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Everything posted by Niagara

  1. DEM Wisconsin Governor has accepted the Fed's help only because it is now politically beneficial, no altruism involved.
  2. Seriously, either you look like that avatar, or your self image allows you to let others think you look like that avatar. Either way, If you want to call out someone as "a ***** dolt" I suggest a powerful looking avatar like that of a Bills lineman. Much more effective. That one makes the reader want to laugh.
  3. But Trump did not ridicule the Prime Minister of New Zealand, he merely stated a new cluster after 100 days of no cases was terrible, which it is. You have a thing about ridicule and disrespect. You are Canadian and conservative, and Trudeau is a liberal. You do not like Trudeau, or Trump. My guess is you do not give a s*t about ideology or the US as long as Canada is "respected" and "taken care of" like your dairy industry. You want the US just to bend over and repeatedly take it up the a** from all our "former friends". But Trump won't bend to your liking, and you don't like that so you go to war in of all places a Buffalo Bills sub forum. Face it, with your population size and land mass, you can not defend your country. If Russia, or China wants to use your northern passage or Arctic resources, who is to stop them? My guess is China will just eventually buy Canada like they are already doing in Africa.
  4. https://ustr.gov Do you know the US Representative? Thought not. Renegotiated NAFTA, big accomplishment. Good luck to you too.
  5. It has been said the US has never lost a war or won a peace treaty. Only Trump has even tried to make a fair deal. The US inherited bases around the world and became the world's policeman at great cost, like a booby price to winning the war. S Korea ,Germany Japan doesn't fairly pay the upkeep cost, France and China got seats on Security Council despite being over run. The Paris Accord is a bad deal for US, so would Trans Pacific Partnership have been. The Arms agreement the US is opting out of is correct because it does not include China and Russia cheats. Only Trump will call a spade a spade as if he actually gave a F. Bully tactics? Easy to roll over and get F*Ked. Canada's female trade rep is famous for busting balls until Trump. As far as Trump being friends with P, X and K, not likely he is friends with anyone. I can understand Trump respecting them because they ALWAYS act in their countries best interest, unlike sellouts like some past American VP/Presidents like Obama, a Biden. or Clinton whose hands were out before they left office. I am sure Trump does not respect Trudeau who is similar age of his children. And finally, Trump needs four more years to pack the courts in the age of Soros, ACLU, education indoctrination teachers unions. Trump is a culture war defender of values I consider mainstream. Biden is a place holder.
  6. "The 1910 Fruitgum Company is an American bubblegum pop band of the 1960s. The group's Billboard Hot 100 hits were "Simon Says", "May I Take a Giant Step", "1, 2, 3, Red Light", "Goody Goody Gumdrops", "Indian Giver", "Special Delivery", and "The Train"" Big Deal
  7. I Understand that Canadian POS Justinian Trudeau's days are numbered, thankfully. He must be the second most despicable man in the world, behind Trump of course. Not because there are not worse people out there but because of what he has destroyed. Canada's reputation is forever soiled. It sounds like jail time. He no doubt is on the take. No decency at all. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/17/opinions/trudeaus-ethics-scandal-pandemic-we-charity-bociurkiw/index.html First there was the secretive trip to the Bahamas in 2016 when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family rode in a helicopter owned by the Aga Khan, the billionaire and Ismaili Muslim spiritual leader whose organization has received hundreds of millions of dollars in Canadian federal grants to advance its work overseas. Then, some three years later, the Trudeau government was found to have pressured then-Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to spare SNC Lavalin, one of Canada's largest engineering companies, from prosecution for bribing Libyan officials in return for lucrative government contracts between 2001 and 2011.
  8. You are the piece of work. Does going to a Bills game give you license to comment on neighboring VP or President with no comment about that POS you have running your country? Face it, Canada is one of those skater countries who do not pay their share for NATO membership, and the US subsidizes your medical and defense through cheap drugs and NORAD. Fear Canada is your mindset. Money buys friendship. Those are the exact qualities Trump is calling out. Pay up or I won't like you. F you. And your CFL, love the funny names. The Edmonton Football Team, the Argonauts, Blue Bombers, Tiger Cats, Alouettes, none would be in consideration in Washington, oh wait... football team is. Enjoy your safe closed border, wusses.
  9. I see where the CFL is taking a year off, after losing millions last year and looking for a bailout this year. It's no wonder you hang out at the Bills forum. Too scared to open the border I hear. You literally can't go to either an NFL OR a CFL game this year. At least you will be safe. We also hear your Premier wants a boycott of American products? Not very friendly eh? And yes. Pence did a great job, and no doubt he will continue to do so for another 4 years. Thank God we don't have a man child like Trudeau as President. How embarrassing that would be?
  10. Better job Bull S*it. He did a great job, no doubt 300,000 would have died otherwise. Antiabortion position is obviously irrelevant. Mr. Dense Canadian.
  11. You do not know of Higgins, one of the two Congressmen from WNY because you are not from Buffalo I guess. Cuomo is a hypocrite because he pontificated on proper procedure in a pandemic while sending people to their graves in nursing homes, again something you probably do not understand because you are not from New York. As far as "not acceoting lives of citizens are equal to the lives of the unborn", I do not see how this makes Pence a hypocrite. It does not even make sense.
  12. Why not??? Joe Biden said it was the norm in Washington. He should know.
  13. Huh? I am anti hypocrite as well, but are you talking about Cuomo or Pence? Cuomo oked deaths of the disabled, not Pence. A political hypocrite is someone like Higgins who was antiabortion and became pro-abortion to conform with the party. Pence was never anti and then became pro-abortion, so he is not a hypocrite.
  14. He acts as a foil, but as far as "decent enough" I disagree. "Trump killing his brother" to get a rise crosses the line. He should find some video game somewhere and go to war online. I find his taunting actionable. He should be warned, if not banned.
  15. He is the heartless tin man, and the brainless scarecrow. He serves in the role of the trolling antagonist. No insightful comment, or a bit of humor. He is merely The organist at the hockey game who whips up the crowd. Pity those who know and have to work with him. He's probably a school janitor or bus driver somewhere. But, In the virtual world, he is the somebody who brings him glory. All hail Tiberius.
  16. You mean Death follows Clinton Obama Biden everywhere.
  17. What Obama Really Thought About Biden... https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/08/14/obama-biden-relationship-393570 A much more complicated story—one fueled by the misgivings the 44th president had about the would-be 46th, the deep hurt still felt among Biden’s allies over how Obama embraced Hillary Clinton as his successor Former administration officials treated Biden dismissively in their memoirs. Biden’s own 2008 presidential campaign, meanwhile, had barely made a mark and fizzled after he won less than 1 percent in Iowa. Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in “Great English Writers” and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students. He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.
  18. So darn if you do and darn if you don't. She who eviscerates, in turn deserves evisceration. What I like about Trump is he is the anti McCain, Romney, or Dole. He plays the game in the way the game is meant to be played. Game on.
  19. I did not write it, it was a cut n paste. What is she then? A Megan Markel? A Mulatto? Mixed race?
  20. The cartoon by Johannes Leak in The Australian newspaper, depicted a beaming Biden saying, "It's time to heal a nation divided by racism." The drawing then showed him pointing to Harris, the first Black woman on a major-party U.S. presidential ticket, and saying, "So I'll hand you over to this little brown girl while I go for a lie-down."
  21. This ad speaks to the heart of the matter. FEAR When police stations are burned out, you are in Death Wish and Purge movie territory. And when Biden is silent, Trump will use. It is a no-brainer. Who will stand up for you??? Not the Democrats. Not basement Joe Biden. In fact, the opposite, the democrats stand up for violence and destruction.
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