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Everything posted by Figster

  1. The Beane tweets I looked at earier sounded like another fake profile. Its possible Maclin wants another offer for comparison and out of respect for friggin Harbough who probably called him and complained.(pure speculation) thank you NFL Network
  2. This is the post that had me fooled, and its not the 1st time NFL Network has gotten over on me...
  3. I can understand that point of view, Myself personally, I like a HC that specializes in O or D, or something...
  4. 3rd down back, great in pass protection, good hands/dump off target I love the idea of bringing FJ back
  5. To me it doesn't, The E J debacle you speak of was A Lynns chance to prove himself worthy of becoming a HC in the NFL and he didn't get the job done in my humble opinion. with all due respect bandit (well, I suppose in a way he did, but luckily not in Buffalo)
  6. My thoughts as well, Then we also have Peterman/Plan B licking his chops at the possibilities...
  7. Elite players like Sammy don't come along very often and considering what we gave to get him it would take one heck of an offer to pry Sammy's smiling face from my team if I'm GM. They would have to do a Ditka...
  8. Buffalo's WR corp has big potential now in my humble opinion. How can the Bills O not improve from a season ago. MERCY!!!
  9. I can understand taking that point of view and as a big Watkins fan I would be very disappointed to see Sammy traded. On the other hand it would probably be wise to see how desperate a team might be for his services in my humble opinion.
  10. Happy B-Day Mrs Pegula! Hopefully T Mobile and Shady have a special gift on the way. NEW TOYS!!!
  11. ...eating a Philly cheese steak... ...I hate it when that happens...
  12. and we give it to them apparently, (like I just did) You know whats really sad is having a thread thanking a player like Kyle Williams, and nobody can take a minute to chime in...
  13. When I heard Kyle was playing another season I knew the Buffalo Bills were still in it to win it and in all probability Taylor would remain. It speaks volumes of the confidence Williams must feel for McD and the importance our new HC must have felt for Williams in my humble opinion. thanks
  14. Nobody puts more pressure on Tyrod Taylor then Tyrod Taylor IMO. ( with the exception of mom )
  15. Couple of injuries in any team sport can turn the tide in my humble opinion SF.
  16. I don't know grb, this post just doesn't have enough consistency to win me over.
  17. I do love that song, and I wouldn't be surprised If everyone finds themselves singing it from time to time. Great having him back, thanks OP
  18. How can you not get a little excited about this guy.
  19. It would be cool to see, Sammy running across a slippery wet deck may not go over very well with McD Though...
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