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Everything posted by richstadiumowner

  1. "Please no stare at the dead bambinos, senor comrade" 5 Ways Capitalist Chile is Much Better Than Socialist Venezuela "The story of Chile’s success starts in the mid-1970s, when Chile’s military government abandoned socialism and started to implement economic reforms. In 2013, Chile was the world’s 10th freest economy. Venezuela, in the meantime, declined from being the world’s 10th freest economy in 1975 to being the world’s least free economy in 2013" There's big colorful "graphs" which are like coloring and pictures all in one.... http://humanprogress.org/blog/5-ways-capitalist-chile-is-much-better-than-socialist-venezuela
  2. Bragging about not getting it and then guess somebody else's IQ. Leftard There are picture and coloring book for tards like you to explain how our fellow man cheers for poverty, famine, starvation , death camps and mass murder and it doesn't make a scintilla of difference. Because here you are!
  3. "Too much blood not enough money", so lets change the subject" Your national debt more than doubled since 2007 thanks to "more socialist agenda" brother comrades like you. As the payoff; how much better has the US education system gotten in the last 30 years? (You're dunking on your own net now) When people get tired of working for the State they leave and then the Socialists bring out the death squads and bulldozers. But by then you've weaponized the State and given up other peoples freedom. It only ends in tears and blood. Your only purpose you're happy to serve is to openly argue that there are no 100 million dead. Evil personified. Spending other peoples money is what socialism is. It has never worked in any increment or for any government you want to discuss. Venezuala is happening right now, so is Greece, Spain and Italy how's that going to end comrade gatorbait? NewZealand, and Iceland, breasts up thanks to freedom-of-the-individual small government , just kidding, socialist useful idiots like yourself. Tell me why you admire any of the socialist countries you've named, how do they have it over your country and why do the immigration boats only go one way?
  4. You get Malmo Sweden and Rotherham England to OWN since the money started to run out in your "workers" paradise, plus the 100 million dead, but that isn't enough for you. The good news for the rest of us is the useful idiots are the first ones killed when you get your way. European socialism = Katyn massacre Ninety miles away. The Real Cuba @therealcuba Inside the Cuban Hospitals That Castro Doesn’t Want Tourists to Seetherealcuba.com pic.twitter.com/r0LvpgpV6L
  5. Sorry Karl, Socialists replaced God with the State. You'll have trouble getting that machine gun or the bulldozer "job" you've got planned if you keep talking crazy. Talk to the first person you can find who had their family shot in the street in front of them or found abandoned living babies, or ate human flesh or knew people that starved to death ASAP.
  6. "should, "supposedly" You sound pathologically nuts and like you've never been to Europe. "Each socialist regime has collapsed into dictatorship and begun killing people on a huge scale." The Black Book of Communism, a set of academic essays on mass killings under Communist regimes, details "'crimes, terror, and repression' from Russia in 1917 to Afghanistan in 1989".
  7. Socialists even call it "progress" and "progressivism" towards bulldozers and death squads but you're too stupid to crack a history book. Talk to anybody that's ever been forced to escape a "socialist" utopia.
  8. Only socialists are stupid or evil enough to make government so big it can give you everything and take everything.
  9. Name all the dictators that are socialist and then name the dictators that wanted to reduce the size of government. Here's a hint, it goes, "All of them, None of them." " 100 million dead people since the 30's isn't enough for Leftards. They're too stupid. How socialism ruined my country. I know two people on my block from Vietnam with escape stories that would make you cry. My closest Vietnam neighbor was the only survivor on his boat of 30 that wasn't machine gunned in the water. Socialists are evil f-ing retards hoping they get the machine gunning job.
  10. She forgot her shoe after a walk across a sidewalk. "Was I wearing one shoe or two?" "Here's the nuclear codes" Libtards
  11. lol Too bad there wasn't any examples in history of what socialism does to countries that the Venezuelans could have googled... The good news is the useful idiots are the first ones murdered. Getting the government they voted for, good and hard.
  12. The Climate Alarmists would be chucking virgins into volcanoes if the guy that invented the internet told them to...
  13. I never thought I'd make 30. Monkey Head Transplant is not on a Chinese Food takeout menu anywhere.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12112051/First-head-transplant-successfully-carried-out-on-monkey-claims-surgeon.html
  14. I believed leftards enjoyed democracy and were NOT actively campaigning for a fascist police state, I admit openly I was wrong.
  15. OMG you type the stupidest **** I've ever read. You're lucky Deranged takes time to be patient with you. The "Z" in NAZI is for "Socialist", just like Bernie Sanders How Socialism Ruined My Country
  16. Ryan brothers and Son of Bum just for two. I've found just the opposite for every guy I've met that was great in some capacity his fam. is mostly just people.
  17. Found it. "Peter Schweizer: In 2011 John Podesta joined the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts. About two months after he joins the board a Russian entity called RUSNANO puts a billion rubles, which is about $35 million, into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is RUSNANO? RUSNANO is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact the Russian finance minister called RUSNANO “Putin’s Child.” So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s business in 2011 while he is an adviser to Hillary Clinton at the State Department." John Podesta comes from the same lizard people space ship as James Carville, BTW.
  18. That and Velveeta and you're as diverse and inclusive as all get out!
  19. Everybody that you disagree with is an idiot here, it's automatic.
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