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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. My dislike for tyrod has to do with him not being very good. Same with kaep. I have no opinion on cordy, other than he's a huge cap hit but injured badly this year, so hopefully he can comeback strong. Incognito is a loudmouth ahole, but he plays hard, and I think the guys on the team generally like him. I was happy to see Peterman get a shot after Tyrod was in a funk, and after that 59 yard passing saints game was a great time to try... Only Peterman said "hold my beer" and proceeded to flop. I hate manziel. You're tampons and generalization of the fan-base is rude and uncalled for. Saying "if you're upset that I called you a racist, well then you must be one" is a$$ backwards and makes no sense. I can be annoyed you called me something I'm not. Going forward with the rest of the QB assessment in not a fan of Jackson. I think he's a much better pocket QB than Tyrod, he is a pretty solid and would be a good cornerstone. The issue is he's a QB who likes to run, and does so quite well. Not only that, but watch his runs, he doesn't protect himself. He's literally going to get killed in the NFL if he runs right into guys, or tries that fancy spin move stuff. He's not very large. He will get crushed running like that. I don't like placing my franchise in the hands of the injury gods. That's why I'm not a fan, in general, of scrambling QBs. Yes. He is.
  2. If he's so good and healthy why did the Vikings decline his option?? That 8 reasons article is a puff piece with nothing but anecdotal speculation, and is doing a "series" of these 8 reason articles on QBs. Nothing in the Teddy one gives any indication of him being a big upgrade to Taylor. The stats used in the article, as with the stats used by you, indicate Taylor and Teddy are similar in production. Your have yet to show otherwise. Agreed completely.
  3. Respectfully disagreeing is all well and good, but historical (career and recent history) both say that your assessment of penciling Baltimore in as a win does not have anything to back it up. Flacco has a 75% career regular season win% at home They were 5-3 last year at home They were 6-2 in 2016 They were 3-5 in 2015 They were 6-2 in 2014 That's: 11-5 the last two seasons and 20-12 the last 4 We were 3-5 away 2017 We were 3-5 in 2016 We were 3-5 in 2015 We were 4-4 in 2014 That's: 6-11 the last two seasons and 13-19 in the last 4 Is Baltimore a "winnable game"? And game technically is. Flacco's career at home, even over the last 2 seasons, and even expanded to last 4 seasons, objectively say that an away game in Baltimore should be penciled in as a loss when predicting a season. So I will respectfully disagree that you can assume we will beat Baltimore in Baltimore. (Adding math) Using the formula: p(Team A Win) = Team A true_win% *(1 - Team B true_win%)/(Team A true_win% * (1 - Team B true_win%) + (1 - Team A true_win%) * Team B true_win%) Which adjusts for standard deviation towards the mean of .500 ball, the bills come in with a 9.04% probability of winning based on the bills away record vs Ravens/flacco home record over flacco's career. As I said, statistically, unless we improve greatly or they regress greatly, that's our estimate probability, aka shouldn't be penciled in as a winnable game
  4. No you wouldn't have more respect for his questions. You'd find another way to dodge the question, or dismiss it, as if there is some secret tape that you've seen that we haven't. Generally, when somebody comes to an conclusion, especially one which isn't in agreement with common perception, they are willing to back it up with facts and tangible evidence as to how they came to said conclusion (as I did in reference to his knee injury). Instead, you deflect in a condescending manner because everybody isn't bowing down and kissing your feet, calling you the forum genius. Get over yourself.
  5. Spot on. Assertions about Bridgewater as a QB are made, and when asked for evidence to backup these claims, gives the finger and says "look it up yourself"? Check. Downplays the injury risk, is provided massive amounts of evidence and professional experience with said injury that points to the contrary, then is dismissive and condescending to said individuals? Check. Seems a spot on with "internet troll" to me.
  6. He is a huge tyrod fan though. Like HUGE. He constantly b*tches about how underrated he is.
  7. Debating moves the team has made (or chose not to make) is one of the biggest things people do in regards to sports talk. People learn from the past. Discussing if it was a good move or not, and assessing the trade after some time has passed, is useful. We can assess what it did for the team's future, in this case freeing much needed cap space being used by a player who wasn't contributing, as well as removing a locker room cancer (in the eyes of many) which helps the roster going forward (removing negativity, showing other players and teams that we mean business and aren't a joke) Also, debating it and reflecting on it later down the road can teach things, like if it was a poor trade /roster move (aka trading up for losman, Sammy, or just taking ej early) let's you try to not make similar mistakes again. Do you never reflect on past decisions in your life? You always "move forward"? I doubt that. I don't see how us debating a player trade affects you or your viewing of any other topics, you are the one choosing to ride this thread. You just sound like a cranky old man yelling at the tree in his front yard.
  8. Why even come on a message board and post? You're still running your mouth telling people on a message board that they are obsessed for debating a topic, which is the exact purpose of this message board, to have discussions. Obviously you are obsessed too, based on you logic.
  9. Agreed on all of it except keeping him 2 more years. Even with the cap hit next year, it still gave us $2mil of cap space vs keeping him After that it saves us over $15mil each year from 2019, 2020, 2021 That, combined with everything else you said, I am still all for the move. Even if he turns into a dominant pro bowler again (he is only 27) I don't think that would have happened here. McDermott seems like a guy who doesn't take crap from his players, doesn't make exceptions to team rules, so I feel like Dareus would have just been a mess with us.
  10. Where am I obsessed? All those things I listed were big media stories. I have a very good memory. How does that equal obsessed?
  11. Barnwell is hit or miss for me. He is a pure advanced metrics guy. The prediction is most likely based on the fact that A) he's a Tyrod homer, and Tyrod is almost certainly gone or B) he isn't using any subjective opinions here, only going by the Pythagorean expectations Either way we overachieved this year, and look to have an even tougher schedule next year. If we draft a QB or go with Peterman, we will most likely see a regression, unless, as he said, the QB we draft/Nate plays amazing. If we get Alex Smith (as a bridge starter, I don't think he's the answer for more than a year or so) then we prob win 8 games.
  12. Who cares about his background. Stop making excuses. What did the bills do poorly? He was the #3 pick in the draft. Made two pro bowls on his rookie deal. Had his career year in a contract year. (Sounds familiar) Arrested for drag racing. Arrested for drugs. GOT SUSPENDED 6 GAMES TO START THE NEXT SEASON. Then started bitching publicly that he wasn't being treated right, felt unwanted, etc. They turned around, paid the man THE BIGGEST NON QB CONTRACT IN FOOTBALL, put faith that he would live up to it. What did he do? Got suspended AGAIN for drugs and had two miserable seasons full of whining and complaining. He's an ungrateful diva. My job doesn't give great raises, I don't always feel wanted or appreciated, but guess what? I get up and go to work like a responsible adult and do my freaking job. About keeping him and "eating a ton of cap" and "making it work for two years" as you said: I'm not sure if you understand his contract, but this saved a ton of money and cap. The move cleared about $5 million in 2017 salary-cap space and about $2 million in 2018 cap space, in addition to erasing about $47 million in cap hits from 2019-21.
  13. Guess what? He was whining about his contract and being treated unfairly before he signed the big deal. He was given the most guaranteed money in the NFL (60 mil) to a non QB after they already knew he would be suspended for 6 games for drug use. He responded by bitching and moaning all season, then getting suspended another 4 games to start the next season for, guess what, drug use again. Stop making excuses for him. He's an adult, with a multi-million dollar contact, it's nobody's fault but his own that he didn't "grow up" I don't care about his upbringing and his personal tragedies prior to the NFL. None of those excuse a poor work ethic, an entitled attitude, being lazy on the field, showing up late (or not at all) to meetings and practices, showing up late TO A GAME, and multiple violations of the league drug policy, all while taking $70+ mil to the bank (with another $50+ on the way).
  14. This. Although if I'm not mistaken we got a brutal schedule next year, harder than this year looking at it ahead of time. Home Miami New England NY Jets Jacksonville Tennessee Chicago Detroit LA Chargers Away Miami New England NY Jets Houston Indianapolis Green Bay Minnesota Baltimore That's a pretty tough opponent list (obviously a lot can change) A couple stand out as real tough (other than the obvious against ne) -@ Minnesota -@ lambeau -@Baltimore -home jax -home Tenn -home chargers Detroit is always a wild card with Stafford at the helm Houston it all depends on their QB situation Hoping we can sack up and get 10-6 next year though
  15. Professional experience with not only the same knee injury he suffered, combined with a decade professional experience rehabbing high level athletes from various sports injuries is more than "general and historical understanding". Dismissed? Good one.
  16. You referred to me with "okay, whatever you say PT man" earlier in the thread, prior to the man crush remark. Your responses give zero logical reasoning other than your subjective preference for bridgewater, while blatantly discounting and talking down numerous posts with statistical evidence as to why he is a large risk, which you continue to downplay. referring to it as a "man crush" is anything but arbitrary in this situation as it is the only logical inference to your blind adoration and defense of why he should be signed.
  17. Your dismissive, condescending "PT man" doesn't really do much, other than show your immaturity and arrogance in regards to people who clearly have a more knowledge than you on a subject. I would agree with you on a Jimmy G crush though.
  18. Right, but our objective driven assessment of the situation doesn't matter to 26corner because his man crush holds more value in the discussion.
  19. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/12/21/7432307/chad-kelly-arrested-brawl-ak-47-encore
  20. I'll take a greater than 80% wager any day.
  21. 20% can return to sport. The % that return to the same level though has much lower. I should have specified. His level wasn't amazing pre injury. So you are basically saying : "let's bet on a less than 20% chance can play at an average at best level again" That's not even taking into account the high risk of reinjury.
  22. Yes he is. At least we agree on that. You need to stop with this "each case is different" in regards to this though. When over 80% who sustain this injury never return to PLOF then that is a huge risk, regardless of "case by case" basis. He will have an incentive laden contract because teams need qbs and they are willing to throw money at them, hoping for a miracle. Sure, somebody will eventually win the lottery, but even before an exam, he's too big a risk for us to bet the rent on.
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