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Everything posted by Berg

  1. I wouldn't mind PMs so much if it weren't for the obligatory Nazi references. You know, moderators are people too. I mean most of us are.
  2. With today's technology, threre is no such thing as a "missed" or "unreturned" call. If Tom D and Tom M don't answer, it is because they know who is calling and don't want to talk.
  3. You're right. That's probably all it is for most fans. Which makes most fans - including you - terrible judges of the performance of a GM.
  4. Well, you'd be wrong. True, but resolution is more desirable, and does not necessitate fighting. Not only no, but hell no. I don't know where you got this from, but I encourage you to read the latest copy of the National Military Strategy, which certainly does not propose extreme violence, nor should it. How many counter-examples would you like? I'll just give you one - GPS.
  5. I gave up on the institution of the church when I was about 16. So, I support your decision, although not necessarily your reasoning, but whatever works for you.
  6. Who are the participants, what are the rules, and winner take all what???
  7. There is no question in my mind that JP will struggle this year. The questions I have are how badly will he struggle, and how quickly will he learn and adapt. For as many accolades as Big Ben got last year, he struggled toward the end of the season. I think JP will be fine, but also that he will have many ups and downs this season. Hopefully more of the up variety, and enough to get the Bills to the playoffs. I have a feeling '05 will be much like '04 for the Bills - slow start, then a big push in the middle and they come up just short of the playoffs in the end.
  8. Just because something is true, doesn't mean it should be said. You're married, aren't you Boom???
  9. Historic euphemisms and cliches do not a belief system prove. And Idiots do live.
  10. When applied to today's understanding of the makeup of the universe, heliocentrism vs. geocentrism must refer to our solar system only. Outside of that closed system, too many other celestial bodies would have to be considered as well. And I suspect your ''guy" has no pseudo-intellectually honest intention of accepting anything as proof. The rest of your quotes are nonsequitur to your point. Also, please do a little research on the history of astronomy. Most of Gallileo's contributions to astronomy were built on Copernican theory (which he helped validate), and in conjunction with others such as Newton, Keppler and Brahe, formed the basis for what we still use as the mathmatical models for basic planetary motion. Gallileo's main contributions came from direct observations of planetary bodies using the telescope, rather than the tidal phenomena you mention. And of course he was threatened by the church with torture if he did not recant, and spent the last number of years of his life under house arrest because of his beliefs that contradicted the church's. One can quibble indefinitely about scientific fact vs. theory, but it becomes an exercise in futility with someone who's standard for accepting the validity of a theory traverses past reasonable and logical disagreement into a steadfast refusal to recognize an overwhelming preponderance of evidence.
  11. Even if it does, what is the negative effect of that? Some complaints by soldiers previously awarded the badge about the "good 'ol days"? So what? I say again I think this is a bunch of childish bull sh--. If this is all members of the Army have to worry about, either they are woefully under-tasked (not it), or significantly misguided.
  12. Maybe, but you're not the intended audience, which it has been quite successful on as a matter of fact. Stupid is as stupid does, so to speak.
  13. I put the padlocks on George AFB in Victorville back in Dec 1992. It was pretty brutal being on of the last 150 off the base, but from a BRAC perspective, it was the right move. So is the Niagara Falls decision.
  14. BTW, Tom, you've misunderstood the "Army of One" meaning.
  15. I agree with you, and honestly don't see what the fuss is about. Then again, I've never been one to give a sh-- who had what medals and why they might have gotten them. Pretty much akin to an "I love me wall", which I've never had nor ever really understood. All of my stuff is boxed up and in the crawl space of my house. But, for those who get bent about what stupid hat they wear or how colorful and heavy their breast pocket is, I guess it would be upsetting. Seems rather self-serving and inane to me, but what do I know. I'm in the Air Force...
  16. Your scenario has nothing to do with the First Amendment.
  17. Since when did the Roman Catholics ever proclaim to be compassionate conservatives? Your effort here is about as transparent as they come, even to an agnostic such as myself.
  18. You REALLY don't want me picking up a weapon...
  19. FYI, historically, 85% of the BRAC recommendations have been approved as is by the commission and subsequently implemented. Now, the statistical sample is small, but the process was set up to avoid long and expensive bargaining sessions by the legislators. We'll know by 1 Oct how well this BRAC did.
  20. Is offering an "olive branch" to an admittedly gay gym-frequenter some sort of euphemistic dating ritual? Sorry I'm not "up" on these things (no pun intended). Also, please capitalize the "B" in Berg, or I'll be offended.
  21. To say you are a one-trick pony, Rich, would be giving you undeserved credit for about 3/4 of a trick.
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