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Geo in Pa

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Everything posted by Geo in Pa

  1. he has been suspended for the rest of the year. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=1999665
  2. Barry Bonds is a piece of crap. He emits a foul and disgusting odor. I loath him.
  3. I totally agree - even though I see the point for some unions - the teachers union is out of control. At one time teachers were woefully underpaid - but the tide has turned 180 degrees. The biggest problem is the older ones who know they can get away with anything and not have to answer to anyone - particularly the parents.
  4. That was a really funny episode. I wonder what they do with the extra head - maybe they could keep it alive in a cookie sheet like in the movie 'The Brain That Wouldn't Die'.
  5. No - maybe someday WGR will stream again - but don't hold your breath.
  6. Forget about the Bus - he retires or plays one more year with Pittsburgh.
  7. They're all PO'ed because they can't play golf - poor babies.
  8. The people I work with are professionals - we all have at least 10-30 years experience in banking and IT - we didn't get to these positions by being f-off's, yet the manager treats us like 2 year olds - there is no excuse for it. I'm not comparing you to this guy (I don't know you) - but some managers just can't seem to understand morale. I understand there will always be goof-offs, I've seen them - they don't last - but to treat good hard working people like clowns is just wrong.
  9. I worked with a guy who biked in every day - the guy stunk to high heaven - i hope you take a shower when you get in.
  10. Well, you won't have to worry about that too much longer - the way corporate America is chipping away at benefits sick days will become a thing of the past. You will have to use vacation or short term disability. My manager has the same mindset - he has no idea how much his people hate him.
  11. Because I live in Pittsburgh I've watched this team all year - it just seemed the Steelers caught just about every team they played at the right time. Their road schedule was really really weak. Every tough game they played was at home - it almost makes you believe in destiny (which I think is crap). I will give them credit for beating the crap out of NE and Philly - both at home. But c'mon, how nice would it be to be in a division with Clev and Cin. Plus they played the NFC east - probably the weakest division this year. Given all that though, I think they beat NE, not because they are a great team - but because of the intangibles (the crowd, maybe Bettis's last game, being the underdog - which they are really playing up, etc) - plus they do have a better running game than NE. If they can keep the ball from Brady and not turn the ball over more than once I think their running game will wear down the NE defense by the 4th qtr. Pit -20 NE- 13
  12. Old enough to remember going to games at the Rockpile.
  13. Well - I'd have to go with 'Stand in the Fire' - Warren Zevon
  14. Maybe some old timers will remember the Tree Pickle factory on Borden Rd. in Cheektowaga. I worked there for a day and a half back in the summer of 74. My 2nd day there I was packing pickles on the line where the pickle spears would be laying in a trough between 2 lines of people and you would put them in the jars that were moing on a belt that was in front of you. Anyway, a pickle fight broke out - pickles flying all over the place. Some old lady across from me got hit square in the forehead - she never even looked up - just kept packing pickles. I was laughing so hard I almost pissed myself - needless to say - the foreman saw what was going on and fired the whole bunch of us on the spot. I stunk like pickles for a week.
  15. thought of another one - The Connells - 'Boylan Heights'
  16. One album does come to mind when I think of best debut's Graham Parker - 'Howling Wind'
  17. check this out - it's work safe http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~anderse1/bloopers/bloopers.html
  18. They got one of those at Kennywood in Pittsburgh - I love that thing
  19. I have a pretty decent home theater set-up - nothing fantastic but I'm proud of it. Denon 1802 5.1 receiver 5 Klipsch Heresy horn-loaded speakers 25-31pcs SVS subwoofer - powered by an old JVC amp 50 inch Hitachi RPTV Toshiba DVD player - forgot the model # old Sony CD player The SVS subwoofer really packs a punch - fills the bottom nicely as the Klipsch Heresy really lacks under 50Hz.
  20. Tull is one of my favorites - some hard rock, some progressive - all good! Ian Anderson (lead singer - the guy with the flute) made a mint raising llamas.
  21. You should listen to the local media here in Pittsburgh - they HATE Mularkey - particularly the local radio hosts. Alot of it goes back to the game last year at the Jets in the snow - the Steelers continued to throw even though the footing was a joke. They don't seem to understand that you want to throw when it's a slick field - the receivers have a big advantage. - however in that game the receivers did not have an advantage because the conditions were so bad. Marlkey admitted he threw too much in that game but the Yinzers still hate him anyway.
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