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Everything posted by HappyDays

  1. Same story every year. Even bad teams have GMs and coaches fighting for their job.
  2. Fitzpatrick is better than Trubisky. If this is true we would get a better backup QB for free plus a pick. Why would Washington do that though?
  3. I assume we will sign someone if that trade actually happens. But I am not one to worry about the backup QB. The way this offense is playing we are not winning games if Allen goes down whether Trubisky or Webb replaces him. I would trade any backup QB for a 2nd rounder, no hesitation.
  4. If true hard to turn that down. We picked him up for nothing. I don't understand why Washington would do it though. Isn't Fitz back soon?
  5. He would like it, I'm guessing. Get rid of Phillips and/or Butler and you can rotate Oliver/Cox/Lotulelei/Zimmer. All of a sudden our interior d-line looks elite. As someone else mentioned he has almost no cap hit this year.
  6. I love how fans just throw out names like Andrew Norwell and Brandon Scherff and assume they are available. Good interior o-linemen do not get traded. Any team at any point in their life cycle needs good interior o-linemen and they are hard to find. Someone on here randomly mentioned Norwell as a trade target a few weeks ago and all of a sudden Beane is a failure if he doesn't trade for him. Why would a head coach fighting for his job with a rookie QB allow that to happen? I'm all for the Bills making sensible trades but the other team has to be willing to move on from the player.
  7. Wow I thought he had the best case for MVP so far. And now you have to wonder how well he'll come back from it next year.
  8. I take it as a compliment. When Brady tore his ACL how many people here can honestly say they didn't take a little pleasure out of it? That is how Dolphins fans see Allen now. They can slow him down but they can't stop him and he'll be a force in the division for the next 15 years.
  9. The way that we felt about the Patriots for years is how Dolphins fans feel about the Bills now. How many games did we keep it close against the Pats and somehow they ended up beating us by 2 scores.
  10. No he did not. The Bills choked away an entire half of football and he couldn't do anything with that gift. He did what he has done all year - throw mostly accurately to his 1st read when kept clean. When push comes to shove he cannot rise above the play call or consistently push the ball down field.
  11. Division games tend to be harder than they should be. I think we would have blown them out again if Daboll had called a better game in the 1st half.
  12. Wentz is terrible. He is singlehandedly costing them this game.
  13. I'm usually pretty bad at predicting these. I'll take a 1 point per team difference.
  14. He has literally been the best deep passer in the NFL this year. Nobody hits 100% of them.
  15. Every time Allen throws a smart check down I get unreasonably excited. Maybe he learned something after Tennessee.
  16. I strongly disagree. He throws passes to his 1st read. As soon as that option is gone he is too limited to make something out of nothing. Backup level QB IMO. Not terrible but not capable of leading a playoff offense.
  17. Hyde with a rare mistake cost us that drive. Time for one more Josh Allen magic drive.
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