was an insane game, glad the Caps took it... on to dinner.
  10. Done deal... off to mussel and clam pasta with pepper and garlic sauce... hard bread for dipping. The right team won tonight...
  11. I was rooting for the Jets... imagine being a fan of that franchise... well at least they got their team back.
  12. Getting better all the time...
  13. Very ****ty at this point...
  14. I honestly could care less about their future. I like hockey teams that play in the cold weather, not 101f outside the arena. Maybe the Sabres can make a jump this year and contend in two years. It's been a long long time... hasn't it?
  15. Getting exposed because a one shot deal of 1st and 2nd liners taken through the "draft" that haven't played with each other and have no cadence VS a team that has been working together for years. !@#$ the nights... the one night standers. Gonna suck when they lose the cup at home.
  16. Best miss of the game so far courtesy of Mr. N... that was right there.
  17. Yeah, I use it once in awhile to listen to The Lake too... never a problem.
  18. Sunday Ticket is a big waste of money in these times. I dropped it 8 years ago and dropped Directv altogether in Dec of last year, had it as long as the drought. Got a Roku tv and the Sling mid package for 1/4 of the money with the same stuff, and a lot more. For bills/Sabres games I watch online for free, and it can be conveyed to your tv if you want to. Sometimes the games are on national tv and we try a few times a year to go here: http://www.brandonbillsbackers.com/ to check out the game too. Was unable to go to the Bills Backers this last year though due to !@#$ing hurricane Irma. In short, it's out there... just do a little exploring. I hope Directv goes out of business, and soon... what a ripoff.
  19. Fort Meyers? I wonder how that works because of people who use a "different" type of programming instead of the major networks. For instance, I watched the game last night on Sling.
  20. Seems there should at least be a hockey talk forum here... instead of posting in the hot for teacher forum. The Sabres haven't exactly been about hockey lately...
  21. That PP was a pile of ****... Caps better put their caps back on.
  22. Those are rare for him but yeah a !@#$ up for sure.
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