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Everything posted by likei've

  1. I don't believe for a second he was s disaster. One of the few bright spots for a number of games. This whole article is probably hooey, but if there's even a shred of truth in this I believe the Bills may understand something that we may not. I'm not going data mining for those stats. Did you truly find nothing of any value in any of my posts? Beating one point to death does not a fun conversation make.
  2. 29 of 32 sounds fine but I think you may also be forgetting how many games he started and didn't finish. Also, conveniently dropping last year off of the tally isn't a very fair tactic. I could very well be wrong, in fact I hope I am. Again, I was as happy as anyone when we drafted him. Everyone has an opinion, this is mine. I just don't think Watkins is going to be the guy we'd hoped and if prefer to get some compensation rather than watch him walk (or hobble) away.
  3. In too many big games imo. Plus, even when he did start I never truly believed he'd finish most games. Too many big plays you look out there and can't find 14. That's not good when he's the one you need out there the most,
  4. It has. It was a clear, thougt out, well articulated post. Just two differing opinions. It's not that I don't think Watkins is a good player and that he can't become an elite player. I just don't trust his feet. With that said I'd rather get something than nothing when/if he walks away in free agency. Believe me, I was all about Watkins when we drafted him. I just can't stand having your best player on the sidelines week in and week out. Same with Dareus. I was on the sign up Dareus train and I have many reservations about that now. Will Sammy perform, will he stay on the field, if he performs will he keep the motivation after the contract year? Two many question marks, imo. People don't have to agree, but throwing words like "dumb" and "stupid" around are counterproductive and make for a one sided conversation. And isn't that all we're having here. Certainly none of us will be responsible for trading/keeping him if and when it ever becomes a reality.
  5. To be elite you have to contribute. Sammy may have elite skills but he's certainly not elite. Not yet.
  6. People seem to be pretty down on a second rounder as compensation. I'd rather take my chance on another Zay Jones or Robert Woods whom may or may not be available for most of their games than a guy that history has proven cant be. Even when Sammy started a game it was hard to believe he'd finish it.
  7. Of course I know that, I guess you'd have to believe that Watkins will have an injury free year. That plus of course he'll do his very best on a contract year. People are very quick to say "dumb" and "stupid" around here. I was always taught that people that have to resort to those types of words just have trouble articulating themselves properly. Maybe if you opened your mind to other people's points of view you might start seeing things in grey and not so black and white as your opinion seems to be. in your opinion Watkins will perform well enough to deserve a brand new contract or be tagged. In my opinion I've never seen anything to believe that's true. Even if he did, it would conveniently be done in a contract year. If the Bills brass made a move like this I believe they've finally learned a thing or two from past mistakes. Two differing opinions. Neither have to be "dumb" or "stupid". Id love if Sammy became our Julio like he was supposed to be. Just have trouble believing it with many Buffalo Bills seasons under my belt. I'm going off seasons past, you're going off of hope.
  8. For a player that can't be counted on to start or finish his games? I would hate to solve the problem that way.
  9. Typical Bills move would be to keep him and let him walk via free agency. How many past first round picks have we traded in their last year of their contract to back up your claim?
  10. I don't see a first rounder for Watkins since he only has a year left on his contract. But two firsts and two seconds would go a long way, imo. A reciever that can't be counted on to finish out a game is worth an early first? Not sure I agree with that at all. Pretty sure the other 31 gms wouldn't agree with that either.
  11. It would convince me they learned from past mistakes and got compensation for a player that would walk in free agency anyhow.
  12. I was a big fan of drafting Watkins. With that said, since I don't see him being on the field enough next year to justify a contract extension. I'd be a big fan of getting some compensation for Mr. Glass as opposed to letting him walk in free agency next year for nothing. Now THAT would be a Billsy thing to do. If we've learned anything from the Pats it's to get something for your players while you can. Do I see us actually trading him, no. But I believe with the players history it's the wise thing to do in this scenario.
  13. Another fun factoid. Who did JP Losman throw his first NFL TD too? You guessed it!
  14. What we need now is those scouts to scour the globe and find some hidden gems like Steve Nebraska or Neon Boudeaux. Don't wait for the draft, go get 'em boys!!
  15. Couldn't have been found by a better equipped human.
  16. So... You have a barn? The video shows lots of hay.
  17. Well keep the pup away from the poster above your post. Dudes cooking dogs and hot dogs this weekend...
  18. You want to be classy? Drink your beer from a glassy.
  19. The subject is moot. Dareus is an extremely talented player, that much is true. I along with many other fans would have flipped our lids if we didn't sign him up. With that said, will he ever justify the payday? It's looking less and less likely but I know he can do it if he wanted to. None of that really matters, he's here whether he performs or not.
  20. Funny that I'm the one being called names like it's middle school and I'm the 16 year old? Do you know how to articulate yourself without name calling? I haven't seen much evidence of it. I could call you fun names too but what would it accomplish that your posting doesn't already do for me?
  21. Fun opinion. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. Actually just forget about the respectfully part. Haven't seen much from you to warrant any amount of that. D.A.R.Y.L?
  22. Not going to lie, I just laughed a lot at this. Not at all expected.
  23. Tubman was always going on about the seriousness of computers. She wouldn't let her kids play Oregon trail because apparently she knew someone that passed from dysentery.
  24. Aka: "I signed up for this board earlier than many on here so therefore I am better." Never posted much = why should we care then?
  25. It's more about intentions than anything else. Your jpeg is being posted in a sub-forum on a small market United States football teams message board. Just wondering how much good it's doing for Europeans right now? I'm assuming, nil. So... Again, other than pushing your obviously important political agenda what other purpose is it serving? That's right, just seems attention seek-y to me. I mean outside of the post what exactly are you doing to help the cause?
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