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Everything posted by KermitMcDermott

  1. He has enough money to get away with that, sadly.
  2. Mayweather already said he is betting on himself and that he's not allowed to bet on McGregor.
  3. Does not surprise me at all. All coaches try to bring in former co-workers they've gotten along with.
  4. More specifically, I want to know what his favorite cereal is. This could be a good report on the official site. My guess is he keeps it healthy; probably bran flakes. I bet Dareus goes hard with the Golden Grahams, though.
  5. My Tyrod question is what he eats for breakfast. I wanna know!
  6. Cass is boring, a modern day Test. But he's big, which is all you need to get a push in WWE, i.e. Great Khali. Rememeber The Great Sasuke? He was cool.
  7. I'm not defending a hit and run accident but how was he supposed to know the woman was pregnant if he fled the scene?
  8. So were Ric Flair's matches. Same flip over the turnbuckle, duck clothesline, climb top rope, get thrown off it. At some point he gets on his knees, then screams "NO! NO! NO!" followed by low blow, ect. Same can be said for Hogan. Lesnar matches are all the same, too. I think people more hate Cena's clean good guy image and the fact he's been shoved down fans throats a ton.
  9. As a performer Cena has been on fire for almost two decades. I don't understand the hate at this point. Enzo demoted to 205. Not hyped for Lesnar/Braun. I thought Joe could get something good out of Brock but it just ended up being another Brock match.
  10. Given his track record I'm going to say yes...
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