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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. I think the bottom line is, those defending daboll are using examples of his NFL tenure of not having having a good QB. Tyrod is not a very good QB. Having Tyrod as the QB for daboll falls right into that category of not giving him a good QB. Thus, daboll should get a new QB to work with.
  2. Don't forget Rodgers, who thrives in lambeau
  3. I cannot say whether I love this hire or not. His track record is up and down though. His playcalling @bama is tough to go on. Was he calling the shots, being conservative, then saban pulled the plug and took over in the second half of that game? Or was he handcuffed by saban all year long, and second half saban just threw him the reigns? Using his failures in the NFL are tough to gauge also. His OC gigs were : 2012 KC where he had matt Cassell and Brady Quinn (though he had Jamal Charles hit 1500 rushing) 2011 Miami with with Matt Moore, Chad Henne, and J.P. Losman. Yep. 2009-2010 with the browns he had Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson 09 and COLT MCCOY/SENECA WALLACE in 10. Yeah. Also worth noting that bill belichick failed in Cleveland as well, so those two seasons are not a good barometer. Like I said, the only things I do know is this: -tyrod should be gone, he's had his shot -daboll has never had even an above average QB to work with (thus why we should replace tyrod) -he's a change from Dennison, which in my eyes, is a good thing -the Browns can make anybody look bad
  4. I agree Rosen, darnold, Mayfield, Allen will all go top 15 With Rosen and darnold top3 Mayfield could go top 8 or slip, depends on whether or not somebody traded up. Allen same as Mayfield. Unless the Bills trade up, these 4 will be gone. Not advocating for that, just a fact, those 4 will be gone by the time we pick if we don't trade up.
  5. Yes. Good for him. He didn't outplay big Ben. The jags as a whole outplayed the Steelers. Big difference.
  6. Bortles didn't outplay big Ben. Did you even watch the game? 215yds 1td 0int is not outplaying 469tds 5td1int Bortles had a fumble his team recovered, Ben lost his (albeit for a TD) when he got smashed between Dareus and another player and it came flying out. In no way did bortles outplay Ben.
  7. Cam was #1 We took Marcel @#3, Von Miller went #2 Everytime I think of that draft I want to puke. #1 Cam #2 Miller #3 Dareus (ours) #4-6 respectively were: Aj green Patrick Peterson Julio Jones Tyron Smith, JJ WATT, pouncey, Cameron Jordon, Mark Ingram, Dalton A few others too. Instead we got a fat, lazy, pot smoking lump of trash.
  8. Nah man. 28 year old, NFL MVP winning QB is obviously not worth getting. (For the record he's not going anywhere)
  9. By the way, I don't think marrone is a bad coach at all (just a dbag) My point is that, while I agree that co-workers influence each other, let's not give marrone more credit than he deserves. Schwartz ran multiple top tier defenses with the Titans prior to working under Doug. Sean payton is far more successful than marrone has been offensively, and I would argue that more of Payton rubbed off on marrone than the other way around. (I'll also throw my hat in for Hackett, I think he's a good choice, and as I said, marrone is a good coach, I'm just not willing to give him all the credit some are)
  10. Payton won the Superbowl in 2009 Marrone was oc 2006-2008 Your assertion that he "won a Superbowl but never had a power run game until he incorporated marrones zone blocking" makes no sense Why would they not use his system when he was the OC there for 3 years prior?
  11. Um. Where is his coaching tree impressive?? He worked UNDER Sean Payton, so it's not like he taught Payton how to coach. Bradley was already the Seahawks DC before he worked under marrone. Coughlin was already a long established coach before marrone worked for him. I'm not seeing why all the love for marrone. Is he a bad coach? No. Is he elite? Don't think so.
  12. Tyrod Taylor - The Drive Killer also This dude mass murdered possessions all season
  13. Went back to your original disagreement. That doesn't look like you are talking about the stats from this year. That is worded that he is between the 16-21 best QB in football overall. I followed saying he's worse than that, listing guys who are better. You returned with Winston and Mariota are worse. When I said that's CRAZY, suddenly you are back on the topic of the article alone. Winston and Mariota are better than tyrod. It's not even a question. And don't act like you watched every single Titans and bucs game this year. Talking about this year alone, Mariota had 5 game winning drives, 4 of them were 4Q come from behind. That's more than tyrod has in his career. I'll take that season over "efficient ratings darling" any day. And Winston had a better year than Tyrod as well. Tampa Bay didn't have a poor season bc Winston crapped the bed.
  14. I stated that I would rather have any guy on my list ahead of tyrod as the bills qb. You stated earlier that you would put him at 16-21 in the league on a QB ranking list I said that 16 was absurd, and 21 was even pushing it, and that I found 21 guys (then added in luck and a couple more) whom I would rather my QB to start next year. You proceeded to retort that Winston and Mariota were worse choices at QB than Taylor after my list. If you think Tyrod is a better QB than either of them then you are hopeless to discuss QBs, or even football in general, with. I would bet that we could offer a trade Tyrod and BOTH our firsts for Winston or Mariota and they GM would laugh himself into a coronary before hanging up.
  15. You are dense if you would take tyrod over Winston or Mariota.
  16. Forgot luck and Tanny Palmer I knew was retired but I even thought about him lol Bradford and Bridgewater are definitely better too Thanks
  17. He's not even close to the 16th best qb 21 is a stretch, but a bit more reasonable I'd put him 24-27 He was 25th in yards. Guys I'd definitely take over him: Brady Rivers Stafford Brees Ben Ryan Cousins Alex Smith Wilson Goff Winston Carr Manning Dalton Newton Wentz Watson Mariota Flacco Garoppolo Rodgers Trubisky All guys who are either younger with more upside, already better than him, or veterans who are better Sorry he isn't "16-21"
  18. Exactly. Why do you think the broncos signed Manning on his last legs? Short term, win now, let's get a Superbowl. That's the ultimate goal. To win it all. Preferably while building a team that competes year in year out for the Superbowl.
  19. Obviously it's because he's a "team first" kinda guy.
  20. Yeah man. I'm a orthopedic physical therapist. Seen the injury once. That's enough for me. All the soft tissue damage to the joint capsule, ligaments, vascular structures and cartilage is enough to leave that knee a ticking time bomb. I would trust Bradford's knees over Bridgewater. Anybody who says otherwise doesn't really know knee injuries.
  21. I'll say it again: TAIWAN JONES!! that name is gold.
  22. As much as I like cousins, 4000-4700yds, 81td-35int last 3 full years as a starter, he's gonna be expensive and long term. He wants job security and $$. We will be in a bidding war for him with Denver and a few others. He's gonna be 30. The best thing that could happen to us is Dever signs him early, taking away one of our draft competitors. My plan, ideally? -cut Tyrod. His salary jumps and he's due a big roster bonus. Get rid of him. -trade up for Rosen or darnold will be pricey, so I'd weigh the cost as a "game time decision" -trading into the top 8-12 range would be cheaper and still plenty available (Rudolph, Mayfield, Allen) most likely we'd have our choice of them at that point -if you can get a sturdy, relatively cheap vet to start ahead of the rookie then do so, but ffs don't sign bridgewater or Bradford. Teddy almost had his leg amputated from his injury, a tib dislocation is one of the worst injuries you can have to the knee, I wouldn't trust him to make it through a season.
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