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Everything posted by T&C

  1. 68 Falcon, same color as this one, first year for the square tail lights... rocking the massive 200 under the hood lol.
  2. We always call them flats and bats... like a mini baseball bat I suppose. I like both as long as they are done right. Down here in Florida a lot of places serve them swimming in "sauce"... yow. Marie's chunky bleu cheese finishes it off if I make them at home, don't care really if I have celery with them, if so fine... if not fine.
  3. I vividly remember that day...I was in my twenties. We were unloading a semi flat of building materials when it went up, the Island Center in Tampa. It was a clear day and when I and my crew were watching most all of us exclaimed at the same time that something was wrong. All it took was good binoculars from that far away, just such a clear day. Could actually see it without them too, just not as high def.
  4. This I disagree with... Eric Burdon, Roger Daltry, Jack Bruce, Ozzy, etc. were/are way better rock singers. Bruce could do the falsetto thing to... just a matter of opinion though. queen did a lot of pop stuff.
  5. Same here, after Some Girls I couldn't listen any more so that would be the line for me too. Another band that comes directly to mind is Genesis. After Gabriel left (if you are going to head out make it a masterpiece, the Lamb is just that) they should have changed the name to "The group formerly known as Genesis" or, the Phil Collins Pop Machine. I can handle A trick of the tail and wind and wuthering because it was mostly work that had already been written and sort of flowed in the same vein, but after that, yuck.
  6. This. They are,as are most great groups. Still, something like Ruby Tuesday is similar imo. Kinks had "similar" stuff too.
  7. In west central Florida, Tampa area, it is almost every day between June and October... so no real one I could say. **** is ferocious... usually after 3pm or so.
  8. Pick winter then, you can always put more on but when it's hot you can only take so much off, until you are arrested.
  9. Good band for sure, my first concert ever... at the Aud, but no to everything you said about them.
  10. Not really either of these, its the humidity. I'm rolling on a dew point of 77 right now, as soon as you walk outside you feel like you are in a sauna.
  11. Better doesn't exactly mean better imo. Its the style of the band... I mean, Robert Fripp is a great guitar player but he wouldn't have worked well in the Who vision just like Townsend wouldn't have worked well in the King Crimson vision. I personally think Frank Zappa is the greatest rock guitarist ever but everyone has theirs I suppose. Back in the 60's I would put Mick Avery Way ahead of Ringo as far as drumming is concerned with the British invasion bands. Baker too. But, its all about what was needed for a particular style and sound.
  12. I don't think there is a weak link in the Who... 3 crack musicians and a singer who played a little harmonica or tambourine.
  13. Same here. 92 degrees with a dewpoint of 77 is no fun. And hurricane season has started. Not looking forward to the next electric bill...
  14. Amen, will never be another decade of music like that... ever.
  15. For Beatles albums I would put Band on the Run up there "near" the top as a solo lp...
  16. You may be the only person I'm aware of to listen to Yellow Submarine from start to finish...
  17. I've always had a soft spot for the first one (Veejay records), A taste of honey still gives me goosebumps... but the whole album is great. Same with Beatles 65 and Yesterday and Today... mid albums with great stuff that sometimes gets overlooked in their catalog. Yellow Submarine is so much George Martin that I almost don't consider it a Beatles album.
  18. No doubt. Really like Stills stuff too, another long catalog of music.
  19. Actual name of the group is Not Necessarily Stoned, but Beautiful: Hippies of the 60s and Beyond Amazing some of the pics, concert artwork, etc they have on there. Don't know where he/they get it but I see new stuff all of the time.
  20. I take it you are in this group too... https://www.facebook.com/hippiesofthe60sandbeyond/?hc_ref=ARQ5VvdYwDtdff3hPGvav7_wCidHqqqugU1-M_bO3nxZGj9h3CvTsUFuA9aTeyCwNts&fref=nf
  21. Never got into LS, guess I was too spoiled listening to the Allmans back then. Do like the first Outlaws album quite a bit though as far as southern rock goes. So, easily Neil Young for me... plus there is all of the Buffalo Springfield material too.
  22. Yeah, it seems from the beginning of this band to present day there has always been "something going on"... Jeremy Spencer basically walked out on them in the early 70's and joined the children of god.
  23. See if there is a Harbor Freight in your area...
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8v_OC3zWCM
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