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Everything posted by Niagara

  1. You make 6 figures? You are mediocre and overpaid? And Mahomes is going to make 45 mil because he is black?
  2. This is Snyder's position. He grew up loving the team and its 80 yr history. He got the money to buy the team and people without a pot to piss in are demanding a name change. All those wanting a change should buy it and do what they want with it.
  3. Married in 1991 to a woman. You? Is your partner a brave or a squaw?
  4. I have an idea. Call them the Washington Snowflakes in honor of the upcoming millennial fans. Not possible to offend with a snowflake. A similar thing happened around gay marriage. Gay union was not good enough, it had to be called marriage, so marriage it is. Name of the game not is not to offend, so Snowflakes is perfect in that regard.
  5. Post 911, what if Iraq had WMDs? Could it be India was unified and much better off from its time spent with the English, as was Australia, Canada, HK and the Colonies? When the English left Rhodesia, one 1$R= 1$US, in time one trillion Zimbabwe $=1$US Children were killed on both sides. When women and children are targeted, the response is generally in kind.
  6. Scalps? The Washington Scalps? Sounds like a keyboard warrior hypocrite talking, one who is living on former native land. Do the right thing and give it back.
  7. Sell the naming rights at 5-10 yr increments. Washington New Eras
  8. Just like the Buffalo Bills is on a play on Buffalo Bill Cody, the Washington Generals would be a play on General Washington. Redskins does have a bit more bite though.
  9. Even if he failed to dot an i or cross a t, it hardly seems to be a high crime.
  10. To be the best you have to beat the best, but they are only human and have injuries.
  11. Isn't he injury prone? Sammy Watkins injury prone? Also, he is a potential bust, better to draft AJ Brown. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2832576-all-sizzle-no-steak-dk-metcalf-is-a-1st-round-flop-waiting-to-happen
  12. I agree that Trump seems to have followed https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/3345 and eventually 3356 to the letter. However it is one thing to argue with someone who calls himself Tiberius, but pity Kelly Ann for having to live with someone who writes BS like https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/08/opinion/trump-attorney-general-sessions-unconstitutional.html. It must be discouraging. Or perhaps U.S. Code § 3345 - Acting officer law is unconstitutional and will require some "judicial review".
  13. You should be a comedian. Who would have known the best part of a Bills forum would be a sub forum about politics.
  14. As an employer myself, I relate to those who had to deal with a Sullivan and a Gleason. There comes a time when the convicts feel like they run the prison, and with their swagger, they sometimes do.
  15. Similar to what happened when Thatcher died. They sang. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/margaret-thatcher/9993713/Anti-Margaret-Thatcher-song-Ding-Dong-The-Witch-is-Dead-fails-to-reach-number-one.html
  16. Another interesting article about an aircraft carrier. Google McCain and Spain and power lines and find other stories. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2018/08/26/mccain-the-hero-nearly-sunk-an-aircraft-carrier-killed-134-sailors/
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