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Everything posted by gomper

  1. I only listen to this load of a station for the updates (which can be mangled at times) and then switch to 590 or 660. Two real sports talk stations. I did however catch a few minutes around the Super Bowl when the topic was "Does 0 for 4 still hurt?" or something like that. No, all Bills fans have forgotten about that. Talk about lazy. How Buttdog still has a job in this city is truly amazing considering his articulates as well as a lamp. They just ride on the Sabres coattails and are fortunate they have no competition. They have it too easy and it shows. Want to hear just how bad they really are? Listen during the Summer when they actually have to work at it. These two are bad but that POS at night is even worse. Catch the updates and turn the dial. After all, you're not missing anything anyway.
  2. Please don't stop with Schoop. That dead weight Bulldog deserves slaps too. How bad does WGR suck?.....listen to Brad Riter sometime. But thats beside the point. GR is top to bottom a below average station that doesn't try and create anything new. They just tread the same stagnant waters year after year. many of you are right........another station is not only welcome but needed.
  3. Hey Quitter.......F U! p.s......how's the family?
  4. Nicely done Zonabb. This is the kind of explanation you should hear on a good spportstalk station......but GR and those two idiots on now dont have a clue.
  5. It is not as lame as WGR but its on its way. What has become of the days when the highlights and some additional information abouts events were actually the show? Now all we have is each anchor trying out their lame stand up routines while the other one laughs like an idiot off mike (wait, does sound exactly like GR on that point.) Stupid little segments abound like the Bud hot seat. they should set it and the host on fire with it. PTI on sportscenter. I dont care what those two have to say. Dont they have their own show to bore people stupid? Is it too much to ask to have ESPN not act like 8th graders?
  6. Haven't watched it in years but back in the day no one came close to Rowdy Roddy Piper. The best on the mike of all time. I nearly died laughing when he broke that coconut over Snuka's head....or when he called Flair the "May West of wrestling"....what a guy!
  7. Smerlas is perfect for Simon and Whitey in Diapers. All three are terrible at what they do. When you think GR cant get any worse.........it does. The only thing that would have made that segment more miserable would have been that tool Brad Riter.
  8. Well, I travel a lot for work so I do get to hear plenty of stations around the country on GR is as bad as it gets. Some stations come close but GR sucks for so many reasons. Good point on the Quinn ass kissing. How that marblemouth Bulldog still has a job is beyond me.
  9. Cowterd show sucks. He fits right in on WGR. Worst sports station in the country.
  10. Freddy had some good points this morning....but boy does that morning show suck moose testy's
  11. This is just the latest example of had bad WGR sucks. Wow....Dickerson's take on the Bills.....how original. From that moron Bulldog to that no-talent Brad, its just a horrible station on the whole.
  12. Lol.....calling me Bob Gaughun?.....now really...lets not say things we cant take back. Look, my point is that GR is a subpar station with awful content, and terrible hosts. I'll tell you what, put on FAN590 for 20 minutes. Dont worry about the topic and just listen to how their hosts know how to broadcast. The intelligence of their approach and how they handle callers. It is night and day. Like I said before, its sad when a 30 season ticket holder cant listen to the local sports station.
  13. WGR sucks. No way around it. The morning show is such a waste of airtime and Riter and Buttdog are such a pair of fratboy idiots that I'm ashamed of the thought of someone from out of town listening and getting the impression that this is representitive of how we talk and think. If you really want to point the finger at who is responsible for what very well be the worst sports talk station in the northeast, look no further that the idiot program director Andy Roth. He is the one who took Howards nuts away and paired him with that moron White. He is the one who sets the tone and message of the station. Its sad when a 30 year season ticket holder like myself cant even stomach five minutes to find out whats happening with my favorite team. Hopefully another station will give them a run in the future.
  14. Just an interesting side note to this incident... I was in the ems room when this happened because my friend decided to drink a bottle of coconut rum and couldn't keep it down. As they walked her to the wheelchair at the top of the upper deck the guard was run over. Everyone in the er was watching the replay and I remember saying "well, we'll see him here in about five minutes...." Sure enough they wheeled him in a few minutes later.
  15. I dont know why you all bother to appeal to Brad. Its obvious that he cant read. That fat load is both stupid and ignorant at the same time. God bless the day his show is vanished.
  16. I hate it. Not even 2 4:15 games? I like having a week or two during the season when the day can breathe before the Bills kickoff.
  17. Brad Riter the best? hahahahahahahahaha! He is a huge part of the garbage that is GR. He's stupid, uninformed and may be the worst pre-post game host ever. Unprofessional and unprepared describes his show perfectly. Never has an angle or opinion that you haven't heard several times before he says it. The whole station has an amatuer "lets see how this goes" feel to it instead of a professional broadcasting outlet. Pity the people in Buffalo in a city with no other alternative. WNSA wasn't much but it was way better than this audio sludge.
  18. OK sadists here's the final drive: 2:16 remaining 1-10 buf10-Kelly run in middle 8 yards (P.Johnson tackle) 2-2 buf18- (2:00)Kelly 1 yard run in middle (Howard) 3-1 buf19-(1:48)Thomas runs left 22 yards (Walls) 1-10 buf41-(1:20)Kelly pass to Reed 4 yards (Reasons) 2-6 buf45 (1:02)Kelly runs right 9 yards (Reasons) Buf TO 1-10 ny46 (:48)Kelly pass to McKeller 6 yards (Thompson),play halted at :29 for replay review 2-4 ny40 Thomas runs right 11 yards (Collins) 1-10 ny29 (:09)Kelly spikes ball to stop clock 2-10 ny29 (:08) Norwood 47 yard FG no good wide right it still hurts
  19. Secondary Ed. since you asked. I just loathe sloppy hacks like Riter. He reeks of urine and vomit almost as much as that morning show. Listen to Fan 590 if you want quality.
  20. My God, since you couldn't bore everyone with that audio dogcrap you call a show you decided to post here? Its bad enough you're on the air but you have to spread your layer of grime here? The guy who does color for the UB games who filled in for you the other night put you to shame. In regards to SportsExtra, being the first time I've seen you you are even more hideous that I imagined. You are a worthless, lazy, POS hack. Please go away for good!
  21. FWIW Fire TD and MM Spend 1.5 Million and buy out Weis' contract at ND The only way to fix this mess is to start over. The proof is on the field and in the front office. This has to stop and it has to stop now.
  22. Being a huge Montana fan this idea of Brady as the best I've ever seen started to nag at me at the end of the '03 season. But he is. His is amazingly accurate, clutch, and does all the little things exceptionally. His play action and ability to set up the perfect screen throw is unmatched. Sure he has great coaching but no coach can prepare you to make clutch play after play when the outcome hangs in the balance. One game with the chips on the table, Brady is the man. Nobody is better when the pressure is on.....certainly not Manning. Oh yeah....he's as tough as they come too. Even being a Bills fan, this kid is a pleasure to watch and could quite possibly have 5 SB titles before he's done.
  23. Brad, You suck beyond comprehention and Schoop is just as bad.....pray for rain and another sports talk station to emerge
  24. According to sources at One Bills Drive, J.P. was missing from the afternoon practice. Same sources also report that Paul Hamilton ate him.
  25. Brad is the laziest piece of sh*t ever to talk on GR's airwaves which is saying plenty. My friend insisted on listening to him last night and what I heard was so bad I'm amazed that load still has a show. He talked over Mularkey's press conference as a segment. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Hope he does his next remote in a driving rain. That'd be the only time I'd ever listen to that lame excuse for a host. Brad=RJ
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