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Beef Jerky

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Everything posted by Beef Jerky

  1. Lol Gruden is a fluffy bunny with everyone on his show.
  2. Didn't I already say when it was being released?
  3. First world problems... Let's get the FBI to figure this out.
  4. No point for Whaley to get 2018 draft picks when he needs a stellar draft his year just to keep his job.
  5. Lol underdog... Almost every player is an "underdog" if they were picked past round 1-2
  6. Well then it would be called a 6th round pick..
  7. You don't even know the names of teams and yet you expect people to listen to your garbage?
  8. Omg will someone please care about the parks!!! Hahahahahahahaha fences do nothing.
  9. Not ridiculous... What was ridiculous was you going crazy when they tendered the two players and everything worked out.
  10. You would might as well call us the hopeless Browns then hahaha
  11. Very easily... We all must hope they screw ever pick up. Like when the Jets screwed up the draft when they had 12 picks. This is why "moneyball" in the NFL doesn't work, b.c no matter how many picks you have they could all be busts very easily.
  12. Why are average backups always peoples favorites...
  13. Funny when they tendered the two players people freaked out... now it looks like the best move.
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