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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. I guess that could be. not as if it doesn't occur. but I'm thinking it's not a hack? do you have a source saying he was hacked? never mind, I see a few reports of the possible hack. although some believe it may not be? bb may of got on his ass and had him take it down? ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported around 7 a.m. on Friday that Garoppolo’s account had been hacked and the post was a hoax — although it remained online. Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/nfl/article137639858.html#storylink=cpy inquiring minds would like to know
  2. question is, where is he going? Jimmy Garoppolo says goodbye to Boston in instagram post http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/03/10/jimmy-garoppolo-says-goodbye-to-boston-in-instagram-post/
  3. seems the door is open now for romo to take a short drive south on 45 to his new home?
  4. true, true. I guess they see him as a back up plan?...I always thought he sucked. may of had a shining moment or two. I still question the trade bait deal from the the jimmy g news stirring about? http://http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000792076/article/browns-intend-to-make-run-at-jimmy-garoppolo edit: you think if they dangled him and a draft pick or two they could get bb to give in?
  5. so he is trade bait, right? no way they planned on him competing for a starter role? then again, if they can't unload him, there stuck with him.
  6. well, he's a kicker, a replacement. can only hope he makes the kick... they seem to be getting to work here in the last couple days with the signings and putting things together. draft should be interesting and before we know it, they'll be in camp. I'm actually pretty pumped about the season ahead.
  7. still smoking, over eating? he was a sad case of what could of been
  8. good signing. some real positives in the last couple days, I can dig it!
  9. I was really hoping it would be left behind... hiya foxx, good to see you man
  10. I never really questioned your right. and who hasn't lived it? I just disagreed with you in more words than one is all. takes all kinds to make the world go round, calling me delusional because I can't foresee the future is not cool. I just let it ride out before I can pass any judgement or claim not only failure, but success. at this point, it's unknown and that pretty much is a fact.
  11. seems you can paint a bright future. prophesying has always intrigued me, not from a religious standpoint but in general. I see it quite often on a message board here and there. myself, I'll hold off on any judgement until one, the roster is set and two they have played 16 games.
  12. all this said before the draft and fa is done and the roster set? yeah, gotta be tank mode at OBD...smh
  13. it's the way of the business. seen it coming really, especially with williams. they may surprise some with replacements from the draft and fa? in this era it is best not to get too attached to any player and it is way too early to pass any real judgement on the moves (gilmore, woods) and really hoping aaron will retire.
  14. you post this like it's a fact when it's not. more of an agenda for you then anything else. seems when one who basically stated a fact he thought he would be gone, is the same poster who is stating they will be losing because they kept him. can only take such posts with a grain of salt, especially given the source...
  15. it's just too early to jump to conclusions. but it goes with the territory, a lot want to freak out about it in march. come september after the draft and fa has concluded then everyone will have a much clearer picture. give it time
  16. it was a big part of the defense last season. anyone that did not see it is in denial. as for replacing gilmore, this draft is heavy in defensive players and they still have fa. to cry fail at this early juncture is just that, crying. I'm sure his replacement could be found on this list. http://walterfootball.com/draft2017CB.php
  17. man, I hate seeing these players go and get rings...
  18. as bad a s bob seems to be, he nailed it when he said monday Barring any last minute snags announcement will be made public in next 48 hours...
  19. I laughed out loud. good thing I wasn't drinking coffee... sorry, I know you're serious
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