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Everything posted by wppete

  1. Josh Allen looked great yesterday. Yes some throws he would like to have back but in total I think for a rookie he is playing well he will be a star in the next couple of years.
  2. Clay and Benjamin gave up on playing football. They both need to be benched. Both should not be on the team next year.
  3. I think once we get him some protection and a couple more weapons at WR Allen is going to be an elite QB in the NFL.
  4. I would not want to mess with an angry Jerry Hughes.... Jerry is my favourite player on this defense.
  5. I think Hunts career in the NFL is over. If any team picks him up think about the backlash that team will get.
  6. I like the idea of getting either Stills or John Brown. Use our first round pick on the best WR in the draft and then go OL in rounds 2 and 3.
  7. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/11/30/nfl-may-find-itself-in-a-tough-spot-over-the-kareem-hunt-video/ NFL may find itself in a tough spot over the Kareem Hunt video The sudden emergence of a video from a February incident that previously received little attention raises an important question for the NFL, a question for which there may be no good answer. What did the NFL know about the existence of the video that purportedly shows Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt shoving and kicking a woman at a Cleveland hotel? If the league office, which surely knew about the incident, knew about the video and did nothing to Hunt, that could spark a firestorm of criticism. If the league office didn’t know about the video, there could still be a firestorm. Much of the Ray Rice debate, as fueled to a fever pitch by an Associated Press report that the league had seen the video from inside a hotel elevator before it was published by TMZ, centered on whether the league should have taken steps to obtain the video, if the league had indeed not seen it. This time around, specific questions could be asked about why the NFL, with an in-house judicial process that supposedly investigates these matters independent of law enforcement, failed to secure (wait for it) surveillance video generated by cameras at a hotel. Basically, the league either saw the video and did nothing (which isn’t good) or the league didn’t see the video because it failed to take steps to obtain it, thereby learning nothing from the Ray Rice fiasco (which isn’t good). The question then becomes whether the NFL will try to downplay the incident, if for no reason other than to keep the story from developing to the point where questions about whether the league saw the video and/or whether the league should have seen the video are asked.
  8. The big Question is did KC and the NFL know about this incident and video prior to this season?
  9. I meant post game shows like this one.. They had some good post and pre game videos of them discussing the game.. They dont do them anymore. Thats too bad because if they continued I thin k they would get a lot more subscribers and followers. Hopefully someone can do something similar.
  10. Not a bad break down. I watched the cover one guys on youtube all the time when they had videos post game discussing the game but they dont do them anymore. Thats a shame they had something good going there.
  11. Not even close. Edmunds is going to be a star in this league.
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