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Everything posted by row_33

  1. then followed with Sgt Pepper.... 3 for 3 with Penny Lane/SFF as a two sided single in there... amazing Another contender for consecutives is The Stooges and then Fun House and then Raw Power
  2. I worked with consultants who put their billable hours into their timesheets half a year in advance Quite a magic trick
  3. Her Majesty was to go between MeanMM and Polythene Pam, the editing cut off the clash chord end of MMM, it makes no sense on the album to start HM with the MMM chord... it was the 60s...
  4. I look at it that many enter Ivy with their life secured by family connections, easily more than half, so it makes no diff to them as it’s a natural progression Some raise up from nothing if they keep showing their genius, but that’s a hard road to maintain and you can’t slip without the safety net of the first paragraph
  5. the medley is a patchwork of nothing songs they couldn’t complete over the prior two years They spent so much studio time on it and hated the sight of each other the whole time As a fan it was nice they got back together for old times sake and putout a good album for 1969, but it’s way below the standard of their peak years in RS/Revolver/Sgt Pepper/White Album. Beatles couldn’t jam, they grew up on Chuck Berry riffs and country/western songs, which is solid in its own right and gave us a lot of great work, but they were hopelessly out of touch by 1969 in the rock world
  6. FedEx pumped out great ones for a year we need an adaptor for the universal adapter why do I keep you around? You’re my Dad
  7. ——— a few non-spoil things from a second viewing Leon’s choice in art on the wall of Larry’s house Richard Kind’s girlfriend spooning his dinner onto his plate, as she handed him bread to throw at LD at the women’s club speech earlier I miss Jon so much on the TV screen
  8. Ringo’s additional harmonies???? it says lead vocals anyway.... he was lead on 11 released recordings they totally biffed the easy one on that list, all the rest is suspect Stop and Smell the Roses doesn’t count
  9. please please me as well the 11 boys i wanna be your man act naturally what goes on matchbox honey don’t yellow submarine wirh a little help from my friends don’t pass me by good night octopus’s garden
  10. Building up enemies for the finale, now the magazine stand dude 10 episodes, Mar 22 finale the last two seasons took 9 years to get to us
  11. Get this spite store going already
  12. Took a dive in the chess match with Death
  13. probably 25.... meant to type in 500 years ago Dolan won’t invite Marv back for the 50th celebration of the 1970 win Marv, Oak, Spike Lee..... “SELL THE TEAM”
  14. Lead man for many Ingmar Bergman masterpieces, the Seventh Seal most popular. I preferred Winter Light, that had to be a comedy, right? Just like that JFK movie? Recently played 3 eyed raven in Game of Thrones
  15. I enjoy Russilo podcasts that go over the horrible types you meet at a workout
  16. Ringo only did 11 Every list is different but you can’t screw up Ringo like that
  17. Name the 11 Ringos on record, he didn’t do 14.... name 4 songs with “rain” in the lyrics what song uses the word “opaque” don’t look them up....
  18. I always left more from the wipe if the next to use was a guy with his shorts hiked up way too high
  19. John dominated earlier and Paul later Least is Paul on Beatles for Sale with only 2-3 of 14 songs
  20. Does Paul song John songs in concert? if so, the hits or the stuff like Mother or Walrusman? Writing my first handwritten three hour exam tomorrow, the first time since 1992? recovery day Wednesday can be spent figuring out who sang more leads, this has a lot of interpretation inherent, bias as well like does I’ll Follow the Sun get Paul a lead credit? I preferJohn but believe it is a dual lead for She Loves You (big of me)
  21. A study of plastic surgery can be made from Curb through the years, I think they exaggerated the effects to make another point, or I hope they exaggerated It... meanwhile Larry bops along and thrives Jerry’s women were hot and then they disappeared and that was that the misogyny of the show, with Curb is part of the comedy
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