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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. Lifetime inprisonment for suspects for which they lack the evidence to convict in court. Not unless the DoD just became two of the three branches of government. Wake-up calls seldom ring so loud they can be heard by both sides. Time to get up yet?
  2. If you assume there is no level of human tragedy that cannot be used as an opportunity to jab at political opponents you will never be disappointed. I also find brief refrains from bile-spewing about particular politicians to highlight how charitable the post author is to be less than convincing. True charity is expressed in more than a monetary contribution to a particular cause. Happy New Year.
  3. I think they're both great coaches. I believe their recent problems stem from trying to be GM's at the same time. I don't know if they could be great GM's while someone else coached, but I think the record is pretty clear they can't be successful while doing both jobs simultaneously.
  4. I have more faith in Bobblehead's left shoe than ESPN experts.
  5. Somewhere lost in the netherworld of bits and bytes is my prediction of an undefeated season, through the Superbowl. Just as it is every season, just as I do every year. I don't care if Todd Collins is starting, this is my team, and they're going to make it. How I've managed to avoid being committed all these years is beyond my obviously diminished mental capacity. But I'm loving every minute of it! Go Bills!
  6. Well, wait for an appropriate moment, maybe - don't yell and rush the guy while he's eating, but stopping by and saying 'hi' is nothing to get excited about. Not much on autographs myself, but I would like to shake hands and share a -moment- with a player if I had the opportunity. Small town kind of stuff - you know.
  7. Mr Mortensen is one of the sports reporters that I truly enjoy watching and listening to. Having lot of good contacts that feed good information makes that an easy listen, but he is a stand up guy - when many others are calling for a player to get cut or a coach to get fired, see if Mort isn't one of the few that give a guy a break, and just report the facts. Smack talk can be fun sometimes, but it's not the way he makes a living. Good on ya, Mort.
  8. I'm guessing that Rudy is nervous about it. Just a hunch.
  9. I didn't go to school with anyone who played in the NFL, but I did live down the block from Bills's DL Tom Day. Went to school with his daughter. Nice family.
  10. I think the common negative misperceptions of military training are difficult to understand without experiencing it yourself. Often times a particular order is given that requires a series of tasks be completed for each team member, but the team is graded on how well they do as a complete unit. The tasks are designed such that all of them cannot be successfully obtained by all members of the team if they attempt to complete the tasks individually. You are not given this information when the tasks are assigned. Team members are forced to use their initiative and be creative in solving how the unit grades out successfully. The ones that are the most creative in devising a successful solution and motivating others to said solution become your unit leaders. It's been a very successful method for fostering creativity, initiative, identifying leaders, and creating bonds and trusts within a team while allowing individual strengths to be highlighted and individual weaknesses to be overcome. I cannot think of a better method of beginning to make young adult men and women from teenage boys and girls in a short period of time.
  11. Hijackthis is something I saw mentioned at www.bleepingcomputer.com, which if you haven't been to, you gotta check out - I think you would find it interesting to say the least. A huge amount of information available on security; a good forum to have at your disposal. Apparently hijackthis will allow you to dig further if you still have problems after running adaware and spybot - as in editing the registry, which I have no plans on touching (at least yet). I've edited the registry on my machine a few times, but I'm not going there if I don't have to. For now, spybot and adaware it is!
  12. A link can be disguised as one set of text (areallyfunnysite.com) but actually link to somewhere or something else (areallydestructiveprogram.exe). Viewing the properties could reveal this, while cutting/pasting the text, or manually typing it in to your browser would eliminate the possibility entirely.
  13. Hey Fezmid, while we're on the subject of computer security, I have a relative who has asked me for computer help. Haven't looked at it yet, but the symptoms she describes are typical spyware/adware BS. I thought I'd start by burning a copy of webroot spy sweeper (spybot) to take over there (not sure if I could even download it there). I've used adaware in the past, but I like spybot - do you believe both are necessary? Also, do you recommend hijackthis after running those two? As far as security settings go, I plan on implementing all of the spybot shield settings, so she should do a little better in the future. Thanks for your pc security input on this board and elsewhere on the site, I've made use of your advice often.
  14. There's a few odd comments throughout several of these related threads that seem to indicate children taught religion in school are somehow at a disadvantage with children taught in a secular academic environment. Please don't confuse this as a either/or subject. I attended a Catholic HS where theology class was a requirement. Science, math, english, etc studies did not stray across accepted boundaries you would find at any public HS. I and many other students attended mass several times a week on a regular basis, and prayer was a part of our everyday lives. This school and many like it turn out some of our nation's most well-educated individuals.
  15. Not that I don't enjoy horror movies, and this sounds like it could be a good one, or that I believe/don't believe in ghosts, because I really don't know, but having listened to some white noise in my time, I can say there are no voices there - it's in your head. If someone has a cut of white noise they believe has a voice on it, and they tell you "I think I hear this guy say 'mommy may I dogface the banana patch please' - take a listen" - I predict that's exactly what you're going to hear, because your mind has been given a context, and it takes the easiest route. If they don't tell you what they think they hear before you listen, I can guarantee you will come up with something completely different. With no facial expression and no context, your mind will make something up. All the same, I think I'd like to see the movie.
  16. My wife's never been to Buffalo, and football's not played where she grew up. I explained to her what it's like to try and play when your hands are getting raw and red from the cold, and sleet/snow is making a brand new football as slick as a, uh, a thing that's really slick (my metaphor machine seems to be broke) - she took it a little easier on Drew after that.
  17. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
  18. Sorry, couldn't do it. Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. It's one thing to hope the Broncos lose, another entirely to root for the Dolphins. My wife tried that crap yesterday. I told her if she didn't knock it off, I would kick her out. There'll be no cheering any team except the Bills in my house. Of course, she lol at me. But she stopped.
  19. Drew's horrible lob pass attempts, Moulds drops, McGahee and Clements fumbles, the Brown's QB just about dropping every snap from center, Moorman mishandling a snap for FG attempt and appearing to lose his grip when he threw it on the subsequent fire drill, it looked like it was raining WD-40 out there. They could have used some stick-um shower heads on the sidelines.
  20. The only defense I can give for Don C and Steve T (and any other host) is that they have producers jabbering at them non-stop during the whole game. Plug the Survivor show, go to commercial, go to sideline reporter, tee up the personal video, blah blah blah. If I had that many people yapping at me during a game at my house, I'd last about 2 minutes before I strangled somebody.
  21. I don't know who I envy more right now, #89 for having access to the game and Bills players, or Dave for going to the game with JK and having #89 hit on him.
  22. Ouch - brain cramp. I had to look it up. That's a great trivia question. I won't spoil it with my cheater answer.
  23. Drew had a bad "touch" pass day (one of many). It's maddening. I pointed out to someone watching the game with me that not every pass that looked off, actually was - for example, a pass the receiver had to dive for at one point looked like it was low and away to make sure the DB covering him had no shot at it - a good pass. But those lob passes are killing me. I can't blame Moulds for not catching them. The FG was a fire drill. Moorman got the snap, but when he went to place it, he mishandled it. It was a good recovery that almost worked. When your secondary can hold the coverage long enough, you can risk the blitz. Nice to see Troy Vincent back in.
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