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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I think its a very logical assessment of where Taylor is at this point.
  2. Come on now ladies, lets try to steer this discussion in a better direction. (If you can find one)
  3. In comparison to all the young men and woman that come out at an early age and face life head on? I understand feeling compassion and I do, but we have kids laying in hospital beds all over the world fighting to just stay alive, not end it. They're my heroes...
  4. better coaching, better systems, T T going into his 3rd season as a starter, I don't see it happening
  5. If SDS had decided to do this when BBMB shut down we wouldn't be here. This site weeds out the bad guys regardless. Thanks for the warm welcome and excellent moderation TBD
  6. Most NFL players are willing and fully capable of doing what their coach asks them to do or die trying. Modern day gladiators watched by millions...
  7. I remember, and the slippery beast Buffalo called an O didn't help,
  8. Good posting Playing more effectively under pressure could be the result of catching a better glimpse of the field after being flushed outside the pocket in my humble opinion. Harbaugh knowing Taylors weakneses of course is going to exploit them.
  9. I've always thought players playing out of position and players trying to do to much is a contributing factor and why some of the better coached teams like the Pats stay healthier. B B coached team man for man knows where to be and what to do at all times.
  10. If by exposed you mean punched in the face I could understand why you might feel differently. Dumping cold and still very drinkable brewski on him probably didn't help the situation none.
  11. BRUTAL how? As good as A Rodgers is the Pack always seems to be flying under the radar and its partly because of how humble the organization/fan base is IMO.
  12. Well If we're going to wish upon a falling star lets go undefeated and Championship. until we can beat the Patriots its probably all for not...
  13. With the exception of Cowgirlsfan.
  14. McD gives me the impression the guy really gets it.
  15. Deep down I think even some of Taylors biggest detractors want him to succeed in my humble opinion Guns. Thanks for sharing the awesome story OP
  16. Taylor was able to hold the team right at or just a little above the 500 mark without much help from the D so its hard for me to see the Bills losing ground in that regard despite the tough schedule and new HC/coaching staff in my humble opinion Shaw. I agree with your comment on not much separation between 10 - 6 and 6 - 10 teams. Myself personally, I"m predicting a 9 - 7, 10 - 6 season with Sammy , Shady and T Mobile leading the charge/ wildcard
  17. I agree, Everything takes practice and actual play time to perfect and more reps in the passing game is needed to gel properly. Becoming a better passing team allows Buffalo the ability to attack more weak points of the opposition both run and pass. Flexability will also help manage the clock more effectively at crunch time. More balanced O keeps all the playmakers involved and stretches the opposition thin.
  18. Running the football chews up the clock and when a teams trailing in the 2nd half throwing the football helps conserve time and move the football down the field more rapidly to score IMO.
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