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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. When the lawyer sent them the civil suit 3-4 weeks ago before the media knew of the story would have been the right time. Instead, they fired the old punter, went 110% in on matt only to fully reverse course at break neck speeds once the media broke the story. According to you this looks good??? It was too late to do "the right thing" which would have had to been done before the media ***** storm. Its not the right thing if you only doing it to protect your own ass
  2. They "did the right thing" only after a media ***** storm forced them too and not one minute before.
  3. I mean its the right thing if you do it for the right reasons but if the reason is "cause my hand got caught in the cookie jar" than its pretty SUS. Either way I would agree they made the right move it just took them longer than it should have and they have to own that now. Itll blow over for buffalo but they still look dumb especially with cutting Hack
  4. Lol what? He is just reporting what everyone in the world is thinking... bean and mcdermott look like #######s rn who cared more about winning football games than doing the right thing. Now, they have recently made a turn for the better by doing the right thing and cutting this rapist punter. However, the definite perception of public is that they only did the right thing after they got caught doing the wrong thing. Its a bad look and its being reported literally everywhere. This reporter is just doing his job and stating the very obvious. It will blow over eventually. Bills are the least juicy target in all this next up is San Diego State and police department who were far more complicit than buffalo bills. Just hope these dudes learn from this
  5. Uh didnt Kim recently suffer a major medical ailment that has her in the hospital for a long time? In fact is she not still recovering??? Your post seems absolutely absurd in light of that.
  6. Especially since it was reported that the lawyer for the victim notified the bills over 3 or 4 weeks ago.... Seems pretty amateurish to me
  7. He also said he learned new things but at the moment its major cover up mode so who the hell knows. Its pretty damning that the team was notified over 3 weeks ago and now seem blindsided and stunned like they are in a lurch. Its a rookie punter!!!! Just move on jfc
  8. No the victim with the bruises and the bleeding organs said rape.
  9. Josh Allen already told yall we aint punting this year.
  10. Concerned about josh allen? Give me a break tho fr lol
  11. As a matter of practice I never click on or read anything Sullivan has to say, I don't even think he's that good of a writer... I mean if your job is covering a sports team and half the fan base wont even read your drivel says a lot....
  12. That guy is just low energy Todd Bowles.... I would not want him to be the bills coach.
  13. How are players salaries and the taxes generated not new revenue for the state?
  14. Basically will be they wont break ground until summer next year Salary cap is 200 million per year and NYS has a 10% salary tax right? Someone do math on 20x30(years) its almost the entire public funding and thats not counting non player personell and tons of other things like sales tax on sales etc.
  15. You have to understand that every single offseason the media gets mad hype about Miami.... it's a big market. Miami just lost their HC and is changing their entire staff- how good you think they gonna be in their first season?????? At the end of the day this could turn into a major blow in the short-term for KC, which I have to see as a huge boon for buffalo. Tyreek ALWAYS makes a HUGE play for KC every time we play them. It will be nice that he is no longer there.
  16. Discussing whether or not people feel the decision was made emotionally. Sal suggests it was. He also reports things on twitter (not just the radio) I think some people would care if GM was making moves based on moment-to-moment emotions but I think most people do not buy what Sal was selling. Some do, though. Just answering your question;)
  17. also possible, can't rule anything out! -- just random speculation who knows
  18. The timing makes it seem like it was re: Beane talking about diggs contract not being important right now. But beane has a point. Diggs still has 2 years left on his contract it's a bit early to start with the demands... that's next off season which I think is what Beane was more or less saying. Diggs probably feels some kinda way about that watching all these other Receivers get 23 million/29 million etc. But I mean, diggs wants to win a superbowl for sure I think at this point he's locked up with buffalo for 2 more years it is what it is I don't think we have anything to worry about here.
  19. I agree 100% honestly. I wish Sal wasn't even 'reporting' that on the internet like it is some thing (he's making it one). Oh 100% Beane is allowed to be pissed about JD McCissick What bothers me is Sal's suggestion that Beane then went and (emotionally) made a deal for von miller. Beane was pissed about JD no doubt and 100% allowed to be. I refuse to believe that it made bean emotionally sign von miller.
  20. I am sure Sal has absolutely zero supporting evidence for this 'theory' yet he's floated it and now it's running wild. Sal seems to report it like it's a good thing: "Beanes emotions had him angry and he doubled down and got to work on signing Von Miller the very next day" (After the JD McCissick crap). Even though sal seems to report it like it's a good thing, the obvious implication of making such a large decision 'emotionally' is that it's a bad move. So what do you guys think? Is Sal right and this was emotional reaction to missing out on JD, and/or possibly other issues like Chandler signing with Raiders or was it the right/smart move? Of course time will tell, but I'd like to hear your opinions -- I'm of the opinion that Beane is better than that and would not make such monumental decisions based on raw emotion.
  21. He got more money and left buffalo after great play for us on the field because we couldn't afford him. yes, he went to poverty franchises... hope he learned a lesson -- money isn't everything. What does this post do to prove your point though? Nadda..
  22. Shaq Lawson is honestly a great football player stuck on a poverty franchise. He will play well for the bills as he did before.
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