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Everything posted by Niagara

  1. Politics is a blood sport. Remember the stolen Bork seat that eventually went to Souter, a closet liberal. Borked is an actual word thanks to Ted. Also remember Scalia may have been assassinated. Plus, remember that the Las Vegas odds of a Biden victory are 75%. Screw being nice, the Democrats will never reciprocate. Play the game like the Democrats play it. And besides, what difference does Biden's top three candidates make?
  2. Trump should nominate Ted Cruz who can then vote for himself. An almost October surprise.
  3. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2WakVfzW8dYIMQrI4U15SW?si=4opUKF_7Tm2-5H2_gcobDQ Interesting article about who is actually running for President, K. Harris or Jill Biden. After Woodrow Wilson's stroke, the 25th Amendment was not invoked, and Mrs. Wilson is thought to have functioned as the first female President for the remainder of the term. "Kamala Harris is... already talking about “a Harris Administration.” If I were Dr. Jill Biden,... I’d ...hire a taster. Now, am I saying that Kamala Harris would physically harm Joe Biden? Let’s just say that I’d rather gulp down Ruth Gordon’s smoothies in Rosemary’s Baby than roll those dice. Regardless, (Harris) will want be rid of him. The 25th Amendment is the most obvious play. And, frankly, it would be legit, since he is manifestly incompetent, not that stuff like facts and truth matter in modern politics. The 25th Amendment, one of the rare parts of the Constitution that Democrats like."
  4. Apparently, The US attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York actually does prosecute criminals. It will be fun to follow this case because it is tied to race and justice. “It’s very easy to suggest they could have reacted differently from what’s alleged, but what’s being expressed in the streets is a hurt people of color have had to hold for generations,” said a friend of both. Both are immigrants, yet both felt entitled to destroy even though their families have not been in this country even one generation, let alone generations plural. If Biden wins the case will be stuffed, but if Trump wins, good luck. The irony is that the police car was already burned out. Hopefully they will never see a court room as lawyers ever again.
  5. Ah, but is she an angry “woman of color”. Either way, reference to her is "gratuitous" and doesn't fit a public persona. In any event it is insulting, and a show stopper. Big words, little minds.
  6. You are not worthy of discourse. You insulted me because in your opinion you can not recall her showing anger by raising her voice. What a jerk. No, it was all an act. By your standard voice level denotes anger level. When out of argument call the opponent a racist. I am disappointed in you
  7. OMG. You got me. LMAO. Harris uses her mixed race to further her goal of being President, just as Warren used her high cheek bones to become Senator. New buzzword is black privilege. The racist/ Nazi moniker has worn thin/ old/ dated. Thank you for your polite thank you. Still think Biden is unqualified for reasons of mental decline. No way you can argue your way around it. Fun to watch you try though.
  8. Curse of Tippecanoe The Curse of Tippecanoe (also known as Tecumseh's Curse or the 20 Year Presidential Curse) is the supposed pattern of deaths in office of presidents of the United States elected or re-elected in years that are evenly divisible by 20,[1] from 1840 to 1960. Because of the timing of presidential elections, these are also those taking place in years ending with 0. The presidents fitting this description were William Henry Harrison (elected in 1840), Abraham Lincoln (1860), James Garfield (1880), WIlliam McKinley (1900), Warren Harding (1920), Franklin Roosevelt (1940) and John F. Kennedy (1960). Ronald Reagan (1980) was seriously wounded by gunshot, but survived more than 15 years after his second term. George W. Bush (2000) survived his terms in office, despite an assassination attempt. Thomas Jefferson (1800) and James Monroe (1820) preceded the supposed curse, and outlived their presidencies by 17 and 6 years, respectively.
  9. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. The fact Biden and Trump are running are flukes. If Trump had bought the Bills, he might not have run. If Andrew had run, Biden might not have run. Biden's opportunity was a weak field of 20. Sanders, Warren and Biden all should have been have been disqualified because of age. Biden is pre baby boomer, and would break records for age at time of election. But yes, neither Trump or Biden are as sharp as they were 10 years ago, let alone 30. There have been 8 Presidents die in office: 1841: William Henry Harrison. 1850: Zachary Taylor. 1865: Abraham Lincoln. 1881: James A. Garfield. 1901: William McKinley. 1923: Warren G. Harding. 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1963: John F. Kennedy. Three died by assassination, and one incapacitated while in office, W Wilson. There have been 44 Presidents (G Cleveland counted 2x), /9= over 20% chance Biden will not finish term. But of the two, Biden 4-5 years older, lack of campaigning stamina, gaffs all make Trump the better choice, especially with an angry black K Harris as the. President in waiting
  10. It is his personal list, similar to an ad blocker, it makes for a cleaner, more efficient look. I do not sense anyone is intimidated, but in fact enjoy the attention for bad behavior. If you want to watch a “circle-jerk” watch CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc. You do not appear to be in a position to insist on anything. I have not seen ANY left persuasive arguments in the PPP including yours. Not bc of being cowardly or lazy, but incapable. Agree that it is a really bad look. Some day it will come back to bite in a**.
  11. Spoken like a true Marxist, as if it were their's to change. Why not try the tried and true method: the boycott.
  12. Let's not. You must not have read the article. Biden's Kanosha trip was a disaster. It is a mental job. Woodrow Wilson was not up to the job in the end, while Roosevelt performed well in a wheelchair up until the end. No one wants Harris as President.
  13. If Biden defies my prediction and proceeds with the debates — whether out of misplaced confidence or desperation — they are far more likely to be a disaster for him than a success. Although he and Trump are roughly the same age, right now they are worlds apart in terms of their mental and physical abilities. Moreover, Biden’s former, more moderate positions on law and order, patriotism, religious liberties, business, even pro-life issues — are at loggerheads with the progressive stances he’s been forced to adopt in the new Democratic Party.
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/policy-2020/economic-inequality/reparations/ Biden and others will "study it". Wonder if Wilson, Mahomes, LeBron James and others will get reparations? https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/08/27/906642178/one-authors-argument-in-defense-of-looting The fact that NPR gives this author a voice on the merits of looting is disturbing. The government (Democrats) are promoting it. Trump 2020. Vote like your lives depend on it.
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/maher-knocks-medias-defense-of-looting-rioting-in-cities?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A foxnews%2Fentertainment (Internal - Entertainment - Mixed) Democrat Joe Biden will have to wear looting "on his back into the election" because it is being done by the left.
  16. Is it true you are a teacher in Hawaii? Hope you don't teach English. In fact, yes, Trump should test his power to pardon, just as the DNC tested their powers to stage a coup through impeachment. He should blanket pardon himself of all crimes.
  17. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/09/end-nobel-peace-prize/616300/ Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a Norwegian parliamentarian....nominated Donald J. Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. “Can you name a person who has done more for peace than President Trump?”
  18. I would have thought they were future channeling the story of rat Hunter Biden
  19. Franklin D. Roosevelt - Inaugural "The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself" Speech WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER speech by Winston Churchill (We Shall Fight on the Beaches) 11:00 starts at 11:00 Biden: China not economic threat to U.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dew9qqoAM9A
  20. Notice the topic is alt right. The fact that the Jets have politics as part of their football forum is testament that the PPP is not unique. As far as being a fan, I sympathize with the Browns and Jets fans. Almost as painful as being a Bills fan. tt
  21. https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/hypocrisy-of-the-left.94044/ Hypocrisy of the Left
  22. Must be the word "sashay" that struck a nerve.
  23. You sound like the petulant child who wants to take his marbles and go home.
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