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Everything posted by Niagara

  1. Glad you are enjoying the thread Gene. I appreciate the bump, but the reynold's wrap zinger totally leaves me. I am thinking Fauci and wife should be pastured, and will be after November.
  2. Kind of like the keyboard versions of Portland, Minneapolis and Seattle "protesters". Maybe its genetic, they were taught to be dumb or were dropped on head when infant. Of no purpose for a dialog, but zinger exchange.
  3. Conservative justices are his biggest legacy BTW, always thought Kemp was an opportunist, and carpetbagger. His heart was never in WNY, but California. Out of here as soon as possible He never tried running for Senate, bc scared of losing his safe seat in House. Never skied Kissing Bridge or Holiday Valley, but Aspen and Vail. Kemp was a phony.
  4. The longer it lasts, the better for Trump. DNC is seen as soft and GOP tough on violence, George Floyd and virus could be a win for Biden, but violent protests plus debate gives election to Trump. Don's Army can not leave until protesters are beaten to a pulp.
  5. Dr. Desai will pay with his career. NYT has a paywall, so I linked Yahoo's copy, but yes this is criminal. "More recently, in February, Desai left his job at a community hospital in a Chicago suburb where he had worked as a surgeon since 2016. He was named as a defendant in three medical malpractice lawsuits last year, court records show."
  6. Hi, I'm new here. Glad you like my feeble attempt at a thread. The fact the NIH funded the Wuhan Lab is public record, and BTW Fauci runs NIH, so how is it a ***** ridiculous thread? Meathead a** h***
  7. Then you think Fauci criminally underwrote this pandemic? I agree, the perp is on nightly TV.
  8. Trump was right Wacko doctor writes antihydroxycloroquin study then "that study and another were retracted in June by the renowned journals that had published them, weeks after researchers around the world suggested the data was dubious" https://www.yahoo.com/news/doctor-behind-disputed-covid-data-185312270.html
  9. John wants you to believe things are under control...Wrong
  10. He likes being on camera, so he was throwing to the photographers.
  11. The 1988 Presidential landslide upset: https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/politics/policamp/insider.htm "It's fairly easy to find evidence for the theory that the Democrats are headed for a victory. Just look at the polls--and not only the "horserace" polls, showing Dukakis with a healthy lead over Bush. Gallup polls taken earlier this year showed the Democrats regaining a lead, of 42 to 29 percent, over the Republicans in party affiliation." What killed it for the Democrats? Crime... Willie Horton, debate rape question and the embarrassing photograph of him in a tank taken on September 13, 1988, which subsequently formed the basis of a successful Republican attack ad
  12. Gene You should really retire from the keyboard corp. At least don't use your real name.
  13. Looks like someone fooling with a glove. Link?
  14. coldeze, asprin, melatonin, something available over the counter so you can be proactive. HC was available early on, but became political and unavailable.
  15. Empirically HydroxyC makes sense bc the drug is used for RA and lupus which are diseases of immune system. COVID-19 kills by causing an immune system storm. HC seems to control that storm. Lots of cures have been made by observation. Jenner observed the milk maidens who came down with cow pox did not get small pox.
  16. How about giving credit to picture sources. Could be anyone
  17. He funded it through his Chinese lab partners 2018-19. Duh
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