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Everything posted by richstadiumowner

  1. Why? "The story illustrates how in a sword fight, as in politics, the combatants often attack each other's extremities (sword hand, extended foot, arm) first before venturing into body strike range. To get into killing range you must often risk being killed yourself. So sword fighters usually wait for their foes to weaken or an opening to develop. The most singular thing about Donald Trump's wiretap accusation against Barack Obama is how he's refusing to play the game of extremities — losing a Flynn here and getting a Sessions paralyzed there — and getting right into lethal range. Trump's gone right past Schumer, ignored the surrogates and gone straight for the former president himself." https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2017/03/06/long-knives/ Or maybe there's an opening so big you could drive a truck through it....
  2. Let's get at east twice the normal number of QB's in development. I'm for taking a QB with our first two picks. Everything else is failing miserably, break the mold.
  3. No punter, kicker and long snapper because we're always going to go for it. That'll bring the fans back!
  4. Yeah just like Mike Vick's girlfriend should have been given his QB job when he went to jail....
  5. "Do I answer the knock at 4 AM or hide?""Do I jump from the world trade center or die in this fire?" "Do I fight this smelly savage standing over me with the video camera and knife or sit here and let him cut my head off? The quality of choices one is forced to choose from go downhill before you know it.
  6. "Liberal media is ignoring this, and instead seems to have coordinated a large online campaign with headlines that almost consistently read “Provides No Evidence”. So let’s get this straight: The GOP is accused of colluding with Russians MSM publishes as a front-page story fact, Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping and… “PROVIDES NO EVIDENCE!” Bigly stuff coming and it's going to go poorly for the Obama admin. Bunker mentality by the media has begun.
  7. My advice to you is invest more, emotionally and financially; follow your heart.
  8. Impact of electing Trump on Stockmarkets / "never recover" Paul Krugman NY Times Economist Ahhhhhhhhhhahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!
  9. Learn from Canada, eh. It would be President Clinton again if she just promised to legalize weed. Piker!
  10. If Nixon would have had somebody deputize James W. McCord, Virgilio R. Gonzales,Frank A. Sturgis,Eugenio R. Martinez, Bernard L. Barker modern Democrats would have his mug up on Rushmore by now.
  11. Back to the (see what I did there ) point how is "The Russians" did it any different than the nuttiest Chem Trail conspiracy theory, hmm? "a YouGov surveyof Democratic voters found that 50 percent of them think ‘Russia tampered with vote tallies to help Trump’. That is, White House-eyeing Putinites actually meddled with voting machines or ballot counts. There’s no evidence whatever for this. In YouGov’s words, it’s an ‘election day conspiracy theory’."
  12. The how and why is that institutionalized racists are convinced that lower expectations are expected from black people. ie black people aren't smart enough to get or maintain ID's like white people are because blacks are inferior.
  13. NAACP is so racist it's members can barely mention their own name and are reduced to using a meaningless acronym. Affirmative action. Black history month
  14. If God didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
  15. "Projectionists" "During the election, the Liberal Democrat Fake News remained silent but the Clinton Campaign engaged in unethical if not illegal actions with the Russians. WikiLeaks released emails showing Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta owned 75,000 shares of a Putin connected energy company. To cover this up, Podesta then passed the shares on to his daughter. The Clinton campaign knowingly accepted foreign money as noted in emails released surrounding her campaign. In addition, the Clinton Foundation was involved in more than 500 instances of conflicts of interest as reported by Clinton employee Doug Band. The Foundation was used by the Clintons as a ‘pay for play’ operation where bribes to the Clintons or the Foundation are reimbursed in the form of political favors. The ultraliberal New York Times reported in April 2015 that the Clintons received millions of dollars from the Chairman of the firm Uranium One which were not disclosed publicly and in return the firm received uranium deposits in the US. At the same time the Russians were buying the majority stake in Uranium One. Ultimately the Clintons made millions and the Russians took over a large portion of the world’s global uranium supply chain. This transaction was just one of many that the Clintons took part in to amass their $250 million net worth over the past 16 years." Jim Hoft Drain The Swamp
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