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Everything posted by Berg

  1. I'm disappointed that it's December and they still haven't passed a Defense Appropriations Bill for FY 2006.
  2. LOL! Ah yes I forgot about his alias. The biggest jacka$$ I have ever seen on this board. But that's just me.
  3. If any of you remember Creemore Drinker from the main board, I think he lasted less than one day after being reinstated. Some people just don't get it.
  4. Trying harder than ever?? The play calling will be really good?? Are you saying that prior to this, they were not trying their best? And they have some "really good" game plan that they only bring out when they think they are about to be fired?? Really, I don't understand how you've come up with this
  5. I didn't know it was possible for a man to be against porn.
  6. BTW Debbie you need to figure out how to actually make a link work. Would strengthen your point a bit. Naw actually it wouldn't.
  7. No it isn't. But I'm sure given a little time, the new DNI will fix everything...
  8. Forget it, you can't adequately explain it to someone who hasn't worked in the SCI environment.
  9. I've only been there once, but I thought Washington State was OK. You could always move back to Texas.
  10. And then wouldn't we be able to find it easier? You know, 'cuz we could see it through the glass. Oh nevermind.
  11. Pottery Barn will replace it or refund your money.
  12. I said almost, but that's not the opposite anyway
  13. Pottery Barn has nothing remotely close to this kind of policy. Almost exactly the opposite, in fact.
  14. The State Department has control over the export of anything considered a defense article or service through the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Despite the name, it covers some general technologies and services that some would find surprising. Also, the government (FTC?) has to approve any sale of a US business to a foriegn entity. I know there are some restrictions on general technologies and intelectual property export as well, but I'm not familiar with them.
  15. President Clinton directed SA/AS be disabled in 2000, effectively eliminating the difference between the civilian and military accuracy, as long as the receiver uses both L1 and L2.
  16. GPS offers those with the proper user equipment a NAV solution, plain and simple. How that is used is up to the, well, user. And yes it is global, so the problem with "out in the middle of nowhere" is LOS, just like in a city. Very few "enterprise grade" applications require true real-time data, which is why most don't get it. It is not worth the extra expense to go farther than near real-time. But those that want it can and do have it. Plus, I would expect this application would have access to whatever equipment they needed - some that is not generally available to the public. BTW, I should mention that I worked in the GPS Joint Program Office for 9 years (4 Active Duty, 5 Reserve).
  17. Despite your introduction of the term "real-time", which was not in your original post, the answer remains the same. WAAS and DGPS (and others) for location and the multitude of ground systems/networks used for transmitting the data, such as those provided by ARINC and a bunch of others. And yes I would consider anything less than 22m horizontal error for SIS an "exact" location for tracking a person, and that is only the stated GPS SPS "worst case" accuracy. Not the significantly better performance generated by the systems I mentioned. As an aside, the GPS system accuracy itself improves every year, and has been significantly better than the 22m spec value for awhile now. Like I said, the technology for this purpose is available right now. You need to think about what the ultimate goal here is and not the limitations of each individual component of the system, which can be easily overcome.
  18. It's been possible for awhile to pinpoint someone's exact location using GPS.
  19. This doesn't apply to Acitve Duty (yet) so it wouldn't affect the draft age. However, I would be shocked if any sort of draft were instituted any time soon. The government will just keep increasing bonuses and benefits to meet goals. This is not the first time the military has had recruiting issues nor is it the worst, but if you read mainstream press you'd think so. Kind of like when they jumped all over stop loss, which has been around forever and used frequently like during Gulf I.
  20. FYI, this article is wrong. The age increase only applies to Reserves and National Guard, not to Active Duty.
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