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Everything posted by richstadiumowner

  1. Me too, I thought I'd miss it and now I'm shocked at how lame all the shows are. Here's a great example: Near the end, a year or two before I checked out, I used to watch the "Victory Garden" had some New England farmer menonite looking old guy with the most incredible garden you've ever seen. He'd show yo how to grow things his wife would cook the vegetables into absolutely delicious meals and I'd get out of bed early just to watch it. Now it's some metrosexual australian traveling around watching Michelle Obama do fake gardening or some inner city doofus doing burlap bags of Kale on pavement... WTF! It had no purpose and was terrible and unwatchable. I watch movies, sports, fishing / hunting, nature/science shows on-line for free now. One weird anomaly, CNN on election night was probably the finest TV ever.
  2. TV SUCKS. It's so embarrassing to watch. I cut the cable because "The NEWS" morphed into Liberals cheering for THE STATE and lying to us about how great serfdom's going to be, but when I visit friend's houses who are watching regular TV shows, I'm amazed at how formula and terrible the regular shows are. SNL can't die fast enough for me to pick just one TV show example I hate. I guess I'd watch fishing, and hunting and some nature / science shows if I didn't have to be bombarded by idiots but that's impossible so seeya.
  3. Montreal poopoos Velveeta deux. Today in Terrorist News From Good-Case-Studyville Canadian airport employees ID’d as ISIS supporters: "A troubling new report suggests Montreal’s Trudeau International Airport has been infiltrated by radicalized individuals." http://www.torontosun.com/2017/03/28/canadian-airport-employees-idd-as-isis-supporters-report?token=d657b4bd478c182d2692467b47756b91
  4. The teachers would sabotage the white kids grade scores in a heart beat... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/15/us/atlanta-school-workers-sentenced-in-test-score-cheating-case.html?_r=0 https://ed.stanford.edu/news/test-score-inflation-can-boost-graduation-rates-comes-consequences-stanford-study-finds
  5. Sounds like: 97% chance Hillary wins 99.97 % voter turnout in 2014 North Korea election Kim Jung Un wins 100% of vote Kim Jung Il wins 100% of the vote https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/07/18/about-that-overwhelming-98-number-of-scientists-consensus/
  6. Tom would be beating people to death with his peace sign placard if this were some lame demonstration. It's weak and reflects badly on your character and intellect , Tom. "Shut up" isn't an argument.
  7. Your name calling is idiotic Tom. You don't have to agree with everyone, you're the weak link here that's shouting down people you disagree with.
  8. It's not "Hey Look a muslim killed 5 and drove over 50 innocent women and children. I think I'll go on the Bills site and lecture that the guys that make their hunting rifles need a good working over and those poor muslims are victims of terrorism worst than the poor schmucks in Britain and then shout "racism" when somebody disagrees about my American boni fides that I brag about."
  9. You and your name calling buds ruin it. Get it Tom? Your insight here is kind of OK but you're a jerk with this name calling stuff . It's weak and detracts seriously from anything good you bring.
  10. Yes. You said that, and that's why I quoted it. I disagree that you're assimilated as much as you like to brag about. None of your responses are what I'd characterize as main stream American, in fact quite the opposite. "Could be a good case study."
  11. I'm not getting all American warm apple pie and baseball about anybody who's first thoughts of mass slaughter by some Koranimal with a knife and car are to call for making my weapons I use for protection and hunting more costly!!
  12. It's prolly "advanced sales" then it goes into the discount bin in a month just like Hillary's POS.
  13. Talk about "knowingly obtuse"! There are no religious christians killing in the name of Psalm 139 or any other religion, only muslims cutting the heads off of people everywhere in the world. When was the last time we saw anybody but a muslim with a human head or lighting people on fire, or cutting the throat of people lined up for a video?
  14. You don't sound like you're threat to storm the Whitehouse after you run 50 people over, but you don't actually sound very American in your opinions you've expressed here either and the fact that you use the flag to identify yourself goes without saying. . Maybe european at best. Why I Just Don't Care About the London Attackhttp://captaincapitalism.blogspot.ca/2017/03/why-i-just-dont-care-about-london-attack.html
  15. America's little hat did it! In fact the Canadian version of the primary had a Monika Lewinski running off against Chelsea Clinton to make it even more !@#$ed up. Be thankful she isn't "hot". But when she promises to legalize weed, you're done. Which banjo song should represent the Clinton Dynasty. BTW?
  16. Quadruple Facepalm Go Away Double !@#$ing Jackass Useful Idiot Breaking Montreal Islamic Terrorist News: A judge has ruled that statements made by a Quebec man during an elaborate RCMP sting are admissible at his trial on terrorism-related charges. Ismael Habib, 29, is accused of wanting to join up with the Islamic State in Syria. http://globalnews.ca/news/3290220/quebec-judge-rules-statements-admissible-at-terrorism-related-trial/
  17. Go Away !@#$ing Jackass Useful Idiot News Update: Concordia University bomb threat suspect charged with inciting fear of terrorism Hisham Saadi, 47, is expected to return to court on Friday for a bail hearing. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/03/02/montreal-police-arrest-possible-suspect-after-bomb-threats-at-concordia-university.html
  18. !@#$ing Jackass Useful Idiot News Flash "A 15-year-old Montreal teenager appeared in court Wednesday on charges of committing robbery to benefit a terrorist group, making him the first youth charged under Canada's new anti-terror laws." http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/montreal-teen-pleads-not-guilty-to-terror-charges-1.2132705
  19. In other Islamic Terrorism in Montreal News For People That Don't Want To Be Idiots today... "The images of the man who was arrested that were published by Turkish news organizations bear a resemblance to Wassim Boughadou, a Montreal-born man of Algerian ancestry who is under investigation by the RCMP for having joined Daesh, which is also known as the Islamic State or ISIS. Boughadou is one of several men from Quebec suspected of having participated in the kidnapping of two American journalists in Syria in 2013, which has been blamed on a group linked to Al-Qaeda." https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/03/23/turkey-arrests-canadian-linked-to-daesh-report.html
  20. If either party works Flux capacitors or DeLorean, the car or person in, I'm going to have trouble being objective.
  21. Blood. Tom, Meazza and May useful and non bloody idiots. “I absolutely agree, and it is wrong to describe this as ‘Islamic terrorism’,” she said. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-london-attack-islamic-terrorism-wrong-westminster-bridge-prime-minister-commons-a7645626.html I wonder why anybody would stand in the way of one of these savages trying to get at the craven political class that wrought this hell?
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