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Everything posted by Berg

  1. np just trying to add some levity to an emotional night. Just thought it was funny
  2. Look at the numbers from Cuyahoga.
  3. Kerry can win without Ohio. Bush can't.
  4. Until you look at which precincts have yet to report. Then you understand why Tom says what he says.
  5. So does that really happen to trained sled dogs? I have 2 Samoyeds I run with (almost) every morning, and sometimes they just about pull my arm out of the socket going after the !@#$ing lame-ass bastard little bunnies. I thought it was just because they aren't trained.
  6. I'm not convinced this tape is good for Bush. One could argue that it reminds people that 3 years later, UBL is still at large. I still think it is all perspective. Pro-Bush will perceive this opposite from pro-Kerry. Who know how "undecideds" if there are any, will perceive it.
  7. Although sometimes it's tough to discern due to complexity of Bills, I don't like Kerry's voting record in the Senate on military appropriations issues. I also think he will be much more suceptible to foreign influence in executing operations against terrorists. Subjectively, I think that's a negative. Lastly, he can't balance the budget and do all the other things he claims he's going to do both domestically and in foreign policy. Something will have to give, and I believe it will be things like NASA, Homeland Defense, and the Military (some of my top priorities). However, I may be the only person in the US that doesn't believe this crap about "the most important election of our lifetime". I really don't think things will be significantly different no matter who is President (between these two).
  8. Checkout the Mortgage Professor. The site has a lot of great advice for both home buying and mortgage shopping.
  9. I'm surprised at you, Ed. Don't you remember that ICE left? Like 100 times?
  10. Ooops. I made notes to myself from classified documents at the national archives, and accidentally carried them out in my underwear. No biggie. I'm really sorry.
  11. Yes. Now Al Quaida is using coconuts with strings between them...
  12. That article has so many blatant errors I don't even know where to start. Yes I do, someone should look up the definition of "enlist". Worthless reporting.
  13. Ready Reservists do not regularly participate or "drill", but are still subject to callup. Selected Reservists are those that do participate regularly in drills. Berg
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