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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I picked the #1 state to live in. Rent for apartments is about 100-200 more than NC. A low-wage worker doesn’t pay property taxes or buy expensive homes. “Annual WalletHub survey ranks New Jersey in the top 10 for safety, quality of life and education & health.” https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new-jersey-is-americas-best-state-to-live-in-new-survey-says/3107116/
  2. Looks like Ivanka, and possibly the sons, are in some real dookie. I’m no lawyer, but it appears they likely did exactly what Weaselberg is charged for times 10 over. Yikes. No wonder she disappeared.
  3. Where do you live? Wages jumped at least 5 dollars an hour here in NJ just in the last 1.5 years. They’ve actually doubled since 2011 or so. You in the south? Are you talking about the 2008 recession? Think about it this way. From 1990 to 2006 wages went up like 2 dollars. Then they obviously stayed flat, or even decreased during the crash, then started to creep back up in 2017, then obviously took a huge leap recently. We’re a good 6 dollars ahead of where we’d naturally be without recessions here in NJ because of state legislation. Basic warehouse jobs that pay 11/12 in NC and FL are starting at 19/20 now in NJ. They’re still too low, but that’s a huge jump in a very short amount of time.
  4. That boogeyman again? Yes, it’s called “trickle up” economics. That’s what we’re doing this time after 5 failed attempts of “trickle down” economics. 4 million Americans quit their jobs in April — a 20-year record. Many of them worked in the retail sector, which is in the middle of a massive labor shortage. https://www.businessinsider.com/labor-shortage-quit-job-openings-record-vacancies-labor-department-2021-6?op=1 Doesn’t seem like pre-pandemic normal to me.
  5. A 6-7 dollar per hour pay raise for low income retail folks. When your neighbor is doing well and has money to spend, you’re doing well, and you local economy is doing well.
  6. We aren’t really talking about 70k earners receiving the max $275. Self-employed people max out at $132 under PUA. Self-employed people don’t normally qualify for UI benefits. Back to normal with a $15 minimum wage, so not really a pre-pandemic normal. Office jobs aren’t ever going back to normal. They’re getting their “hybrid” models ready right now. Many will be working from home permanently.
  7. No. The Florida state benefit starts at like 90 bucks and I think tops out at 175. The average self-employed person was getting 100. So, it’s 100 + 300 Fed. enhanced benefit. The $600 was at the beginning of the pandemic and only last 16 weeks. That’s been long gone. Many people don’t realize that and assume everyone’s been getting $600 this whole time.
  8. There’s plenty of private schools you could send your child to. I’ve heard good things about Prager U. If you want your child to attend public school, they’ll first have to be vaccinated.
  9. So, their brains are broken. Yes, we already knew that. Conservatives more likely to believe false news, new study finds. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/02/health/conservatives-false-news-study/index.html
  10. Ronald has some tough decisions ahead. Florida Citizens Decide Issues. Florida Lawmakers Ignore Them. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/florida-1
  11. I hope we have answers before the midterms so voters know which party no longer supports democracy and can show their displeasure with their ballot. Republicans stalled for so long that we might not be finished until the week before those elections.
  12. Take notice that people aren’t coming back to work for less than 15 an hour, and if they do, it’s very temporary and they’ll not care about the job and leave rather quickly, which is what we’re seeing.
  13. It isn’t the media. It was the study released by historians ranking the presidents. People on the left are also wondering why George is moving up the board. Apparently, they weigh human rights more than they did previously, which changed rankings a bit. Donald is ranked 41 out of 44.
  14. The unemployment story has been the most interesting issue throughout the pandemic. I don’t know how it all ends, but I know that things aren’t returning to how they were pre-pandemic, so small business owners should probably take notice.
  15. John McCain didn’t get this kind of love.
  16. People on unemployment are getting 400/week in most southern states. That’s 10/hr. The Republican talking point is that adults are sitting home and won’t go back to work because they’re getting 400/week in unemployment. These are also the jobs available now and pay range that’s “supposedly” causing the labor shortage, which caused those industries to lobby R governors to end unemployment benefits early. Are adults supposed to be taking jobs that only pay $10 or are those jobs entry-level jobs that shouldn’t pay adults enough to live and should be filled by kids?
  17. Anyone that was anywhere near that area has already had the phones, social media, etc. combed through and traced. No doubt about that!
  18. I guess we know who the real boss is. Step aside Ron DeSantis. You’re a peon! Trump's Sarasota rally still on despite report DeSantis wants it canceled due to Surfside. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/30/desantis-wants-sarasota-trump-rally-canceled-according-reports/7814283002/
  19. All of Ronald’s recent laws will be blocked. He knew that. That’s why he passed them in the first place. He’s counting on the fact that an average cult member won’t actually follow the issue to the end and just think it’s already been done. Thats because he thinks his own voters are really stupid.
  20. The lobbying behind the push for republican governors to end unemployment early has been retail and the restaurant industry. Those are your lowest paying jobs. The argument for not raising the minimum wage is that these jobs are entry-level jobs that shouldn’t pay enough for adults to live, therefore should be filled by kids just entering the workforce. Kids aren’t on unemployment. Why would you cut unemployment benefits from adults if that’s not whose supposed to be taking these jobs in the first place? Someone on unemployment in Florida gets 400/week. Why would/should any adult take a job that pays less than that?
  21. You’re not seeing the hypocrisy are you? But, as we already see, stripping those benefits isn’t accomplishing that goal because those business owners haven’t figured out yet that the slaves aren’t coming back for less than 15/hr.
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